My son is graduating from the University of Michigan on May 1st, and President Obama has accepted to give the commencement address. Whether or not you agree with President Obama’s policies, I think we can all agree on one thing: He is one of the best orators of our times. If anyone can motivate young people in these tough economic times, it’s President Obama.
So should I film President Obama with my flip camera? Perhaps I need something more professional than that. Fortunately my husband has a SONY EX1. He wants to produce movies in his spare time, just as much as I want to become a published author. (I know, we’re both realists dreamers.)
Hotels in Ann Arbor, Michigan have been booked for months, if not years, for this event. I booked two weeks ago, and of course, there were no rooms available in Ann Arbor, unless you were willing to spend $250/night for a Hampton Inn…NOT.
So instead, we shall be staying 17 miles outside Ann Arbor, and all I can say is with over 40,000 students, fortunately not all graduating, I hope we find a parking spot.
- The University was founded in Detroit 1817 as one of the first public universities in the country.
- President Gerald Ford was an alumni of the University of Michigan.
- Seven Nobel prize Winners.
- 116 Olympic medalists.
- The entire crew of Apollo 15.
I know this seems strange, but I can tell a lot about your personality based on the tree you pick. Just kidding.
Tree #2
Congratulations to your son! And yes – you've got to film Obama's commencement speech. He is a great orator.
I'd love the last tree in front of my house because it has so much character and isn't perfect looking.
You should be very proud of your son and if that includes a little bragging that is just fine. Get whatever video you can of Obama, but mostly get a lot of video of your son and your family….that is what you will cherish going forward.
The trees? I love Weeping Willow trees and Magnolia trees, but neither grows well here. We do have a beautiful Ash tree in our front yard that is a blaze of color in the fall.
It's good to know that your son is graduating from the University of Michigan nest May. Wishing him all the very best. I velieve President Obama is a great leader. Best wishes.
It seems amazing that he was my "problem" son. I agree the character of the tree # 3 is amazing. A peice of art.
You are right about the video of my son. The wispy tree is a California pepper tree.
Congrats to your son! Can't wait to see the Obama video. As for trees I'd take number 1 because it looks like it gives a lot of shade-a very important commodity in Botswana.
I imagine it will be a lot of fun to hear Pres Obama speak in person. Yes, he is a great orator.
I kind of like tree #2 better and think it would be easier on the grass. To much shade kills the grass.
So sorry this commencement comes at a time when we will be out of town. We could save you a lot of hotel money, and it would be great to see you again.
Congrats to your son who is graduating from a very fine university and has one of the best speakers in history as his commencement speaker. What an exciting time for your whole family. Keep the cameras rolling and your hearts open for letting in each moment as well as future memories.
I love tree #1 because my favorite tree has always been the weeping willow. Even if that is not the name of this one, it looks enough like a willow to appeal to my heart.
Hey, why didn't you include my "monster" Chilean pepper tree? (Just kidding!)
How fabulous you will be hearing President Obama speak. I agree – amazing orator.
Regarding parking — I'd contact the school. Perhaps there will be shuttles that day to help manage the flow of 40,000 guests. Pam
Congrats to your son…impressive school 😉
I would not film the President…you wouldn't want your camera taken away, and that may happen!
I would pick tree #2…nice and perky!
I like Tree #2 and my son has a close friend from high school who is graduating this year from U of M as well. We're 50 some miles away from U of M, but if you've got some time to kill and wish to meet up, let me know. We'd be happy to drive out there!
Hope you post your filming of Mr. President! And congrats to you for moving out of the OC (BLAH!) and taking your son somewhere he could appreciate life! I always tell my Tween you give me any troubles and its home to Uganda for you buddy! I say Tree #1… I am hoping it would grow really big provide lots of shade and comfort! The Tree with no branches is cool but reminds me of hot nasty desert weather.
Thanks for your best wishes
I shall post after the ceremony. I return on May 2nd.
I am excited to hear him speak too.
I wonder with all your conferences, if you've heard President Obama speak live. Also, thanks so much for your kind offer. I'm sure we'll see each other again somewhere. I can feel it.
Where is your tree? In the back yard?
@Ballerina Girl
I hope we can film. If not I can buy the DVD.
@Pop and Ice
I didn't know you were that close to Ann Arbor. Anyway, I shall keep your phone number handy, if I may get it, I'm not sure how much spare time we have. We arrive on April 29th in the evening, and leave May 2nd, in the morning.
Thanks for your kind offer to meet. Now I know why my son loves Michigan. He says everyone is so friendly there.
@Adoption of Jane,
Did you live in Uganda. I need to check out your bio. And yes, I agree, our move to Belize is what, I believe, enabled him to get into the University of Michigan. Thanks for that great comment.
I shall let you know about my TREE QUIZZ, next post.
Congrats to your son!
Tree…hm… #2 if it would always look like that fresh. If not
tree #3 because it looks like abstract piece of art…
Have a great day!
Congratulations on your son's graduation. And yes, you should tape Obama- as you say, whether you agree with him or not, you have to admit he is a good orator.
And tree # 2 for sure. No contest.
The Obama thing is cool, but the greatest part of this is that your son is GRADUATING!!!! You must be so proud!
I can just hear ya'll bustin' your buttons for that son of yours, rightfully so.
My favorite tree in my front yard would have to the the sweet gum. It puts on a marvelous show in the fall.
I just wanted to thank you for your sweet comments and hoppin' on my blog. I sure hope ya'll enjoy the ride!
God bless and have a glorious day! :o)
Wow, that is really cool! I wish I could go to see him speak. Congrats about his graduation as well 🙂
Enjoy your (near) meeting! I got to shake his hand in the summer of 2008 (after banging on doors for his campaign and getting dog-bit, yelled at, and semi-flashed in the process) and it's a moment I'll always cherish (although I did wash my hand afterwards).
Found you over at Nezzy's…..
George Bush was the WORST orator of all time and he was elected TWICE! So much for that as a usable job skill. I wish there was a little less oration and more action.
Tree: Paper Birch, three of them in our front yard. They are beautiful.
Congratulations to your son. A great accomplishment! I like tree #2.
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! 🙂
Genial post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
Greetings Sonia ;D I am Betty (aka Shionge) from Singapore and I came by from Phivos as he posted some lovely shots by you along the coastline of Laguna. I sworn me and my family must have drove pass this stretch of coastline as we were travelling to Monterrey Bay back in Year 2007.
I love your blog and will be back. 😀
Tree number two has more personality. It is slightly bent which makes it appear to have been through a tough time or two with out giving in too much.
Meeting the President of the USA would be quite an experience, no matter if one is of the same party or not! He is an amazing orator.
I hope you have a wonderful time with the President. And your son.
As for trees, I would take either #4, the Black Spruce, or #5, the Ponderosa Pine.