Do you ever feel like you have so many topics you want to cover, you’re bursting? The problem is none of these topics are related?
1). Why are kids in my neighborhood, (southern California) scared of saying “hello” to me? Do I look like a scary monster?
After being greeted with warm smiles and love in the eyes of Mayan children in Belize, it always shocks me how young kids in my neighborhood ride their bikes on the sidewalk and refuse to make eye contact. Have we brainwashed our kids to believe that they must NEVER MAKE EYE CONTACT? NEVER SAY HELLO TO A STRANGER, EVEN A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN? NEVER EVEN LOOK IN THEIR DIRECTION? If so, our society is dying. I can’t believe how parents in my neighborhood, one of the ten safest cities in the U.S. have made their kids so AFRAID of human contact, that they cannot even say “Morning,” to a middle-aged woman like me, and yet the Mayan kids came running up with amazing smiles to a bunch of women.
2). Why do couples end up color coordinated?
Often, my husband and I will end up wearing the same color shirt, without even seeing what the other person put on. Does this happen to you?
3). Have you ever thought about how you and your spouse will end up in your 80’s? I want to be like the straw hat elderly couple walking in my neighborhood when I grow up.
Nearly every morning as I head to the gym, I see an elderly couple holding hands, wearing the same color jacket and straw hat. Even though the sun is asleep, they still wear their golden straw hats. I saw their faces for the first time last week and thought, “That’s what I’m looking forward to being at their age: happy, smiley, full of energy and kindness.”
4). What chemicals are pumped into my Thanksgiving turkey that I’m not aware of?
“Americans remain largely oblivious to the intrusions of the pharmaceutical industry into our kitchens. Across the pond, however, the Europeans are wising up.”
5). We have to HURRY and get our revisions done before Oprah quits her show on September 9th, 2011? What a shock, but then again, Oprah needs to enjoy her life. Who can blame her?
I know they are totally unrelated, but I can’t help it. Topics pop into my mind constantly.Please comment on whatever.
Some interesting issues to think about…Nice post…
Well, as a vegetarian I don't need to worry about all the harmful chemicals, but I wonder if people who eat meat realize just what they are putting into their mouths… (especially sausages which are full of yucky stuff)…
I do believe that stranger-danger worry has really taken hold of many countries – especially in the US, for example. Even when I return to the UK, I'm terrified if the kids disappear from sight. Over here in Sweden, I just don't have the same worries…
I thought Oprah was starting her own channel? So all you Oprah fans won't miss out…
Is Oprah really quitting? She should let Gail take over. I love Gail.
I'm sure you don't look like a monster. I think it is cultural. As for that elderly couple- when my husband and I were still dating we went off to Bulawayo for a week. One night we went to restaurant for dinner and there was a lovely elderly couple holding hands across the table. Every once in awhile my husband will remember that couple. I think he holds that dream for us in his mind and I find it so sweet.
Love that photo! In Japan, most communities encourage children to greet everyone. Schools back this up and PTAs often put up signs enjoining kids not to forget their 'aisatsu' or greetings. I never realized how important this was until I had my own kids. I agree with you: it's sad to see kids walk past strangers without a by-your-leave. Somehow there has to be a compromise between warning your kids about predators and getting them so nervous they're afraid of their own shadows.
And I'm a paranoid American: I buy organic whenever I can and probably spend too much time thinking about the crap that's being pumped into what I eat.
Oh Sonia! You're not alone with the eye contact dilemma.
Same happening in Europe too!
BUT here. When I go to my weekly shopping and the kids are sitting in the trolley – oooo they look at me. And I smile. I say 'hello'. They smile back. That's so neat!!!
Oprah. She's learned a lot in her life! Her program opens my eyes to peak your culture – both, negative and positive.
You could come to my blog and check my latest posting – here the word is not free…so SAD! (and stupid)
Have a nice day! 🙂
ps. Yes, I was the first to comment, again! LOL!
Hubby and i didn't realize we were coordinating our outfits until someone pointed it out. We were so embarrassed. I blame him. LOL
I used to talk to strangers all the time. 🙁 I feel bad for my nieces and nephews that their childhoods will be so different from mine. I was a kid not that long ago. Too much has changed.
My mother NEVER bought Butterball turkeys because of that.
For years I've been concerned how the news media portrays the general public and their TV commercials on "not speaking to strangers." They have put fear in our children and the parents, young adults, have gone along with it. I saw this fear in my grandchildren and we clashed. They live in California and here in Virginia it's polite to speak when spoken to. I told them I didn't want to live in a world like theirs filled with fear. While with grandpa it's fun, food and frolicking out doors. I had to stress the old saying upon them, "While in Rome, do as the Romans do."
* The kids in our neighborhood are friendly, always waving, or saying "hi," probably since it's a gated community, and they feel safe, I suppose.
* As for turkey, I buy natural, hormone-free turkeys with nothing added, or injected.
* I don't watch Oprah, so I won't miss her.
* When I'm 80, God willing, Tom and I will still be holding hands…as for dressing alike,
never happens!
I think its the size of the city..Southern California is huge and there are so many people, so much traffic! When I am there I don't look at people, I just do what I need to do and get to where I need to go.. Also, you have a lot of people from other countries in California speaking many languages. I never know who speaks what..
The smaller the city, in my opinion, the friendlier the people.I found the nicest people in the world in Midland, Texas when I lived there. The people were lovely.:)
The sad thing is you can't tell by looking who the dangerous stranger is. That's why we teach our children not to talk to any of them.
Just how it is.
Gutsy, I don't watch the Oprah show, but she's been on television most of my life, so I would be interested in seeing what her next venture will be.
As far as the kids things. I see the same thing in Chicago, but granted this is a big city, and everyone including children must be more careful. Case in point: On the bus a few months ago, I saw a guy in his late 30s or so 'hitting' on a girl no more than 15. I was appalled and prepared to alert police if I had too. Luckily the young lady seemed have been taught to ignore this type of adult and when she got off the bus, he didn't follow her. Thank goodness.
Aside from that, I do think, we as a society have became less social in person but maybe more so online.
I have also noticed that, sometimes, children in the suburbs will not look at you. Its strange.
I think there is something we don't fully understand that makes us dress like people we are close to. Like maybe certain weather makes us want to wear a color, or maybe colors have an influence over us that we do not understand. Our whole family will occasionally show up dressed in the same colors and we don't even live together any more.
Just last weekend I had already dressed in a white shirt and black pants, and was waiting for hubby to finish getting ready. When he came out of the bedroom….he had on a white shirt and black pants!! 🙂 It is hilarious! And so true!
It is not just in your area. For many years now I have seen mothers scold their children if they say hello or even make eye contact with anyone. I see them pull them off to the side and say "Didn't I tell you never to talk to strangers!" So sad that we live in a world that scary.
I think couples start looking like each other when they age together. Never noticed the clothes though.
I do agree that things are different with children these days. I also think one of the hardest parts of parenting is the balance between keeping children safe and letting them learn to have confidence in their own abilities.
More than once, either Doc or I have changed clothes because we've shown up dressed alike.
Our society fears the unknown person Sonya. The stranger danger warnings have always been with us all. Where I live we know each other. Someone people don't know come into the area sometimes people hold back. Overall I tend to be cautious especially in the urban areas. But each corner of society is also different.
Shocked to hear about Oprah as well I read it in the New York Times.
The world is a big place. I was asking myself the same questions today as well. So much I want to write about – so many different subjects and issues that have taken my interest. I write about them anyway even though I have a farm blog – life exists beyond our boundary fence. Write Sonya on the things you have found an interest in.
Hope you're well.
Take care
Nice post.
1) Never experienced this. But, I'm in another place.
2) Something about being a couple for many years.
3) How knows, but I think he will be great.
4) If you eat it, why care? Then you still eat what ever it contains AND worry about what you might have eaten. If you really think it is an issue, don't eat it.
5) Sorry. I've no references to this. Once again, I'm in another planet.
Looks like people aren't voting but rather have appreciated the short items with pictures as a great way to post. Period. You could do more of this. We all could.
Way to keep innovating, Sonia.
I love this kind of post. You've triggered another whole batch of ideas.
Here in the U.S. I think many veggies are genetically altered which I believe has to be written on labels in Europe., but it's rare.
@Mary Witzl
I'd be curious to see the statistics on child abductions in Japanese cities, which I know are extremely crowded and compare them to safe cities in the U.S. where kids are not saying "aisatsu."
Oprah is quitting but apparently her fans can follow her on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network.) I'm confused.
So in Finland, the kids are more open and friendly towards smiling at you?
Thanks for commenting on all these issues. Funny about the clothes.
@John A.
Glad to hear the grandkids can have a fun time with their grandpa. Good for you.
That's cause Tom doesn't wear skirts and you do. What about colors?
You are right about the size of the city having an impact.
That works.
Quite scary for the girl. Although Japan has crowded cities and looking at what Mary Witzl said above, they seem to teach the kids differently.
I think the clothes thing and day of week is right. I've noticed at the gym, many people wearing read on Mondays and Fridays.
Raising children have been always a hard task ana job and not only these days. It's just different today!
'So in Finland, the kids are more open and friendly towards smiling at you'.
I meant Egypt with the word 'here'.
Here, in Egypt, kids are more curious and willing to 'play' a little, like 'hello game'.
In Finland. Normally everybody's too busy with themselves. They are not interested or don't pay any attention what's happening around them. Kids and adults. Generalizing.
No wonder people don't meet each others. We meet and date online. People in real life are…what? too scared? too scared of life?
Or the ME is the king of the world and rest of the people are his/her enemies?
For example.
Are women afraid other women – trying to 'steal' their husbands by
-being more beautiful
-having bigger boobs
-being younger
-slimmer etc. etc.
Are women afraid other women?
Are women competitors to each others? Who has bigger boobs and a bigger house? A zillion credit cards to show off but no cash or saved money?
I talk to everybody where ever I am. Little. Not to push too much. But enough to break the ice. Enough to get the bond between me and other people around me.
That makes my day. 🙂
I can so relate to the overactive brain which has a million thoughts and no where to put them…hahahaha…
It's very sad how children have become so weary of strangers but that is what the world has become, I'd imagine only in third world places which haven't been as affected by media would you find things different then what you've been experiencing. Sad.
Everything is going to kill you, foods are injected with all kinds of poisons to give them more enticing looks or bigger sizes, you should eat this kinda fat and not that kind, organic or not? I just eat whatever makes me happy…and try not to think too much about where it's coming from.
I heard Oprah is just getting her own channel kinda like Jay Leno did? But I don't know…still, all good things must come to an end…Ellen is still out there with her great show so we will survive if Oprah really decides to take a break, but she doesn't strike me as the type to step out of the spotligt too very long.
And I want nothing more then to be a cute little old couple with my honey…can't wait..
Have a great day and if you feel inspired, check out my blog, I'm having my first giveaway!! I'm so excited!!
I must confess, the US paranoia over "stranger danger" bothers me a great deal. The statistical facts are that an overwhelming number of child abductions are non-custodial divorced/separated parents. The stranger child abductions the media focus on alarm us… and they are media events because they are so rare.
I was in the grocery store recently when a little girl the age of my granddughter happily announced to me, pointing at her feet. "I have brand new Jellies!"
"That's wonderful", I responded to her. The girl's mother notice my response to her daughter, glared at me like I have no business talking to any child not my own, and dragged her off by the hand.
This response is both sad and completely unnecessary.
I'm hoping we're that old couple in that picture!
Ok, after I hit submit I realized it sound like I was saying you and I (we) would be like that picture. Not to weird you out I felt I needed to clarify I meant the hubs and I, lol
I enjoyed your random thoughts, especially about couples growing old together. And yes, my husband and I do end up matching each other now and then!
I've got so many idea in my head that I think some days it will explode.
1. There aren't many kids in our neighbourhood, but I say "Hi" to them, and any adults I meet. But this is Canada, not the U.S. Perhaps the fact that I'm walking a dog makes me a little less fearsome, especially when I'll let people pet the puppy.
I don't have answers to the rest.
Just discovered your blog … and totally agree about what Americans put in their bodies. Slowly I am becoming a vegetarian. Right now I'm worried about drinking water, which contains traces of chemicals that are bad for you and may be a reason for the phenomenal increase in breast cancer since World War II. People need to wise up. Remember the Marlo Thomas album and the track about commercials? "The lady on TV is smiling because she's an actress. She doesn't really enjoy cleaning her kitchen …" Etc. At our green B&B we use only non-toxic cleaners. I sure wish everyone did.
As to Oprah, perhaps she will find a way to increase book promotion on her new channel, OWN?
Randomness works for me, Gusty Writer. I'll have to look and see if my husband and I end up in the same color. As to kids not talking to you, truly a shame that fear prevails. Perhaps we should thank the likes of shows like Nancy Grace who make child abductions seem like every moment occurrences. Very sad.
This post has made me run my brain unusually fast.