Get ready to VOTE for your favorite one of 4 “My Gutsy Story®” submissions. You have from now until March 12th to vote on the sidebar, (only one vote per person) and the winner will be announced on March 13th, and will select a prize from our generous sponsors.
Our 1st “My Gutsy Story®” is by Susie Mitchell

SONIA MARSH SAYS: Susie shows how exercise did not stop her from training and winning a gold medal a few months after her baby daughter was born.
Our 2nd “My Gutsy Story®” is by Leanne Dyck

SONIA MARSH SAYS: Inspiring to all those who believe that dyslexia prevents you from accomplishing your goals of becoming a writer.
Our 3rd “My Gutsy Story®” is by Viki Noe

SONIA MARSH SAYS: I agree with Viki when she says “Gutsiness is a choice. It might be a conscious one, with a specific goal, like changing careers. It might be completely unconscious, other than the acknowledgement that sometimes you just have to keep trying your best to get through it all, in the hope that something better awaits you.”
Our 4th “My Gutsy Story®” is by Mariana Williams

SONIA MARSH SAYS: This reminded me of my best friend in Denmark, Lilian, whom I’ve known since I was 3-years-old. She is like a sister to me, and she even flew to visit me from Copenhagen to Belize, when I lived there.
Do you have a “My Gutsy Story®” you’d like to share?

Would you like to submit your “My Gutsy Story®” and get published in our 2nd anthology?
Please see guidelines below and contact Sonia Marsh at: for details.
You can find all the information, and our new sponsors on the “My Gutsy Story®” contest page. (VIDEO) Submission guidelines here
VOTING for your favorite February 2014 “My Gutsy Story®,” starts on February 27th, and ends on March 12th. The WINNER will be announced on March 13th.
Vikki, I Love you and all your writings. Love Sasha
I love you Veronica oops
Love Sasha