I’m Going Crazy Getting Ready For the Peace Corps as I only have three weeks left before I board a plane to Philadelphia for “staging.” Staging is the word the Peace Corps uses for “meeting and training” prior to boarding our flight to our host country.
I’m getting nervous, not because of leaving the U.S. for 27-months, but more to do with packing the “right stuff.”
I’m worried about whether I have the right solar panels, the sleeping bag for snow and frost, the right clothes for teaching (not too Amish, yet still keeping my own style,) the right waterproof hiking shoes, which I still want to “look reasonably good.” I’m sorry, but I still like a little bit of style, so I ordered black leather waterproof shoes that REI recommended for rain and snow.
Since the Peace Corps wants us to dress appropriately to teach, I still have my “desire to look slightly stylish in Lesotho.” Can I give up make-up? face cream? perfume? Not sure yet, but ask me in one year, and I might be a completely different woman.
Lesotho is known for it’s blankets, which the Basotho wear. This is what I call “stylish”and I’ve heard that Peace Corps Volunteers, buy local fabric and have dresses made. Here is one beautiful model wearing a Lesotho long jacket made from a Lesotho blanket.

I just finished my two-week working in a U.S. Kindergarten experience; learning how to manage thirty Kindergarteners from one of the best teachers in Orange County, California. Mrs.Irwin managed her class with positive reinforcement, and I am so impressed with her skills. She managed to get thirty Kindergarteners to listen to her and follow directions on her first day.
I have no idea what it will be like to co-teach in Lesotho, until I’m in the classroom,, but I shall always remember how the Mrs.I. taught me to be positive and always upbeat with the Kindergarteners.

On my last day, the children hugged me, and several cried. “Will you come back Miss Sonia?” they asked. I cannot believe how close I became to these children. I truly loved getting to know them, and I hope to develop a relationship between the children I shall be teaching in Lesotho, and Mrs. Irwin class.
If we can Skype one day, between both classes, that would be awesome! I hope to connect them in some way.
Although I wasn’t a teacher when I went to China, I used teaching as a tool to get to know the people and the culture. It was not only an excellent tool, but I learned that teaching was the right career niche for my life. Teaching should be an excellent way to start your time in the Peace Corps.
Thanks Suellen,
I do look forward to working with children, now that I’ve experienced co-teaching kids in Thailand ant the U.S.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..I’m Going Crazy Getting Ready For the Peace Corps
What a wonderful experience. I think you will make an excellent teacher because you care so much for students, evident from your recent teaching experiences and how you describe them. Packing is,always difficult, I recall w my Spain trip. Good luck.
I truly discovered how much I enjoy working with young children.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..I’m Going Crazy Getting Ready For the Peace Corps
This sounds so amazing – I can’t imagine the depth and heighth of feelings that are triggered! I dither for months just to prepare for a month of travel – especially on what to wear on my feet!! It sounds like you are in the right place for you – I am excited just to follow your blog for the next year!! All the best.
Eileen Hopkins recently posted..My List of Small Things
Thank you for sticking with me and my new adventures. I’m changing my blog landing page to reflect my new life.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..I’m Going Crazy Getting Ready For the Peace Corps
Go Sonia! I’m looking forward to reading your posts about your experiences! Bon courage!
Miss Footloose recently posted..Expat Delight: Funky French Stuff
Merci Miss Footloose.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..I’m Going Crazy Getting Ready For the Peace Corps
Hi Sonia, I’m looking forward to reading more about your adventure! What an amazing undertaking! Michelle
Thanks so much Michelle. I have no idea what the future will bring. That’s what I love.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Check Out My New “Gutsy” Website For the Peace Corps
That jacket is beautiful! What an amazing journey you will have!
Patricia Stoltey recently posted..Random Thoughts About the Writing Life
Yes Patricia.New things to learn.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Check Out My New “Gutsy” Website For the Peace Corps
I’m the brand manager at Thabo Makhetha, the fashion label that produces the Basotho inspired blanket coats. Thank you for loving our work. Enjoy Lesotho and hopefully South Africa too.