Jason Matthews, author, and blogger on ebooksuccess4free, invited several bloggers to share their blogging tips on his show: “Indie Authors with Jason Matthews and AC Cruz.” I was fortunate to be one of them.
We had a nice panel of authors sharing their blogging journey and Jason asked us many questions which you will find interesting.
A new topic is covered each Monday on this Google + Hangout, and I hope you subscribe to the “Indie Authors with Jason Matthews and AC Cruz.”
Don’t forget, a new “My Gutsy Story” this Monday, and this time, it’s a man’s story. More on Monday.
Also if you’re an indie author, why not join our new GIP (Gutsy Indie Publishers) group on Facebook. If you need help getting your book published and have questions, or if you’re a professional copy editor, PR consultant, manuscript editor, book shepherd, or anything related to writing and publishing, you are welcome to join forces and help.
In the meantime, please leave comments for Jason Matthews and any of us on the show below, including topic ideas for other Indie Author shows you may be interested in learning more about.
Thanks Jason, AC Cruz and all the other bloggers who took part in the Hangout.
Sonia, you were a fantastic guest. We hope to have you on the show again.
Jason Matthews recently posted..Indie Authors – Best of Times, Worst of Times
You two will be working side-by-side for the duration of the filming process, and that includes the prep before the shoot and the aftermath. Just follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to Kevin Smith-like fame in no time.
Rochelle recently posted..Responsible Service of Alcohol
Hi…I am really inspired a lot because of your post here…
Charity N. Hernaez recently posted..zetaclear uk
Thanks for the very wonderful and very detailed article and video.! Thanks for sharing it.
Carol recently posted..http://www.flatratemovers.com/movers-chesapeake.php
Very interesting video. How to be creative and how to drive more traffic on a blog is a key question. Would more interaction in the comments ( people feeling free to reply to anyone ) help? Most people are busy, but the possibility of discussing in depth on an important subject could be attractive.
I agree with that, Carol. More interaction in the comments usually helps as the comment section can sometimes become more interesting/informative/entertaining than the original blog posts 🙂 – Unfortunately many times the comment section remains blank, even on some provocative subjects, which leaves me scratching my head.
Jason Matthews recently posted..Indie Authors – Best of Times, Worst of Times
Thanks. Perhaps it’s because we aren’t gutsy enough! A bit of advertising to encourage us to reply to anyone at any time would be a great incentive. Surely discussing important subjects is more important than just leaving one’s name…
What would you suggest?
I’m always up for trying new things.
I listened to the whole video and got the impression the panel was looking for ways of increasing the traffic on their blogs. So I came up with the very simple idea of people being encouraged to “reply” to as many “comments” as possible!
This “encouragement” is really smart, Carol. I’m learning that short blog posts asking questions of the readers like, “what are your thoughts on this?” can spur more comments than simply giving my own opinions. The same is true for generating book reviews on Amazon, which is hard to do. Adding a request to the reader at the end to please write an honest review seems to encourage people more than just leaving it up to their own impulse. It all boils down to interaction and engaging others to participate. How to do so wisely?
Jason Matthews recently posted..Indie Authors – Best of Times, Worst of Times
Carol D, your suggestion to encourage reader participation is pure genius. I just did a “quickie” blog post on Barnes & Noble sales slowing down and asked other authors their opinion. 4 unique visitors have made 6 comments in just the first 2 hours. Wow, wish I had responses like that to blog posts more often. Thanks for the suggestion!
Jason Matthews recently posted..Barnes & Noble Nook Sales Slow?
Great Jason, and Carol D., thanks for offering it. I shall jump over to see what Jason wrote.