From February 2nd until February 14th midnight, PST, you can vote for your favorite January 2012, “My Gutsy Story.”
To VOTE, please go to the poll on the right side of this post. You will find it on the sidebar listing the names of all 5 “My Gutsy Story,” authors.
Here are the 5 stories. Only ONE vote per person.
1). Lois Joy Hofmann
2). Dodie Cross
3). Sara Padilla
5). Kenneth Weene
The winner will be announced on February 16th. Winner gets to pick their prize from our 9 sponsors.
Good Luck to all of you. Your stories are amazing and inspiring. HELP your fellow writers out by clicking on the SHARE links below.
Next Monday February 6th, we have a wonderful new “My Gutsy Story.” If you wish to submit your own, please check out the guidelines and sponsors on our “My Gutsy Story” contest page.
I’ll share My Gutsy Project, which I’m doing with my husband next Thursday , February 9th on my blog. Please come back and see.
Sonia Marsh says
Thanks for the five great stories in January 2012. Please vote for your favorite and share with your friends, so they can read them and vote too. Thanks.
doreen18 says
Well, I want Lois Joy Hoffman, She looks beautiful well being”)>.
doreen18 recently posted..white card QLD
Sonia Marsh says
Hi Doreen,
Thanks for voting. I hope you clicked on Lois Joy Hofmann’s link on the sidebar to vote for her.
Bob Lowry says
I am a former scuba diver, so I vote for Dodie Cross who overcame her fears. Good for her.
Bob Lowry recently posted..What the Recession has Meant to My Retirement Lifestyle
Sonia Marsh says
So glad you stopped by to vote. Thanks.
BLOGitse says
I wish all the best to all your gutsy story writes!
BLOGitse recently posted..a cell in Katajanokka and other pictures from Helsinki
Sonia Marsh says
Thanks BLOGitse. Need a photography contest next so you can participate.
Stephanie says
They’re all amazing people and it’s a hard choice, but I’m going to vote for Ken.
Stephanie recently posted..Le Grand Froid à la Ferme i.e. It’s Freezing at Les Fragnes!
Sonia Marsh says
I just want to make sure you clicked on Ken’s link on the sidebar.
Melissa Adams says
Hey Sonia,
I know this is a gutsy question, but what about my 1/26 post about couchsurfing? As a host with chutzpah, a 5-star couch and successful history of surfing couches in Jerusalem, Vienna and Paris, don’t I qualify as a Gutsy January candidate?
P.S. Loved the time we spent together in SoCal; hope to see you on this side of the pond soon!
Catherine says
I think I should vote for Ken..Nice sharing of post all of them are really nice people..
Catherine recently panels on houses
Catherine says
Great sharing of post..I really much appreciate it..Looking forward to read more blogs..
Catherine recently posted..hojo motor download
Gwendolyn says
Looking forward to participate in this contest..Sound s great..Keep on sharing this post to us..
Gwendolyn recently to improve eye vision
Ms.Diel says
I hope you can post some more in order that many of us will continue be inspired to those whop are doing great in our society.. They are the model who brings goodness in behalf of all…
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