What would you be doing if no one was stopping you?
Go tell the world.
I love this question as it allows us to open our minds and brainstorm about what we truly want in our future. The next step is to create opportunities and make things happen.
I believe 2014 is the year to create new opportunities for ourselves.
- What does this mean?
To me this means asking for what you’d like to have happen, rather than wishing for it to happen.
In other words, it means being gutsy and not waiting for that perfect moment when you think you’ll be smarter, more experienced or more confident.
- That moment is now
As Ann marie Houghtailing says in her book, How I Created a Dollar Out of Thin Air,
“You might as well be waiting for Santa or the muse to show up. I prefer to create instead of wait.”
Yes it does take guts to ask people for help, or for what you want, but as long as you’re asking from “a place of worthiness and decency,” and not arrogance, this is how you’ll create your opportunities.
“Those who create opportunities insist that obstacles are opportunities disguised.” —Ann marie Houghtailing
Success depends on your attitude. If you feel that you’re not capable of doing something, then you’re probably right. Do you think an athlete motivates herself to win a race by stating, “There’s no way I can run fast enough to win this race?”
This does not mean you will not face challenges, setbacks and problems like everyone else. Your attitude will make you see things in a different way. Look at obstacles as part of life. Look at solving them and know that there is always a solution. Sometimes you just need to ask.
Here are some examples of obstacles I’ve faced, and how I’ve overcome them.
- I was unsure of my brand as “Gutsy Writer” and knew I wanted to expand it to “Gutsy Living.” I asked my social media/blogger friend, Marcie Taylor, to have lunch with me. She helped me with the concept of starting the “My Gutsy Story®” series on my blog.
- I needed help when I started my own indie publishing company, so instead of hiring someone, I decided to start my own FaceBook group, “Gutsy Indie Publishers.” The goal was to help one another with our indie publishing questions, and today we have 436 members who are eager to ask and answer questions.
- I decided it would be cool to organize my own book signing at Costco, I asked to speak to the manager and he “yes,” and helped me get an event set up.
- After several years of listening to a radio show called Writers on Writing, I asked the host, Barbara De Marco Barrett, to have a show with indie authors. She agreed to invite 3 indie authors, including me, on January 2nd, 2013.
Sometimes we reach a point when we have so many ideas swirling around that we feel uncertain as to which direction to proceed. We question which is the right choice; we are advised to make specific goals plan for the New Year, we fear taking the wrong path, so we procrastinate. I know this is where I am right now.
I’m asking for your help please.
- What should I focus on that would interest you?
- Where would you like to see Gutsy Living going in 2014?
Do you have a “My Gutsy Story®” you’d like to share?
Click on cover to go to Amazon
Would you like to submit your “My Gutsy Story®” and get published in our 2nd anthology?
Please see guidelines below and contact Sonia Marsh at: sonia@soniamarsh.com for details.
You can find all the information, and our new sponsors on the “My Gutsy Story®” contest page. (VIDEO) Submission guidelines here
VOTING for your favorite December 2013 stories starts on January 2nd, 2014, and ends on January 15th. The WINNER is announced on January 16th. Please check out all our December stories with Marian Beaman and Fee Johnson, Ian Mathie, Jessica O’Gorek and Laurie Buchanan, sharing their “My Gutsy Story®.”
Victoria Noe says
Sonia, I believe a lot of people – particularly women – still struggle with the whole idea of asking for what we want. We see that simple act as selfish. But, as you point out, as long as it’s not done with arrogance, it’s not selfish. It’s necessary.
The single most important thing I’ve done in this still relatively new writing career is to be willing to ask. That means I have to be willing to be embarrassed. I have to be willing to be turned down (at least the first time I ask). What’s the worst thing that can happen? The answer will be no. That doesn’t mean what you’re asking for is ridiculous; it just means that person can’t help. Then you don’t give up. You just look for help elsewhere.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the responses I’ve received, particularly in the past year: much more positive than negative. That’s not to say I haven’t been discouraged. But all in all, I have few regrets.
Victoria Noe recently posted..This Year – and Next – in Friend Grief
Sonia Marsh says
I listened to a young guy speak at a conference about rejection. He said he’d been rejected for a job he really wanted, so guess what he did? He decided to go out there and ask people for the weirdest things, like, “Hi, I’d like to use your backyard to practice my soccer skills, is that OK?” or when he purchased donuts, he asked if he could have donuts with different colors like the Olympic rings, and not one person said “NO” to him, out of 100 requests. So that really motivated me to keep going. Glad to hear you’re on that path as well Viki.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..What would you be doing if no one was stopping you?
Lady Fi says
I’d love to do more travelling… Your post has inspired me!
Lady Fi recently posted..Waters of wonder
Sonia Marsh/Gutsy Living says
Ladyfi. Which countries in particular?
Sonia Marsh/Gutsy Living recently posted..Vote For Your Favorite December 2013 “My Gutsy Story®”