Dreaming you're pregnant symbolizes growth or development in an aspect of your personal life, maybe one you are not ready to talk about or admit consciously. Such a dream may also symbolize the birth of a new idea, project, or goal.
Dreaming you're giving birth symbolizes giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents new beginnings.
Elizabeth Bradleysays
You were giving birth to your "new life". I take this dream as a good omen for your future.
I just say, get rid of those cracked Formica counters, asap, but then I'm a designer and allergic to Formica. lol.
What a vivid dream… makes a good short story. I'm 50 and my kids are only 8 and 6.5 yrs, so no me time for me.. and no dreams of pregnancy as my hands are already full!
I loved your story: moving and funny!
Lady Glamissays
Oh my goodness! That's a frightening but beautiful dream. I've heard of women actually giving birth in their 50s, but I haven't much about dreams in that regard.
I'm willing to guess that your dream means giving birth to something new and frightening and exciting and beautiful. Whatever that may be…
Please keep us updated. I'm excited to see what other people say here.
Marcia Dreamsays
Pregnancy in a dream can represent a change in your life, something new that is happening in your life, possibly something that needs to be nurtured.
You can have pregnancy dreams at any time in your life. Men as well as women dream about being pregnant.
Dreaming of pregnancy might be pregnancy symptoms… mind you, Sonia!! You are an excellent speaker in the camera. Just a rising star of TV. Have a great day my dear.
I think a vivid dream can be like a gift – welcome or unwelcome, and unsolicited. I had a similar dream of having a baby a few years ago, right around menopause. I don't attach meaning to it – it was fun because it wasn't reality and because I just love babies anyways.
Daisy Soap Girlsays
I also think it's related to your move and starting a new life. The baby looks at you and smiles and wants you to love her may be a message for you to enjoy your new life. I think you'll be very happy there.
I had a dream where I was walking down the street with two friends and different colored flower petals were lightly falling from the sky like rain. I don't know what that means.
I loved this video! You are an awesome writer Sonia..You really caught my attention with the title! I have very vivid dreams too, my friends and I analyze them in e-mails. Maybe menopause is the reason for them? I think your dream was a way for you to let go of grief that may have been following you about your daughter that wasnt to be. In your writing, I visualized her letting you know she was ok and you will see her again. I love peaceful dreams where someone you havent thought about come to you and then leave, touching your spirit. Maybe because you had the dream about moving from California, (where you lost the pregnancy) you feel like you are abandoning her spirit? She tells you to go..You are ready for a change. I also think you are thinking about the women you have come across in 3rd world countries, who have no choices and sometimes are in denial about their pregnancies. Maybe you are having some grief for them?
Your really know how to write an attention-grabbing headline, Sonia. Good one. I like these vlog entries. You inspire me to try it sometime. How about doing a post that gives step-by-step directions? I'll bet it would get lots of hits!
Midlife Jobhuntersays
I'm so glad that was a dream. I read your title and started shaking.
Hope the dream definers are correct and this the beginning a new adventure.
Yep, Sonia, you are 'pregnant" with anticipation of moving to your Naples home in the near future.
The excitement, mixed with menopause, and blended with questions still buzzing in your mind, have made you into a Dream Girl!
I've never experienced your kind of dream[though I've had some real interesting "stranger-danger" ones…heh-heh].
Your unusual dream is a way of working out the uncertainties which question your waking moments.
Thank goodness, it was a dream! I'm so happy for your "new baby"–your Naples acquisition. What color are you painting the home? Pink or blue?!!
I can't wait to have you as a relatively close neighbor–Cheers!
I meant to say that I thought your video was very well done. Your dream story was eerily real to me.
Lauri Kubuitsilesays
I know nothing about dreams, though I loved hearing about yours. I loved the video though. It's like you're sitting here in my house in Botswana. FUN!!
Robert the Skepticsays
As conscious beings we continuously look for "meaning" in most of what we experience. Our brains operate quite autonomously; we apply our conscious thought processes to manage our thinking. All quite normal.
During sleep, our consciousness and our bodies sleep, but the brain remains active. Without the consciousness to keep everything rational and in order, sleep allows our brain free reign to explore, experiment and experience. Many truly creative people have made wonderful discoveries while dreaming.
You can attempt to apply meaning to what you dreamt, or you can simply enjoy the free and creative story your mind wove together as the wonderful experience that it is.
Jungle Momsays
I had a hysterectomy just before Christmas and since the surgery have awakened a few times with a deep sense of loss. It is not a logical loss as I have no desire for another child. My youngest is 15! I suppose I am mourning the loss of being capable of bearing a child. I wonder if any one else has had this experience after a hysterectomy?
That isn't a dream it's a nightmare! I know there are many other takes on the meaning of "new life" but man, that one would have this farm chick in a hot flash so fast my head would spin! Heeheehe!
Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day with many negative sign on the pregnancy stick!
I thought I had left a comment before on this post, but it must have gone off into dreamland somewhere. I like the idea of your dream being about new beginnings. This one as reality would have been not so dreamlike.
Dreaming you're pregnant symbolizes growth or development in an aspect of your personal life, maybe one you are not ready to talk about or admit consciously. Such a dream may also symbolize the birth of a new idea, project, or goal.
Dreaming you're giving birth symbolizes giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents new beginnings.
You were giving birth to your "new life". I take this dream as a good omen for your future.
I just say, get rid of those cracked Formica counters, asap, but then I'm a designer and allergic to Formica. lol.
What a vivid dream… makes a good short story. I'm 50 and my kids are only 8 and 6.5 yrs, so no me time for me.. and no dreams of pregnancy as my hands are already full!
I loved your story: moving and funny!
Oh my goodness! That's a frightening but beautiful dream. I've heard of women actually giving birth in their 50s, but I haven't much about dreams in that regard.
I'm willing to guess that your dream means giving birth to something new and frightening and exciting and beautiful. Whatever that may be…
Please keep us updated. I'm excited to see what other people say here.
Pregnancy in a dream can represent a change in your life, something new that is happening in your life, possibly something that needs to be nurtured.
You can have pregnancy dreams at any time in your life. Men as well as women dream about being pregnant.
There is more information about pregnancy dreams at http://www.meaningofdreams.org/dream_themes/pregnancydreams.htm
Dreaming of pregnancy might be pregnancy symptoms… mind you, Sonia!! You are an excellent speaker in the camera. Just a rising star of TV. Have a great day my dear.
I think a vivid dream can be like a gift – welcome or unwelcome, and unsolicited. I had a similar dream of having a baby a few years ago, right around menopause. I don't attach meaning to it – it was fun because it wasn't reality and because I just love babies anyways.
I also think it's related to your move and starting a new life. The baby looks at you and smiles and wants you to love her may be a message for you to enjoy your new life. I think you'll be very happy there.
I had a dream where I was walking down the street with two friends and different colored flower petals were lightly falling from the sky like rain. I don't know what that means.
I loved this video! You are an awesome writer Sonia..You really caught my attention with the title! I have very vivid dreams too, my friends and I analyze them in e-mails. Maybe menopause is the reason for them?
I think your dream was a way for you to let go of grief that may have been following you about your daughter that wasnt to be. In your writing, I visualized her letting you know she was ok and you will see her again. I love peaceful dreams where someone you havent thought about come to you and then leave, touching your spirit.
Maybe because you had the dream about moving from California, (where you lost the pregnancy) you feel like you are abandoning her spirit? She tells you to go..You are ready for a change.
I also think you are thinking about the women you have come across in 3rd world countries, who have no choices and sometimes are in denial about their pregnancies. Maybe you are having some grief for them?
Your really know how to write an attention-grabbing headline, Sonia. Good one. I like these vlog entries. You inspire me to try it sometime. How about doing a post that gives step-by-step directions? I'll bet it would get lots of hits!
I'm so glad that was a dream. I read your title and started shaking.
Hope the dream definers are correct and this the beginning a new adventure.
Yep, Sonia, you are 'pregnant" with anticipation of moving to your Naples home in the near future.
The excitement, mixed with menopause, and blended with questions still buzzing in your mind, have made you into a Dream Girl!
I've never experienced your kind of dream[though I've had some real interesting "stranger-danger" ones…heh-heh].
Your unusual dream is a way of working out the uncertainties which question your waking moments.
Thank goodness, it was a dream! I'm so happy for your "new baby"–your Naples acquisition.
What color are you painting the home? Pink or blue?!!
I can't wait to have you as a relatively close neighbor–Cheers!
I meant to say that I thought your video was very well done. Your dream story was eerily real to me.
I know nothing about dreams, though I loved hearing about yours. I loved the video though. It's like you're sitting here in my house in Botswana. FUN!!
As conscious beings we continuously look for "meaning" in most of what we experience. Our brains operate quite autonomously; we apply our conscious thought processes to manage our thinking. All quite normal.
During sleep, our consciousness and our bodies sleep, but the brain remains active. Without the consciousness to keep everything rational and in order, sleep allows our brain free reign to explore, experiment and experience. Many truly creative people have made wonderful discoveries while dreaming.
You can attempt to apply meaning to what you dreamt, or you can simply enjoy the free and creative story your mind wove together as the wonderful experience that it is.
I had a hysterectomy just before Christmas and since the surgery have awakened a few times with a deep sense of loss. It is not a logical loss as I have no desire for another child. My youngest is 15! I suppose I am mourning the loss of being capable of bearing a child. I wonder if any one else has had this experience after a hysterectomy?
That isn't a dream it's a nightmare!
I know there are many other takes on the meaning of "new life" but man, that one would have this farm chick in a hot flash so fast my head would spin! Heeheehe!
Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day with many negative sign on the pregnancy stick!
I thought I had left a comment before on this post, but it must have gone off into dreamland somewhere. I like the idea of your dream being about new beginnings. This one as reality would have been not so dreamlike.