It’s all confirmed; I leave for Africa with the Peace Corps on October 4th. I called to make sure all my paperwork was in order, as I hadn’t received a confirmation in writing, and I have to sell my car and pay for a storage unit.
My recent Bamboo Project volunteering, was the best thing I did to prepare for the next stage of my life: Teaching primary education in Lesotho, Southern Africa, on October 6th, for a 27-month period.

I loved my new routine of getting up at 5:30 a.m., making Nescafe, and then checking e-mails and blogging. I realized that everyone else stayed in bed until 15 minutes before we were supposed to be at the pick-up stop for school. I have no idea how young people can roll out of bed and be ready in 10 minutes.

I also enjoyed the nightlife with the volunteers at the ARK,a beachfront night club. You’ll see some amazing stuff from 1:50 seconds into the video.
Amazing fireworks from 1:50 onwards.

Now I start teaching in an Orange County, California, primary school, and look forward to learning some new skills, before I leave for Lesotho, with the Peace Corps.
Really great that you’re doing so much. Yes, teaching in reality is SOOOOOOO different from what we learn on out TEFL courses, especially in different parts of the world. TEFL shows you the theory, how it ‘should’ be done (what is ‘should’ these days?!) In practise, it works so differently, as in most things in life.
At least you have that certificate though.
Keep us up to date as and when you can. Very much enjoying hearing about your new life journey.
Rebecca Hall (Bex) recently posted..An English girl in America
I remember you telling me this when I met you in Greece before my TESOL course.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..I Leave for Africa with the Peace Corps on October 4th
I just found the option to subscribe to your posts by email, Sonia, so I’ll be following your new adventures! Good luck and safe travels.
Patricia Stoltey recently posted..My guest blogger tomorrow is Catriona McPherson, President of Sisters in Crime National
How very interesting! And fun! You’re a teacher and loving it! I taught for five years and it’s the most rewarding career. Always underpaid or you do it out of love. Enjoying your experiences vicariously.
PS My new website for Getting Rid of Ian is just going up and I’m keeping http://www.donthangupbook.com for next book or books.