The line slithered outside the sliding glass doors of the awesome Newport Beach Public Library one hour before the scheduled presentation of Peter Greenberg. Greenberg, travel correspondent for ABC’s Good Morning America and a New York Times best-selling author of the Travel Detective series, fights to give consumers the best kept secrets such as, “There are secret seats on coach that are better than Business class seats. In case you were wondering, they’re not the bulk head seats or the exit row seats either. Greenberg says they’re in his latest book, Tough Times, Great Travels: The Travel Detective’s Guide to Hidden Deals, Unadvertised Bargains and Great Experiences.
I shall give you a few snippets from his presentation that I found useful and interesting:
* Don’t book tickets online thinking you’ll get the best deal. Call the airline first, get the best deal they offer and book it. The airline will hold it for free for 24 hours. Then go online after and compare prices with the one you got from a real person.
* Greenberg recommends Kayak and onetime to book online tickets.
* Openskies offers only business class seats at a great cost. They fly between New York, Paris and Amsterdam and I checked a flight from NY to Paris one-way in May was only $662.
* Korean airlines fly everywhere in the U.S., for example Los Angeles to Sao Paulo and offer better rates and service.
* 85 banned airlines are still flying abroad.
* Buy one way tickets, then you never need to change ticket.
* Get trip cancellation insurance.
* Never buy insurance from travel provider itself, go through the travel agent.
Other comments of interest:
Greenberg mentioned the worst airports in the U.S. are Miami and LAX, due to passport control and customs delays. The best airports are Portland, Seattle and Chicago.
The best bargains and countries to visit in South America are Argentina, Chile,(has the most to offer in terms of diversity, dry desert in the north, Lake District, Patagonia.) Colombia has turned things around and is a great place to visit now. Paraguay is the most dangerous country for a woman traveling alone in South America.
You know what DELTA stands for? “Don’t ever leave the airport.”
If you’re interested in listening to the podasts of these famous speakers, please click here. It usually takes a few weeks for the podcast to be available after the presentation. So please be patient and come back if you don’t see it right away.
So what are your travel plans this year? Any good tips you can share?
Sounds like you picked up some good tips. Got any for road trips???
A great blog, Sonia, full of information. Keep ’em coming. I would have loved to attend his talk. I’ll check him out to see if he’s coming to the desert.
Thanks again.
If you travel with a partner, book the window and aisle seats, chances are good that the middle seat will stay empty. If it does not, most people are kind enough to trade.
I’m not sure I agree on booking one way tickets, its probably not the most economical way to travel if that is what you are looking for.
Is this the reference to Paraguay you were referring to? I’m not 100% sure about that, I think that Mexico might be pretty bad too. I wonder how he got to that conclusion? Not offended, just curious.
K.B. Keilbach,
Sorry but no road trips from him. I’m not sure though.
A Broad Abroad,
Hope you see him too.
Yes, that’s the comment he mentioned. I don’t know why? Was going to inform you that I mentioned it but you beat me to it.
No airplanes for us this summer (hopefully), just lot’s of road trips with the RV. That’s our favorite thing to do!
Sounds like good tips for US travellers. Here in Europe, you can’t beat RyanAir most times – and they are only bookable online.
As for those banned airlines still flying.. Who are they? Why are they flying? Sounds scary! 😉
Good tips, Sonia. We’ll probably go to New York City in the fall, for a few days. But we’re planning on taking the train. My older son would like to take me to Hungary, to visit where I was born, and to Autria, which is my favorite country, but I am reluctant right now. Maybe next year.
Hope you’re having a good weekend.
Emma Rose,
I’ve never tried but hear many who love their RV.
I wish I knew. Probably in his book too. Also maybe they’re small airlines.
I visited Budapest and lake Balaton (?)when I was 13. Beautiful.
Ok, a few comments for sure…
I tend to differ that Chile is the ONLY South American country with great diversity. Has he been to Peru? The highest lake in the world, Lake Titcaca. The ruins of Macchu Pichu, Cusco and the Sacred Valley. Though it is hard to get to, they have just uncovered another Incan stronghold that is supposedly amazing. There…anyways, lots to do there.
I know a lot of people that do not like Miami’s airport…however, I rarely have to wait more than 3 people in front of me when coming into the US (at the US CITIZEN line). Plus, you never have to leave security to get to your next terminal/gate… a huge plus when traveling with kids, carry-ons, laptops, etc… personal preference though….
Anyways, sounds interesting and thank you for the post. Sorry to be so critical…it is just that I am not a fan of one person telling me the end all be all of travel..(or anything else for that matter!)
Ballerina Girl,
Thanks for your nice long commentary. Yes, he did mention Macchu Pichu, but I think he was trying to let us know about other countries that are growing in tourism. I’ve never been to Miami airport, but that’s good to know. Don’t ever say “critical” on my blog. I love discussions and hearing other opinions. Thanks again.
Seeing as I don’t travel well, your “detective story” wasn’t of much use to me.
However, I find the stories of your travels, and your commenters’ travels, are fascinating. Do tell; do tell.
Travel is so important to me. Don’t have any trips planned at the moment but am considering a trip to the Amazon in June as part of the training for business coaching. Thanks for the tips.
What are my travel plans? I enjoy taking my vacations in my Lazyboy Recliner! 😉 I love reading and looking at pictures of other peoples vacations. I also like to watch TV programs of documentaries of places in the world that I will never in my wildest dreams get to visit. I probably see more and learn more about the country or city than if I visited it myself. This is a reason I am looking forward to reading your book about your time in Belize.