This month we have 5 FANTASTIC people who have submitted their inspiring stories and it’s time for us to vote for our favorite.
BOB LOWRY: inspired us with his remarkable story of how perseverance and staying “Gutsy” paid off as far as leaving the corporate world and finding his own job.

SHERREY MEYER: Sherrey’s story showed us how she overcame the cruel threats of her mother’s psychological games and threats of suicide .

BELINDA NICOLL: Belinda, an expat from South Africa who moved to the U.S., in 2001, shows us how change can also presents us with opportunities in life.

MARY HERTSLET: Mary has an uplifting story about her life and her words of wisdom can help all of us. “Take advantage of your opportunities, follow your passions, and never stop learning.“

JUANIMA HIATT: Juanima, shares her incredible story which will help others and give hope to those who face PTSD. Juanima’s goal is, “to shatter the stigma of PTSD and abuse, and inspire others to break the silence.”

All five of these writers have either published books or are in the process of writing one. Please check out their websites by clicking on their names above.
You each get ONE VOTE, and please share with your friends and bloggers so the winner can pick his/her prize from our list of sponsors.
The voting starts August 2nd, until August 15th, and the winner will be announced on August 16th. Please go to the sidebar to VOTE and click on your favorite story of the month. Thanks, and please share with your favorite social media buttons below.
Do you have a “My Gutsy Story” you’d like to share?
To submit your own, “My Gutsy Story” you can find all the information, and our sponsors on the “My Gutsy Story” contest page. (VIDEO) Submission guidelines here.
Stay tuned for the release date of my book. Good news coming very soon.
A BONUS for those of you who write or want to write a MEMOIR. Jason Matthews invited a panel of memoir writers to his INDIE AUTHORS, Monday night show on Watch the video.
You can learn about memoir writing from our panel:
Jason Matthews ( our host), Melvin Little, our producer.
Cheryl Stahle, Kathleen Pooler, Sharon Lippincott, Madeline Sharples, and me (Sonia Marsh)
You can click here to see panelists info.