There’s a famous healer in my village in Lesotho, who can get rid of the evil spirits, and cure anything. People flock to him from all over Lesotho, where I’m serving as a Peace Corps volunteer as well as South Africa, to seek treatment, and cures for all kinds of ailments.
For weeks, I’ve been asking Mary, my ‘M’e, “host mother” to meet the healer and she kept telling me “He’s very busy.” It wasn’t until he wanted a solar battery, from my contact in Maseru, that I finally got my appointment.
I had no idea what to expect, but I was hoping he would predict my future. I wanted to hear something positive, about meeting the love of my life, and a fulfilling future job after the Peace Corps,
Mary and I walked along the red, dirt path to his tin-roofed house. He has nice leather furniture inside his one bedroom house. I sat down, and expected him to read my palm, or to sit opposite me.
Instead, he filled a plastic bottle with Coke, and told Mary in Sesotho, that he knows I wash my face every morning with a cloth. “Wow,” he knows I wash my face before I go for my 5:45 a.m. walk. I was already hooked. What else does he know about me? I thought.
He told Mary he had a plant for me to add to my water to get rid of the “negativity.” I had mentioned to Mary, that I wanted more positive thoughts and that I wanted to think about everything going well in my life.
“He knows,” she said.
I asked, “How much does he want?”
“20 Rand.”
That’s only $1.28.
“He wants to give you a special remedy to get rid of all the evil while you’re here.”
“Ask him why I always think of the negative rather than the positive.”
She told me that his “medicine” which I shall put in my water, will get rid of that forever.
I could not wait to see what happened.
Mary told me the healer gave her the plant, but that she had to dry it first. After that she used her stone mortar and pestle to make something that reminds me of “Herbes de Provence,” to put in my early morning water to sprinkle on my face.

It’s been two weeks now since I’ve used it, and I have not met Prince Charming, but I have had a nice sight-seeing trip to Kobe caves and a home-made espresso with a British/French photographer.
(More on that trip in another post.)

An espresso in the back of Rene-Paul’s Jeep.
So did negative thoughts subside?
Hi Maria,
I think it’s more of a question of worrying about my future rather than negative thoughts. I’m sure a clearer picture will emerge when it’s time.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Getting Rid of the Evil Spirits With My Healer
Love hearing about your adventures!
Thanks Fiona. Yes there’s more news in my life here than in California.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Getting Rid of the Evil Spirits With My Healer
Go ahead enjoy the morning splash of positivity and espresso…..and cling on to FAITH☺☺☺
Hello Archana,
Great hearing from you. I missed you at the gym in Maseru yesterday.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Getting Rid of the Evil Spirits With My Healer
Sonia, I look forward to reading about your experiences, feelings and plans. Both groups of publishers and writers are going strong with great speakers and audience participation. You are missed.
I am in Denver CO on business and enjoying the crisp air and snow capped mountains. Have you figured out what your healer put in your potion? Wishing you positive thought and joy. Jan
Hello Jan,
I have no idea what plant the healer used, but I keep using it daily. Thanks for the updates on the writers’ groups. Miss everyone.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Getting Rid of the Evil Spirits With My Healer