“Shotgun Bo Rivers”
“One Crazy 8 Second Ride”
As a child, I could only dream of it. Climbing onto the back of a crazy two thousand pound animal, in the midst of fear and adversity, I had to do it.
I have always loved the rodeo, and wished that I could be a cowboy; but what I was in for, was a lot more than I had bargained for, at least in the beginning.
It all began when I was sixteen-years- old. Some friends asked me to watch them ride, and I said, “yes”. I watched them behind the chutes gear up, rosin their ropes, and decided I had to try this at least once. That was what I told myself back then, just once.
Two weeks later, I convinced my dad that it would be OK to ride and needed him to sign a release form because I was under eighteen. With any gear, I made my way to the rodeo for the first time. I was going to ride, just once, I told myself, just once.
“Climbing into chute number four comes a brand new cowboy, Ritchie White, from Danby Vermont.” I went nuts. He called me a cowboy, Yeehaw, I thought. As instructed, I gently placed a loaner rope down over the side of the bull and looped it around. Here we go, the blood in my body boiled from excitement, and the hair on the back of my neck stood up as I sat down on the back of #465 Johnny Reb. A two thousand pound Brahma bull with the biggest hump I had ever seen on a bull.
Finally set in my rope I nodded, and the Brooks and Dunn blared through the speakers as my chute gate opened. Johnny Reb jumped out, first right, then left, flinging me in every direction but loose. I got back to my seat, gripped hard with my legs, and spurred him in his enormous side, which made him madder and meaner. He spun in circles to my left, which was great. It was a perfect seating arrangement as most boys would say. The buzzer sounded, and I made it to eight. My first time on, and I made it to eight. The rush I felt from the bottom of my boots all the way to my neck was unbelievable. Shaking from the experience, I needed to get off my bull. I yanked the rope with my free hand and leaped off, running for all of my might. The crowd cheered, and the sound echoed across the mountaintop.
“That’s a 60 point ride for that cowboy, give him a hand, he sure deserves it tonight,” the announcer exclaimed.
I could never really explain the rush I felt that day. It fueled my soul. I wanted more, and I needed more. I had the time of my life, freedom with just one crazy eight-second ride and me. I spent the next nine years riding Bulls and eventually Bareback Broncs.
Every time I ride, I remember trying the impossible, just once, and how it turned into something I was born to do. This changed my life forever as it pumped through my veins. If I could turn back time I wouldn’t change a thing. I have met some of the most gracious people in the rodeo circuits, and hold a very special place in my heart for each, and every one of them.
Richard White Bio:
My name is Richard White, AKA (Pen Name) Shotgun Bo Rivers, and I grew up in a little town called Danby, VT. At the age of thirty-one, I looked back at all the places I’ve traveled to while in the U.S. Armed Forces: Germany, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and realized what a great journey it has been. After returning home and recovering from injuries in the Army, I became a Professional Bull rider, and amateur Bareback Bronc rider. I found love and passion in the sport of rodeo, where I not only gained respect, but also gave it in return to fellow cowboys, and cowgirls in the rodeo circuit. I have learned to respect and love the animals of the sport. In Rodeo, bulls are my favorite, but as an everyday cowboy, I’m also passionate about horses. I was once told that I had mustang blood in me, which led to the poem that I wrote Wild Horse in my book: Pages Full of Memories.
In 2007, my fiancé, now wife, and I had a little girl, Madison Jean White. This led to my semi-retirement from rodeo. I still hope to ride bulls for at least one more year.
I have been writing for eighteen years, and after two years of research and lots of coffee, I self-published my first two books: Pages Full of Memories, and Rodeo Dayz. I am currently writing a western novel Laramie’s Thunder The Collins’ Crew. I hope to make a difference, and help the western genre come back to the top. I have enjoyed writing stories and poems, and my readers tell me they enjoy them. Please visit my website, and join me on Facebook and my Twitter handle is @shotgunborivers.
Sonia Marsh says:
Richard White, or should I call you Shotgun Bo Rivers, thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for rodeo with us, and how your amazing eight-second ride, impacted your life. I also want to thank you for your years of service in the U.S. Armed forces. All the best with your future stories.
Please leave your comments and questions for Richard White below.
Do you have a “My Gutsy Story” you’d like to submit?
To submit your own, “My Gutsy Story” you can find all the information, and our sponsors on the “My Gutsy Story” contest page. (VIDEO) Submission guidelines here.
Sonia Marsh says
Your passion and enthusiasm shine through in rodeo and in life. Thanks for sharing.
Ritchie White says
I am so thankful that I got the chance to share my story with you all. All I ever dreamed of was to be a pro bull rider, and I made it happen, now I strive to be a successful author in the western genre, and hold the same enthusiasm, give it everything I have, and it will pay off in the end. Thank you for noticing my talents both on and off a bull.
Kelly says
After reading your Journey, you have inspired me through your passion to give my personal journey a more in depth look. Thanks for sharing
Kelly recently posted..Triactol
Ritchie White says
You must always look into your personal journey, and if you can make it better, or dig down deep enough to grasp what you want, you can reach it no matter how far out it might seem. Keep on making new adventures for yourself, it creates a story.
Kathleen Pooler says
Thank you for sharing your amazing “gutsy”story! You made me feel like I was on the back of that bull. The way I see it, this story is a shining example of how you tackle any challenge in your life~with gusto and fearlessness. Ride on,Cowboy,you are an inspiration!
Thank you,Sonia for promoting the “gutsiness” in all of us!
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Ritchie White says
Thank you so much Kathy, had it not been for you, I would have never met Sonia. I am so proud and honored I met both you, and Sonia, you are at the top of my list for friendship in the writers community.
Sonia Marsh says
Nice of you to stop by. I know Ritchie has tons of energy and enthusiasm for what he undertakes.
Jonathan says
Hi There, it´s a very amazing story. I like this posting. Thanks for sharing.
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Liz says
I like the cowboy costume of Mr. Richard White. Thank for sharing your gutsy story with us.
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Ritchie White says
I am glad you like it, however its no costume to me, it is a way of life.
Kathrryn says
Hi Richard, we are all happy about this gutsy story and I must admit that I really enjoyed reading this..
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Ritchie White says
Thank yo, I am glad that you enjoyed it.
Trisha28 says
Richard is truly great, I’m glad to be part and spot your gutsy story… Keep it up!
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Ritchie White says
I am very thankful that I was able to share this wonderful story. cheers
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Charlenevans says
He’s a one big gutsy man! And he makes me proud of him. He is such a role model to all the men of the farm!
Thanks for sharing this story..
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Ritchie White says
All it takes is the heart and the drive to want it more, something that I live by always wanting more out of life.
Ritchie White says
Thank you all very much for the wonderful comments, I am sorry it took me a couple of days to log on and view comments, it has been a crazy week as I tackle many things not just in my writing but in family, and my laptop repairs as well.
I have to tell you all that getting such nice remarks, and comments is what keeps me driving on, and gives me the strength to continue my writing, riding, and rodeo. thanks so much, with deepest regards, Ritchie White
Ritchie White recently posted..A Cowboy and His Crazy 8-second ride | Sonia Marsh – Gutsy Living
Lady Fi says
How wonderful to find your passion so early on in life!
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Ritchie White says
It is only the beginning, now I plan to become a great western author. Thanks Ritchie.
Ritchie White recently posted..Wyatt Earp’s Revenge VS. Laramie’s Thunder
Sonia Marsh says
Keep going Ritchie. Thanks again.
Maggie says
Great story Ritchie. You remind us that ‘just once’ is never a small thing – from a small seed grows a big tree.
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Ritchie White says
Just Once will never be small for me, I say this all the time, if I could just once….. It seems that when I do I succeed.
Andrew Thomas says
I loved this story. Very inspirational.
Thanks for sharing.
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Heidi19 says
What an inspiring story and i really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing this to us and keep up the good work.
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Ritchie White says
Thank you Heidi, I love to share my rodeo stories, I guess it is why I chose to write a book about it.
Ritchie White says
Thanks again, for all of the great comments, I greatly appreciate them. I am also glad that it is inspiring to some of you, the lesson I learned way back then, always give it your best the first time through, it may be your destiny awaiting you. I put the same heart and strength into my stories, and writing knowing that it only takes that just once, to be noticed. Thank you all.
-Ritchie “Shotgun Bo Rivers” White
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Sandra92 says
This story inspire me so much, very interesting stuff that reminds me to become a better person..
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Siv Maria says
Ride on Cowboy! I enjoyed reading your story and how it influenced you to live your life.
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