Jill Fales (1st Place)
Congratulations to Jill Fales who received the most votes with her “My Gutsy Story” about taking her kids on the Great American field trip, an educational road trip across the U.S. Jill writes a weekly column in the Newport Beach Independent called Mom’s Voice and with her large fan base, Jill received 74 votes in total, which amounted to 40% of the total.
Congratulations to Rhonda Hayes. Rhonda’s “My Gutsy Story” was the first one submitted for the contest, and Rhonda’s story was so moving and inspiring to all of us. She received 59 votes. or 32% of the total. Rhonda is writing a memoir, so for all you readers interested in memoirs, please check out her website.
Congratulations to Karen van der Zee for her humorous “My Gutsy Story” about her wedding in Kenya. Karen has published numerous romance novels and is now focusing on her travel stories from around the world. She writes a blog called, “Life in the Expat Lane” which is packed with vignettes from her life all over the place, and now lives in Moldova. Don’t know where Moldova is? Find out on her blog.
Nikki Ah Wong (Honorable mention) came in 4th, and has an inspiring “My Gutsy Story” about adventure in mid-life. Check out her new book, “Housesitting in Australia.” I just downloaded it and find it fascinating that housesitting can be an alternative to renting, if planned correctly.
Lauri Kubuitsile (Honorable mention) came in 5th. Lauri wrote an amazing “My Gutsy Story” of courage and how she ended up taking charge of her own life at sixteen. Lauri is an award winning author from Botswana. You can find out more about her on her blog: Thoughts from Botswana.
Thank you to these 5 amazing “My Gutsy Story” writers.
This month, since the holidays are coming up, I have decided that there are TWO WINNERS:
1). Jill Fales
2). Rhonda Hayes
Jill gets to pick the prize from our sponsors first, and I shall let you know what she selected on Monday, December 19th’s post.
Rhonda gets to select her prize after Jill, and I shall let you know too, on Monday December 19th.
Please continue submitting your “My Gutsy Story” for December.
We keep adding new sponsors all the time:
1). Angela Ackerman has kindly offered two choices: a first chapter critique or a blog consultation (offer my expertise of the blog layout, content, etc and offer advice on tweaking it to improve, draw in visitors, increase visibility, etc). Winner can choose which would benefit them more. Angela and Becca have put together the most helpful blog for writers called The Bookshelf Muse. Check out their emotional thesaurus, weather thesaurus and so much more to help writers.
2). Peet’s Ccffee and Tea, gift card and basket. I am a huge fan of Peet’s coffee, as some of you may know from my previous posts. If you are a writer, you probably drink coffee or tea and all my local Peet’s, see me every day. Details of their prize will come later.
If you wish to submit your own “My Gutsy Story” please check out guidelines here.
Also our December 2011 contest started with Muriel Demarcus story on Monday December 5th. You can read her wonderful, “My Gutsy Story.”
Richard Potter wrote our second December story on December 12th. You can read his inspiring “My Gutsy Story.”
The December votes start on January 1st until January 11th, with results for December contest winner announced on January 12th, 2012.
Sonia Marsh says
I wish to thank all of you for participating and to those who are submitting their stories. Thanks for sharing with all of us. Sonia.
Lady Fi says
Congratulations to everyone – each story was moving in its own way!
Lady Fi recently posted..Happily ever after
Bob Lowry says
This was a tremendous series, Sonia. I read every story and found them all fascinating. Too many folks settle for ordinary when “gutsy” is so much more fulfilling.
Great idea…can’t wait to see what you will do next.
Bob Lowry recently posted..Retirement Help and Personalized Advice
Richard says
Congrats to the winners (which is all of you who submitted your stories).
PS Please return and vote in January!
Richard recently posted..Joy To The World
Sonia Marsh says
Richard, I’m sure everyone will come back and I thank you for your enthusiasm and your fantastic, “My Gutsy Story.”
Sonia Marsh says
Thanks Bob. I was wondering if you read some. I’m glad you enjoyed them. Hope you voted too.
Maggie says
Congratulations everybody for the amazing stories all of which I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading and well done to Sonia, too, for hosting this very colourful and inspiring event.
Sonia Marsh says
Thanks Maggie. This contest is ongoing, as long as everyone is interested in submitting their fascinating stories. How is life in Australia right now after the U.K? Wish I could visit.
Jill Fales says
Thank you so much Sonia for organizing this contest. Thank you to everyone who voted for me. Truth is, I my biggest prize was feeling a sense of inspiration and kinship with the women who shared their stories. I know we are all so far apart but in my minds eye I was thinking of how wonderful it would be to have a Gutsy Living dinner and spend an evening with Rhonda, Nikki, Laurie, Karen, and of course you too Sonia. All my sisters in silencing the voice that says “You can’t do that…”
Thank you!
Jill Fales recently posted..A Lucky Feeling
Jill Fales says
oops, sorry about the typo…
Jill Fales recently posted..A Lucky Feeling
Sonia Marsh says
What a fabulous idea. I would love to meet all these wonderful ladies too. Perhaps in the future, I can get airlines to sponsor a flight for Lauri from Botswana, and Nikki from Australia or New Zealand, (she keeps hopping back and forth) and Karen, who now lives in Moldova, but comes back to the East coast of the U.S., once in a while. ANY SUGGESTIONS are appreciated.
Rhonda Hayes says
A big congratulations to Jill and all of us who were gutsy enough to share our stories.
I know some wonderful writers who are shy about sharing their work. Myself included. Sonia, you helped me come a little bit more out of my own shell. For that, I thank you!
A dinner meeting? Oh yes! That’s a great idea Jill.
Sonia Marsh says
I am so happy to hear that this may be helping writers to share a little more. What a wonderful gift for all of us, including me. Thanks Rhonda. We don’t live that far from one another, nor Jill, so that’s a possibility. What about Lauri, Nikki and Karen?
Muriel says
Congratulations to all the participants! I find this series inspiring and uplifting!
Muriel recently posted..Party Time
Sonia Marsh says
Thanks Muriel. Your turn in January for the poll.