Because I like to think that I’m “Gutsy” and I really want to believe that “All is Good,” and “It is what it is,” I’ve decided to tell you that this weekend, I shall be attending the La Jolla Writers Conference, and I’ve signed up for a read and critique with two literary agents and an editor. It’s about time I get some professional opinions, whether or not I have the guts to hear what they say. I’m excited and treating this as an experiment. Let’s not forget the conference is at the Paradise Pointe Resort, a luxury in itself.
I like to call important things in life, “experiments.” For example, when I met my husband, I responded to some personal ads in a newspaper. This was in 1986, before Internet dating, and I responded to five newspaper ads. Why? Because I knew what I was looking for in a man and I could tell from the ad, those who weren’t sincere. At first, I treated all of the ads as experiments. I met the guys, had lunch and interviewed them as potential spouses, therefore I was conducting a “dating my future spouse experiment. I analyzed the results–no I’m not that cold, but I did work for Gallup Polls in Paris during my 20’s preparing questionnaires–and decided that in order for a long term, lasting relationship, there had to be more than physical attraction. Intelligence and admiration were crucial in my final decision.
So what does this have to do with pitching agents and editors?
No idea, except that I shall treat this as an experiment.
I am excited, especially as I have a nice room at a resort on the beach, where the conference is taking place.
I’ve packed my gourmet Peet’s coffee, a few filters and my half and half (cream) so I’m all prepared to meet the agents on Saturday and Sunday. Okay, I do have a bottle of Chardonnay too. Why not enjoy the resort?
Please wish me luck in my experiment. Also please share how you treat important opportunities in your life.
Always remember the Chardonnay. Best of luck in your meetings.
I hope you have a wonderful time "experimenting" with agents and an editor.
How very exciting! I'm so glad you're taking the next step and getting some professional opinions. Remember that this will help you improve your writing – it's NOT personal!
I work as a scriptwriter and am constantly under critique.. usually though the end results are better for the feedback I get.
Like your husband search, they are looking for the whole package. Not just being a great writer but one who is patient and confidant in the craft. They can spot. Enjoy yourself.
Good luck with the agents, Gutsy!! I'm sure they'll love your writing – I certainly do. :))
Big opportunities usually mean a special meal or bottle of bubbly. I can't help it – i'm a foodie girl. :p
Good luck!!!
Sonia, what a wondeful opportunity – and it doesn't hurt that it takes place at a beautiful resort. When I have important events in my life I prepare as much as poosible and then release it to the universe. What will be – will be. No matter what the feedback is from your writing is – it won't stop you from doing what you love doing. It may just motivate you even more. Get some sun and take along that bottle of red.
Its such a nice step… GOOD LUCK!!
Sonia, good luck with the book!
Don't sweat it–I'm sure the agents will like what you've written.
Pack the Peet's, wine, sit back and relax…and tell me all about it!
Goooood luck!
My kind of girl, Peets coffee is awesome! You'll have a great time. I just know it. We have a small writer's conference here in Temecula tomorrow that I'm attending. It will be my fourth writing conference. Each one is different, and I have enjoyed all of them.
I love your attitude!
I'm so excited for you — and I love the idea of thinking of the "big things" as "experiments." It takes the pressure off and helps you remember that none of these are live-or-die situations. They're just a chance to try something new, to see what happens, and to learn something new.
All the best!
Sonia, best of luck! I hope you share some of your experiences with us. I like that you're taking this as an experiment.
By the way, dating is always an experiment!
Sending all positive thoughts and wishes your way…very exciting and brave to go for the gold this weekend!
Enjoy LaJolla!
Woo-hoo, Sonia…Paradise Pointe. I can't think of a better place to conduct an experiment. I hope it all goes really well for you and that you learn a lot. I admire you for having a goal and doing everything you need to do accomplish it.
Can't wait to hear all about this. You are brave, but I can see how important this is.
Wish you good luck and all the best with your new experiment!!!
Good luck Sonia! I am sure the conference will have a wealth of information. I give you a lot of credit for your positive attitude.
My dad died in 2007 and his dream was to publish a book. I have his two manuscripts. He would receive "criticism" and it would set him back and spin him into a depression. He never went the 100 % like you are doing.I remember him typing though out the night, it was a dream he had for 40 years.
I agree that its a process and an experiment. We see and read that writers, actors, and musicians are "discovered" and become famous overnight. Thats probably why rejection seems like a personal attack.. Its not all luck!
I say baby steps! Diligence! Chardonnay!! LOL. Have fun, tell us all about it!
Hope the conference is a fantastic success. I'm very interested in the story about how you met your husband. I agree long term relationships are mroe than that initial attraction. Hope your sons got that message from you too.
@Midlife Jobhunter
Thanks I'm back now and shall post about it.
The experiment was positive and interesting.
Thanks for the encouragement. So true. I would love to read about your scriptwriting. Have you blogged about this?
So true, and more to come.
Yes, I enjoy special meals too.
I thank you for your positive outlook on situations.
@Turquoise Diaries
Yes, at least I'm still trying. Thanks.
I have a story about the Peet's.
Thanks, more later.
I want to hear about the Temecula conference. Never heard of it. Please blog.
@The Blonde Duck
Feels nice to be encouraged. Thanks.
You are right about taling the pressure off with the "experiment" attitude.
I shall definitely share.
I like the Olympic attitude.
Thanks for the boost. How was Cabo? Shall read your post.
If someone is brave, it's you for what you have been through with chemo.
Thanks. A post is coming.
I remember you telling me about your Father and how he also read my stories from Belize, which you forwarded him. Thanks for always being supportive. Wish your dad had submitted his two manuscripts. What were they? I'd love to hear.
Maybe I should post about meeting my husband. Sounds like you've taught your son and daughter that message too.
Well it looks as if your adventurous spirit has already taken you to some fascinating places so good luck with this.
Hi Sonia!
I posted today 'blog dating' posts.
Introduction and invitation.
And I linked you…