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I mentioned the contest for memoir and narrative non-fiction writers in my video and the link is here: (www.guidetoliteraryagents.com/blog)
“Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy; sweat will get you change.” JESSE JACKSON.
“If I’m tempted to complain and cry when things don’t go my way, I can get myself moving instead. Do I need to work harder, try something different, or just change my plans? Chances are, what I need to do is simple and well within my control.”
(Taken from: The Daily Book of Positive Quotations, Linda Picone.)
I have taken some different steps which I shall share with you next week. In the meantime, let me know what steps you have taken to change and get results in your life, no matter what your goal may be.
Hi – and good work! Sounds to me as if you have come quite far! As you say though, perhaps it would be better to read the whole memoir again to get a feel of the whole before starting on detailed revision?
And lucky you … going to Europe! My daughter listened to your video and says, "I want to go to Paris too!"
Dear Sonia, I priorities my day. I am a creature of habit and I start out my day working on what I value the most, my writing. Then I boot up to see what my blogging friends are up to.
I hope you enjoy your friend and your Dad in London. For his birthday take him a copy of Timekeeper. He will love you for that. Best, John
I feel your pain! Revising is hell, or can be. Also, beware, you can revise too much and lose the original gem you were actually trying to polish.
Like you, I get distracted all the time, and being discipline about it is very difficult because writing is a creative process.
Have fun in Europe! I'm going in July. And I have no tricks for getting cheap tickets — I do what you do, spend hours and get nowhere. If you get any good tips, please post them!
Hi Sonia, I liked your video.
I was reading some editing tips this morning on the subject of:
Write for the world–keep it Global.
Avoid multiple meaning words: Instead of using words like it is/was hard, use the word difficult.
Another tip I read specified using dates–month/day/year, or quarter–not seasons. For instance, when it's springtime in Paris, it's fall in Sydney. –McGraw-Hill Desk Reference
I'd never given much thought to this, but thought the tips were interesting.
I'd love to go back to Europe…lucky gal!
Do you write by hand? if yes, why? I'm just curious.
Well done anyway – 85 is more than 10 or 80. Good girl! 🙂
It was fun to see where you work and write. You are so brave to get in front of the camera and talk, for some reason I find that very hard to do!
Wow, sounds like a lovely trip. We use Orbitz.com for all our airline tickets and have had excellent prices and great service.
85 pages sounds like at least a quarter of a book – unless it's going to be very, very long! Perhaps I'd better step over to my bookcase and verify how long the average book read might really be. Nah. I'll say you're a quarter of the way through first revision and bravo! Keep going!
You are an excellent video creator Sonia. Hugs my dear friend!
Sonia, You are getting quite comfortable in front of that camera. Lovely to see your smiles. And your distractions–I completely identify with them. Blogging actually has become a great distraction from my own writing. I have the annual contest deadline ahead of me–the one that has spurred me to write three memoir essays in the past. This year I am having real trouble finding my topic and sticking with one once I find it. Let's keep each other accountable. I love the Quaker phrase, "I will hold you in the light."
What a great video. I can listen to your accent all day.
I'm trying to make some huge changes in my life and I have decided that I need to go in baby steps. One big one is I would love to get back to work. I feel like I have gotten Carson into a stable place and I'm not seeing any improvements but don't feel like he is going backwards either. So with that said, I'm ready to get out in the workplace.
So I will need to get myself into a better routine as well.
As far as booking a fare, I always go directly to the airline and play around with dates and times to find a deal.
CRACK!!!! WHOOOSH,,,CRACK!!!!! This is me, cracking the whip…how is the book coming???
Not cracking the whip or wasting time — just wondering what you've been doing. Now that surgery on both eyes has been done, and I have a pair of reading glasses (cost me a whole $1.00 in the local Dollarama), I can get back into the blogsphere.
Rather than revising as you go, or just little pencil marks, why not a note pad, and jot a few notes (with page number at top of notebook page)?
Remember, this advice is free, and may be worth exactly what you paid for it. Keep at it! And try to have fun in the process. :))