From January 1st until January 11th midnight, PST, you can vote for your favorite December 2011, “My Gutsy Story.”
To VOTE, please go to the poll on the sidebar of any of the 4 “My Gutsy Story,” submissions, (not on the homepage.)
Here are the 4 stories. Only ONE vote per person.
The winner will be announced on January 12th, 2012.
Good Luck to all of you. Your stories are amazing and inspiring.
Happy 2012 to all of you.
Good luck, and keep writing your wonderful stories, novels and memoirs.
Happy New Year to you as well, Sonia, and thanks again for the contest and feedback and encouragement!
Richard recently posted..Joy To The World
Richard, Thanks for connecting via Shirley Sholwater’s blog. I met her in Santa Barbara before either one of us had a blog, and the good news is both of us have continued. I wish you all the best with your memoir.
Besides learning about some fascinating folks, I was introduced to Muriel’s blog this month. Thanks, Sonia, and have a great (and maybe published!) 2012.
Bob Lowry recently posted..A Thank You Letter to 2011 as it Retires
Thanks for your kind words Bob. happy new year to you too!
Thanks Bob.
I’m glad these stories are connecting us. I think Muriel has an interesting angle: to write from the French woman’s perspective about living in England. Good luck to you too with your blogging and books. Mine will be out this year.
Sonia, I’ve been tracking the votes each day. Then I received this comment on a social media site, and realized that the contest is not the main thing. The impact the story has on others is the main thing! Thanks for the vehicle to spread these stories and their impact around the world!
“Thank you for sharing this story. I am sending it to my little brother. He is struggling right now with drugs and alcohol; and has left home because of it. I pray he reads this. I have invited him to Shoal Creek and am hoping he comes. It is encouraging to know there are people like you that can help impact people to change.”
Richard recently posted..Joy To The World
I thank you for sharing this Richard, as I also read, and posted a comment from Jill Fales, our first winner, who expressed how these stories are helping others in one way or another. I am so grateful for this and know that your story can help and inspire others. Thanks and good luck. Please keep in touch even after the results from December’s contest. I hope to continue featuring these wonderful stories.
You can count on it Sonia.