The Peace Corps warned us that boredom and loneliness may cause a problem at times, and asked us to think of some coping mechanisms. I came up with a new one: online dating.
My days are busy with teaching, but evenings and weekends can become quite lonely, and boring in my rural village in Lesotho. It’s quite common for Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) to get depressed between months six to nine of service. We were shown a graph depicting the highs and lows experienced by PCVs during our ten-week training session.
Apart from spending time with my “host mother” and other activities such as lesson planning, writing my blog, reading, e-mailing, talking to family and friends on WhatsApp, knitting, drawing, walking, cooking, cleaning and hand-washing my clothes, I’ve added online dating as another form of entertainment.
The winter months can be brutal here in “The Mountain Kingdom,” where the sun sets at 5:20 p.m., and there is no heating, so I snuggle up in my sleeping bag and prop my laptop on top of my pillow, making sure the battery is fully charged.
I’m a realist knowing that my online dating will stay online. What man would seriously consider flying all the way to Lesotho to my rondavel out in the boonies? In a sense I’m not dating but simply “networking.”
So how can online dating be entertaining? If you’ve never tried it, let me share some of my experiences, and warn you about potential scammers.
“With 54 million single people in the U.S. 49 million have tried online dating, that’s 90% according to”
Since I’m cheap, especially on my PC stipend of $150/month, I refuse to pay for online dating services, until I move to a country where I can actually meet someone in person. So I’ve joined free sites, and hope that I might be lucky enough to find a man who means what he says.
From my collection of e-mails, a striking pattern has emerged. Apart from that one man who said, “I’ll commit suicide right now if you don’t tell me why you’re not interested in me,” the other men all claim to be engineers, military guys, and quite shockingly, they all seem to have lost their wife to cancer, or a car accident.
At first, I felt sorry for them, but after receiving similar stories, I realized they were scammers preying on women who might fall for their sob-stories.
I compared notes with another PCV in Lesotho, my age, who is also online dating, and she said these men post photos of handsome men, who are not them, and after a while, ask you to send money. (Might that be a new version of the infamous Nigerian scammers?) They make up some excuse like their son or daughter needs surgery, or they lost their business. This has not happened to me yet. I usually quit writing immediately. So now when I receive a FB friend request from a man who says:
“Hi Sonia , how are you doing ? thanks for accepting, I do really appreciate , can we get to know each other better if you don’t mind? my name is A …” (My reply.)
“We can, as long as you don’t tell me that your wife died and that you are lonely. I ‘ve received at least ten messages from military men and engineers who state the same thing.”
When they don’t respond, I know they were like the others I received.
I joined a travel dating site, as I’d like to have a male travel companion to tour Africa, and noted that many of them are over 75. I’m sorry, they may be great men, but I want someone closer to my age for travel and adventure.
Some guys can be quite funny:
“Hi Sonia, how are you ? I like your comments & would like to travel with you ! How can we do this, shall I approach it like a job application ? HaHa please see my profile & CV / Referees on linkedin . LOL G.”
I’m not a professional editor or proof reader, and admit that I make mistakes in my writing, however, dating scammers seem to have:
- Bad grammar, (especially when the person tells you that he has a Masters degree, and attended a private high school in Monaco.)
- Use lower case (i)
- Use run-on sentences
- Do not indent their paragraphs
- Offer false information like, “I own a diamond mine in Botswana.”
I won’t give-up. I am human after all, and know that one day, I’ll find the “right” male companion, whether online, or in-person.
In the meantime, I might just continue online dating for entertainment, although now I have a new focus which you’ll hear more about next Sunday: My Community Development Project, and how I’m pushing it along.
Do you have any similar online dating experiences? If so, please share them.
Joseph Skinkis says
I met my wife online. We have been married for 8 years. I live in Chiang mai, Thailand.
Sonia Marsh says
I’m very happy for you Joseph.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Online Dating: My Coping Mechanism for Boredom
Barbara says
I love that you’re doing this, Sonia! Who knows, you may find the perfect companion for life after the Peace Corp.! If not, at least you’re enjoying free entertainment and you don’t need to worry they will show up at your front door!
Barbara recently posted..Adventures with Benson, redux
Sonia Marsh says
At least it’s fun for now. I go through waves of being interested, then working on something else.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Online Dating: My Coping Mechanism for Boredom
Shirley Hershey Showalter says
Sonia, these experiences, all of them, are priceless. You have found a safe outlet for boredom and a way to explore dating online that should be a high bar for any potential suitor: staying in conversation without actually meeting. Are there any sites that cater to writers/artists/community activists/international development workers?
Maybe an international pen pal in snail mail might help overcome boredom and bring you letters if not a lasting relationship? I am not endorsing this site. Just offering a quick browse.
That stat about 90 percent of singles trying online dating is amazing. My son found a wonderful woman who became his wife on
Shirley Hershey Showalter recently posted..The Pilgrim Soul in You: Traveling Toward Jubilación
Sonia Marsh says
Yes, Shirley, I was shocked by the 90% of singles online dating.
I’m not sure letters would reach Lesotho. Some might, but not all, plus I’m impatient.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Online Dating: My Coping Mechanism for Boredom
Eileen Hopkins says
Hi Sonia, Keeping it at a distance keeps you safe! I met my partner online and we have been together for over 7 years so there are good people out there…BUT….sorted through a lot of scammers along the way (even met some!). From what I understand that has increased immensely since then (as I understand from my friends searching online!). Connection and fun is a great way to while away the cold winter nights. Enjoy the flirtation and practice seeing through the lines. I am with Barb on her comment – at least they won’t be showing up at your front door anytime!
Eileen Hopkins recently posted..Four Days in My Life
Sonia Marsh says
I actually met my ex in a magazine ad for singles, before online dating existed.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Online Dating: My Coping Mechanism for Boredom
Rob-bear says
Online dating as entertainment. What an interesting approach. Certainly keeps you from getting bored. Also keeps your mind sharp, as you watch of scammers out there.
I hope that you work continues to go well and that your online dating proves to be more than interesting, especially as you approach the end of your teaching responsibilities.
Blessings and Bear hugs!
Nancy Babcock says
Hi Sonia–
Happy Birthday!
So glad I caught this link to your blog, I’ve been meaning to look for it, but always manage to not think of that when the computer is in front of me. Anyway, loved reading about your new form of enterainment–and it certainly can keep you going for hours. I made quite a study of this about 10-12 years ago and was going to do a book on the absurdities as well as scams I found.
The book never happened, but I still have the outline and notes for it, including many quotes from profiles on online sites–some of them extremely funny, even though I doubt the authors of them thought of them that way. In other cases, some did write intentionally funny and witty profiles–those were great.
Although the book never materialized, I did write a short piece for the blog I was doing back then (I have a new blog now) about the scams one encounters on these dating sites. Here’s the link in case you want to see what was going on back then. I loved calling guys on their not-so-clever cover-ups, although they mostly didn’t like being un-masked.
Sonia Marsh says
Thank you Nancy for this post. It would have been fun to read a book on this topic.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Online Dating: My Coping Mechanism for Boredom