How I Chose Passion Over Fear and Sailed the World
How many people do you know who have actually made their dream come true—their dream based on passion and desire, not practicality or career advancement. It could be a dream of anything from travel to weight loss, from a new career to a new relationship. It starts with, “I’ve always wanted to . . .” and often ends with, “It’s just not practical,” or “Maybe someday.” At what point do we say, “Someday is here!”?
Reaching a new goal often means letting go of something, but would you give up a secure business career for your passion? What if you had spent the last 20 years building a highly visible company with a stellar reputation, loyal clients, and a steady flow of business, and you were surrounded by friends and family who admired your achievements and your perfect career? Could you walk away from all that to pursue a dream?
I did—or rather, I sailed away. I traded it all for the opportunity to make my lifelong dream of sailing around the world come true. And though some called me crazy at the time, I’m happy with my choice of seeing the world during six years of adventure on the high seas. Though I now drive a Honda rather than an Audi, fly coach rather than first-class, and live in an apartment rather than a house, I feel as though I’m the richest man in the world, because I’ve lived my dream.
Perhaps you’re a high-tech executive who’s a master pastry chef at home, and you’ve always wanted to open a bakery. Would you be willing to bake late into the night, spend your mornings serving fresh croissants, and pour your earnings back into the business? Or perhaps you’re a sales manager who takes writing classes at night because you’ve always wanted to write a great novel while living in a country village in Italy. There goes your chance to be V.P. of sales, as you spend your evenings developing characters rather than staying late at the office. In the end, you get to decide what you’re willing to sacrifice. Andre Gide said, “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
Fear of what a change might bring is one of the main reasons many people never let go, and so miss the opportunity to become something different and transform their lives. It’s a double-edged sword, facing the anxiety of walking away from the old while embracing moving into fear of the new. Even if your dream is just to get back into shape, the fear of failing may prevent you from trying. Take to heart the words of Gen. George Patton: “There is a time to take counsel of your fears, and there is a time to never listen to any fear.” Let your passion guide you. Don’t let the weight of the past or fear of the unknown get in the way of your vision. And realize that it’s not only fear and apprehension that prevent us from doing great things. Often, the good in our lives is what gets in the way. Many of us have a home, partner, family, career, and income—and who would watch the cat if I traveled to Europe for a year? Why risk the comforts and joys of our lives for a chance at a dream? Because, as Dale Carnegie said, “Take a chance! All life is a chance. The person who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.”
You have to be the one who makes your dreams come true, and nothing happens without action. Make your decisions, make your plan, and then take the first step. If you make no choice, you’re only fooling yourself. No decision is a decision.
I’ll admit that my own decision-making process was a scary mixture of excitement and cold feet. I reached the choice to leave my secure life when there was no more information to help me decide one way or the other. The fanfare and cheering crowds never materialized as in my dream. There was no line to cross that made it official. It was simply time to go. But I remembered that, as Emerson correctly said, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”
Was I brave, blind, or foolish? No, I was driven by passion. Yes, I was choosing an extreme change of course in my life, but I was drawn to it with a pull I couldn’t resist. And though I had been sailing nearly all my life, I wasn’t prepared for the magnitude of the challenges and fear that would come with sailing around the world. Still, passion trumped fear. It can for you too.
I untied my dock lines and followed my heart. What I hope you glean from my experience is that it’s possible to follow your passion and make your dream come true. Don’t wait for someday. Address your fears, make your plan, and take the first step. Untie your lines—whatever they may be—and go!
(This story was originally published in Forbes, with written permission by the author)
Larry Jacobson, a California native, is a motivational speaker, executive coach, and sales trainer. His circumnavigation is documented in his book The Boy Behind the Gate: How His Dream of Sailing Around the World Became a Six-Year Odyssey of Adventure, Fear, Discovery, and Love. For a free download of the first chapter, go to and sign up for his mailing list. Larry welcomes new friends, colleagues, and feedback at:
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Larry in March 2011 at the Newport Beach, California, library when his book The Boy Behind the Gate, first came out. You can see a short video and our interview Want to quit your job and travel around the world?
Larry Jacobson is the real deal. He is the perfect example of someone who follows his passion and puts fear to the side. I’ve heard him speak and watched the reaction of those listening to him. He truly inspires and motivates people to follow their dreams. Please post your questions and comments below for Larry. he’ll be over to respond.
Do you have a “My Gutsy Story”?
To submit your own, “My Gutsy Story” you can find all the information, and our sponsors on the “My Gutsy Story” contest page. (VIDEO) Submission guidelines here.
Please vote for your favorite January “My Gutsy Story” You can read all five here. The winner will be announced on Thursday, February 16th.
Please share the “My Gutsy Story” series with others on Twitter using the #MyGutsyStory. Thank you.
Wow – so inspiring! Larry really IS the real deal!
Lady Fi recently posted..The old mill
Hello M’lady and thank you for the lovely compliment. I do like to think that any credibility that I have comes from actually having the experience of actually achieving my goals. More importantly though is that everybody is the real deal…in so many different walks of life.
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
What I enjoyed most about your gutsy story, Larry, was your passion for, not just the trip itself but, more so,for the decision to jump into your dream. I visited the interview that you had with Sonia and just delighted at the animation in your voice!For sure, your book is on my list to read.
Emerson said, “Once you make a decision the universe conspires to make it happen.” Once I decided to leave everything behind and go for it, it was like being on a runaway train. There was no stopping the process. I believe one of the more difficult aspects of life is not having the passion to drive a dream like I had. Thus, it’s important for everybody to define and develop their dreams. In my case, it’s time to move onto the next dream which happens to be helping others do just that.
And regarding that interview…ewww, I think I look fat and the shirt is too pale! LOL
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
i love reading about people who have sailed around the world – particularly women, like tania aebi (but larry’s is a great story!) i would love to do this someday, but not solo!
Amanda recently posted..Goddesses in the Dirt: Plastered Women
Hi Amanda,
I think you’ll enjoy my story even though I’m not a woman. And I’m certainly in touch with my female side…LOL!
I agree with you, would never have wanted to go alone…the dream was always to have my partner with me. I think you’ll like the love story part of the book 🙂
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
Larry, Although I sailed with you in the South Pacific, own your book, and know your story, I am happy to see it posted here. Good luck! You ARE Gutsy!
Lois Joy Hofmann, Author, Photographer, Adventurer, and Circumnavigator.
HI Lois, thanks for the compliment from one gutsy person to another! (and, I believe we had to both be a bit nuts too)!
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
I really love the story here! keep inspiring a lot of people…
Bhling recently posted..Bedok Residences
HI Bhling,
Thank you for the encouragement. I like inspiring others to achieve their dreams…no matter how big or small!
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
Hello Larry!
I love the title of your blog. This is very true “Chose Passion Over Fear and Sailed the World”. In order to reach our dreams and goals in life, we should set aside all our fears. We should take the risk. There is no wrong in failing, at least you have tried.
Maegan recently posted..Forex Capital Markets Plano
HI Maegan,
“Take a chance! All life is a chance. The person who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The “sure thing” boat never gets far from shore.”
Dale Carnegie
Thanks for writing!
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
It is always inspiring to read stories like yours, because you gave up pretty much everything to follow your bliss, and that is very scary for many people!
I read, possibly in one of Deepak Chopra’s books, that we are all trapped in a prison of our own making. The prison being the limitations and boundaries we have accepted for ourselves. Obviously only we ourselves can break them down.
You broke free big time! Great story, and I admire your courage.
Hi Miss Footloose,
Once I learned to recognize fear, it was much easier to break down the walls standing in my way. I learned to use fears (which are indeed prisons of our own making) to my advantage. The fear sharpens our senses, makes us more alert, and provides a strength that comes from deep down inside.
Thanks for your comments.
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
I love the post you have shared us here Larry…I agree that this is very inspiring…
Tinna recently posted..Workout Routines for Men: Reason for your fitness!
Thank you Tinna,
Now it’s time for me to get inspired by your muscle building site!
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
Here is a rich man indeed. Gutsy, brave and happy….what could be better??
Winsomebella recently posted..On the Road to the Top of the World
HI Winsomebella,
Thanks for your comment. Loved your post yesterday…I guess what’s missing is the companionship of a dog! LOL. I do strive to live my life with love, laughter, and passion and I find those three elements provide most of what I need to smile.
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
Love that you state, “You have to be the one to make your dreams come true” and “Don’t let anything get in the way of your vision.” Your whole story is filled with such motivating statements and quotes, that while I read it, I could feel my adventurous self stir inside, making me to ask myself, “What’s next?”
You took a tremendous leap of faith when you gave up everything to follow your dream. might call you crazy, but your. experiences in those six years traveling around the world left you with memories that will enrich the rest of your life.
I can relate to what you write. All my life I was adventurous and took chances. Some paid off and some were disastrous. But I wouldn’t have lived my life any other way. I still expect to explore new paths and find that new adventures lie ahead for me. As, I’m certain, they do for you.
Penelope J. recently posted..Never Give Up on Your Dream
Hi Penelope,
As one risk-taker to another, we both know that it is merely the sum of these risks that make our lives interesting, exciting, scary, and happy. I love that you are continuing to write. Why not publish the books you have already written (and not printed…as I read on your blog) on Kindle? It’s free and easy to do.
Our type of personality always has to keep asking, “What’s next?” and I love that you continue to do so.
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
I’m impressed that you took the time to look at my blog. Thanks for the recommendation. Actually, I’m starting the self-publishing process for “Don’t Hang Up!” and I have some good leads for my fiction book when I finish revising it.
Penelope J recently posted..Never Give Up on Your Dream
Hi Penelope,
(do I call you Pen?). I recommend reading Joel Friedlander’s site for lots of self publishing info. And you can start on his site with this article of mine, 8 Keys to Self Publishing Success.
Best of luck,
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
Thanks, Larry, for this helpful link. Enjoyed learning about your journey to self-publication. An insightful assessment of how this works.
Congrats on your well-deserved Amazon stats.
My friends call me Pennie.
Penelope J. recently posted..Never Give Up on Your Dream
Thanks for sharing your inspiring story Larry..I learn a lot of things..
Catherine recently panels
HI Catherine,
You’re welcome. It’s always a fine line between wanting to share and not wanting to push my views on others. But I believe there’s a lot to be learned from my “having done it.”
I appreciate your comment
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
Hello Larry Jacobson, I think the book you have written is so good. Can i know about your another books???
Abigail recently to get a girlfriend
HI Abigail,
Thanks so much for the comments and kind words. Yes, I am in the process of another book, “Your Unstoppable Life.” Please go to my website and enter your email address so you can be kept up to date. Or you may simply write to me with your address on the contact page.
Great question!
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
This is so inspiring Larry! I have once a gutsy story about riding a horse, yet my fear caught me hard I have not finished up to the finish line above the mountain. I should read your book to help me overcome my fear… You’re an inspiration… Thanks for sharing this.
Faith03 recently posted..Local search seo Abbeville
HI Faith,
I get many emails from readers of my book who tell me they have been motivated to live their dreams or face their fears. I’m so glad my book is inspiring people, so yes, read it and let me know how it helped!
Thanks for writing
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
I love this, Larry, and it was great to be reminded that ‘once you make the decision,the universe conspires to make it happen.’ This is so true. Your attitude to life and to adventure reminds us all that to follow a dream is not necessarily easy, even if it is exciting, but it is so worthwhile. When i get scared I visualise lying on my deathbed not having done it…………..I just don’t want to be in that position, regretting that I never took a chance. And you are right to point out that it’s fear of change that holds us back and that so often it’s the good in our lives which keeps the brakes on; we tend to use that to make excuses and not DARE to become rich.
HI Maggie,
Your comment makes me think of the epigraph to chapter one of my book:
“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Mark Twain
Do it now before it’s too late!
Thanks for writing
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
Hi Larry! i really enjoy reading your post. You have a very inspiring story and you really inspire me to conquer my fears. Keep posting to inspire more people. Thanks for sharing your story.
Divina recently posted..Happy New Year To All Of You And Hope You Like The Aquarium Fish Photos Here …
Hi Divina,
Once you recognize that your fears can be used to your advantage, then you can embrace them. They will sharpen your senses and make you more alert. And they give you strength (once you get past the deer frozen in the headlights phase).
Thanks for writing.
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
Hi Larry..
Loved your story of determination, I see a lot of me in you would be great to meet when I get to the US..
Great inspiration
Stay well
Doug Edwards
Doug recently posted..Top 10 Things To Do In London
HI Doug,
Sounds like you’re quite the traveler. I’m proud to say I’ve done all 10 things on your London list. When you get here, we’ll have to take you for a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge!
Thanks for writing
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
I hope everyone will enter their names on my website so you can keep up with me and my next book when it comes out! Simply add your email to the box on
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
A big congrats you did it..Thanks for sharing..
Nancy recently posted..improve eyesight exercises
Hi Nancy,
Love your eyesight exercises…I’m going to try them!
Glad to share my story so it inspires others. That’s my new purpose!
All the best to you,
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
I love the way you spend time responding to each person and reading their blogs. Thanks for truly being authentic. Just read your post about self-publishing:, and love the way you share the truth about your costs and how to do it right.
Thanks Larry.
HI Sonia,
Thanks for the kind words. I figure if someone takes the time to read an article of mine or my book, they certainly deserve a response! I also hope visitors will follow me on my facebook page at
Glad you enjoyed the article on publishing; I’m always available to you to discuss your options!
All the best,
Larry Jacobson recently posted..The Passing of Julia Jacobson
Once again thanks for your story, your book, and your Gutsy presentations. I wish you all the best and urge everyone to visit your website:, join your facebook page:
and buy your book.
I read Larry’s book and it was gutsy. Sailing around the world and facing all the problems, issues, and hardships that he endured would of made most people quit way before it got interesting. I have to hand it to Larry for what he did, his story was well written, and in a fashion where you feel you’re right there with him.
Thanks for the good read Larry.
Joe Burns
Thanks so much for the kind words Joe. I’m so glad you got to “come along for the ride” by reading my book!
Larry Jacobson recently posted..Do Something Fearless . . .
This is incredible. I think you should go in to counselling. The problem could also lie in the fact that some of us don’t know what our dreams are! Thanks so much for sharing.
SORRY! I left the word “people” out after the word “counselling”, it was meant in the positive sense ! Hopefully your sailing around the world has left you accustomed to strange syntax…
HI Carol,
Thanks so much for the compliments and for clarifying, but I think I understood from the first post. And, in fact, I am now coaching executives and entrepreneurs, helping them focus on their goals! Please have a look at my website and blog for all kinds of bits and pieces about life…
Thank you for writing
Larry Jacobson recently posted..Do Something Fearless . . .