You have from now until October 15th to vote on the sidebar, (only one vote per person) and the winner will be announced on October 16th, and will select a prize from our generous sponsors.
Our 1st “My Gutsy Story®” is by Jennifer Graham, “Interracial Couple: An Immoral Proposal.”
SONIA MARSH SAYS: What a beautiful love story that truly portrays the emotions you felt at the time. I love the ending and am glad we connected online.
Our 2nd “My Gutsy Story®” is by Colleen Hannegan, “My journey, My search to Re-Discover Myself.”
SONIA MARSH SAYS: Your story will resonate with so many who “accept” their situation, rather than take the steps to become free.
Our 3rd “My Gutsy Story®” is by: Savannah Grace, “My Gutsy Love Story”
SONIA MARSH SAYS: I admire your courage to go with your gut, and not be swayed by others. What a meaningful statement to help those who are unsure of what to do.
“If people could not accept and let me be who I needed to be then I could only wish for that acceptance, not be expected to change my life for other people. Trying to change who I am to please others would not bring me happiness…so I had no choice but to follow my heart.”
Our 4th “My Gutsy Story®” is by Nancy McBride, “When President Jimmy Carter’s Wife Stopped By.”
SONIA MARSH SAYS: You are one “Gutsy” and funny lady. I love your exit interview strategy. Also your artwork is so unique and whimsical.
Our 5th “My Gutsy Story®” is by: Jonathan Yanez, “My Road to Becoming an Author.”
SONIA MARSH SAYS: You show us how perseverance pays off and that you believed in your passion with such determination, that you made your dream come true. Thanks for sharing your story which will inspire other writers to not give up. I look forward to having you share your story on November 1st, at the kick-off of our next:
Sign up NOW on Eventbrite to reserve your seat for a FUN and ENTERTAINING EVENT
to launch our 2nd “My Gutsy Story®” Anthology.
My Gutsy Story® Anthology: Taking Chances and Changing Your Life
What: Author Sonia Marsh launches the second publication in her My Gutsy Story® Anthology book series by hosting an evening of inspirational stories moderated by former PBS SoCal anchor Ann Pulice. Marsh, the award winning author and founder of My Gutsy Story® series, will also announce her next gutsy adventure, signing up for the Peace Corps. The event is open to the public and all attendees will receive a copy of the newest My Gutsy Story® Anthology.
When: Saturday, November 1
4:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Where: Zovs Restaurant in Tustin
17440 E. 17th St., Tustin, CA 92780, (MAP)
ph (714) 838.8855
Who: Moderator Ann Pulice is an award-winning journalists and was co-host on PBS SoCal’s Real Orange for 17 years.

Panelists include:
- Sonia Marsh: Award-winning author of Freeways to Flip-flops and founder of the My Gutsy Story®
- Julia Capizzi: Orange County Peace Corps representative and Bilingual Returned Peace Corps Volunteer who has lived abroad in El Salvador & Bolivia.
- Colleen Hannegan: Author and professional speaker, certified business advisor, personal life coach for women in transition.
- Mariana Williams: Author and founder of the “Long Beach Searches for Greatest Storyteller,” married to Oscar-winning singer/songwriter Paul Williams.
- Jonathan Yanez: Went from renting cars, to following his dream of becoming an author. His three-book series publishing contract has now been optioned for film.
Cost: $40 (includes book, wine and appetizers) before October 20th and $45 after that date.
More: Marsh hopes the My Gutsy Story® Anthology series and events will create a global community to help one another take risks in life. Her first publication, Freeways to Flip Flops, a chronology of her family’s one-year adventure in Belize, recently won the Reader’s Favorite, 2014 Gold Medal book award.
[…] This was an entry submitted for a contest at If you have time I’d love for you to stop by her website and give my entry a vote. The following link will send you there. Go and vote now! […]