I am turning a new chapter in my life prompted by my divorce after a 28-year marriage.
Instead of feeling “sorry” for myself, I’ve opted to view this as an opportunity to explore new avenues and adventures. As I often say to others:
“There are always options in life. View setbacks as opportunities to do something new and don’t be afraid to take a risk.”
Baby boomer women are taking charge of their life and according to: New York Times “Divorce After 50”
“So much for “till death do us part.” For the first time, more Americans 50 and older are divorced than widowed, and the numbers are growing as baby boomers live longer. Sociologists call them gray divorcees.”
SONIA’s 2015 Gutsy Adventure:
- Cert-TESOL certificate in London in May 2015, a one-month course. This is the “Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages,” course which is respected and recognized globally by language schools. I have always wanted a qualification I can use anywhere in the world, and thanks to Rebecca Hall, who writes about “Life Beyond Borders” blog, I was guided to this specific course. Watch my interview with Beccy here. Another interview with her on January 24th, 9 a.m.
- I signed up for the Peace Corps, and have followed numerous PC social gatherings during the past year.

- PEACE CORPS: I am currently serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Lesotho, a tiny land-locked country in southern Africa.The good news is that the PC wants to recruit more people over 50, so if you’re looking for another adventure, here are some people over 50 serving.
- MY TIME NOT SOCIAL MEDIA’S TIME: I’m going to do things according to “my time,” not according to social media expectations. So what if I don’t post exactly at the same time each week. Will I get punished by Google, SEO, Twitter, FB, etc.
- “GUTSY” INTERVIEWS: I shall keep interviewing “Gutsy” people, and my first interview in 2015, is the talented, Rebecca Hall. Click here to join this live awesome interview on Saturday, January 24th, at 9 a.m. PST. Please tune in and listen to my friend who lives in Athens, Greece. We shall discuss:
- Her new site, “Life Beyond Borders” originally called Leaving Cairo, and why she changed it.
- What Beccy does, her travel work (especially Rough Guides), why she started a blog, and what she hopes to achieve from her blog in 2015
- MY GUTSY STORY® ANTHOLOGY: I submitted the “My Gutsy Story®” Anthology for another Award and plan to attend the IBPA (Independent Book Publishers Association) conference in Austin, TX, April 10-11th, 2015. Hopefully all 46 authors who contributed their story, will win this Award.
- WORK ABROAD: I plan to volunteer in Spain again in May-June 2015, with Vaughan Volunteers, speaking English to Spanish business people for one week. Last year I was in Torrecaballeros, (see my post here.) This time I shall be in a 13th Century village called, Pedraza. I also hope to work either with the Peace Corps, or as a teacher of English, abroad in 2015.
- PUBLISH 3rd MY GUTSY STORY® ANTHOLOGY IN 2015. Please submit your stories for our next Anthology. It’s FREE on GUTSY LIVING® site, and only $79, to be considered for publication in our 2015 Anthology.

Submission guidelines here
Every Monday, we shall feature a short story on “Gutsy Living” about something Gutsy you have done in your life that either:
- Changed you.
- Changed the way you think about something.
- Made your life take a different direction.
You can check out all the details on the Join the “My Gutsy Story” contest page.
Each month, the winner gets to pick one prize.
Here is the link explaining what it’s about and what we do for you.
It’s FREE to have your story published on Gutsy Living® website and if you would like to be published in our 2015 (award-winning Anthology), there is a fee of only $79, to cover professional editing, cover design, and formatting.
You are Amazing! Such an inspiration to so many people, myself included. I may have a story for the next anthology. You have certainly put a lot on your plate for 2015, but I know you don’t like to sit still. Best of luck for all of it, and more!
Barbara Hammond recently posted..Celebrating a Great Year and Looking Forward!
It may sound like a lot, but if I get sent abroad, I only have a few things to put into storage. I’d love another story from you. Please submit.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..“My New Life” Chapter One
Sonia, I am nearly breathless reading your agenda. You are definitely the poster child of making the most of life in a gutsy way. I wish you the best as you move forward into your “new beginning” Happy 2015!
Kathleen Pooler recently posted..Annual Review of Memoir Writer’s Journey, 2014
I feel the same way about you, and the degree of research and tenacity you’ve shown, through building your platform, Google Hangouts, publishing and promoting your memoir. I know you keep going, just like me. All the Best in 2015. Hope we see each other in person again. love, Sonia
Sonia Marsh recently posted..“My New Life” Chapter One
Wow, Sonia! You are one busy lady! I admire your strength and courage to move forward in the midst of so many changes! I wish you much success as you begin your new journey. I know you will keep everyone posted on each and every adventure! God Bless you!
Liz B recently posted..My Gutsy Story Anthology!
Thank you so much for your encouragement and for posting the “My Gutsy Story” on your site. What a nice surprise for me. All the best to you in 2015.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..“My New Life” Chapter One
We are definitely on a parallel track here. My husband and I also applied to the Peace Corps and are waiting to hear whether we get selected. If not, our backup plan is to start in SE Asia. I pursued an online TEFL certification last spring, and I’m planning to take a CERTA course this spring. I can’t wait to see how this turns out for all of us!
Jenni Gate recently posted..New Year’s Reflections
Jenni, So glad you connected with my post and I agree, we sound the same. Do you know which country the Peace Corps application is being considered? I’d love to receive a “My Gutsy Story” from you, if you’d like to submit it and I shall post it on my site. Please let me know.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..“My New Life” Chapter One
What a trailblazer! You go, Sonia, and many, many, many of us who you connected with via Gutsy Living will be cheering you on.
Thanks so much for your encouragement. I wish I could have seen you in Paris or Switzerland, but I shall be back in April/May, so perhaps then, we can finally meet in person.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..“My New Life” Chapter One
Ditto to all the above, and huge kudos for declaring independence from social media mandates. The concept that readers can’t make it through their (Tuesdays) without a post from (specific person) seems like the height of arrogance to me. Who among us has time to read every blog we subscribe to, especially all the way through. Perhaps publishing more substance less often will actually boost readership.
However the year unfolds for you, I know it will be brilliant. Best wishes.
Sharon Lippincott recently posted..New Years Resolutions
Glad you agree with the social media topic I brought up. I wish I had time to read blogs the way I used to. Thanks for your comment, and I like what you said in your own post, “Write what I want when I’m ready.”
Sonia Marsh/Gutsy Living recently posted..How I Learned to Let Go of Security
Sonia, you’re such a beacon of encouragement! I wish you well with all your new endeavors, and I know you’ll succeed. I may be interested in submitting a story about stepping away from my artistic goals in 2015 to start a job out of need rather than want, and my intention to juggle both this aspects of my life better this year.
Good luck!
I would love your story. Please send it to me, and I wish you success this year.
Sonia Marsh/Gutsy Living recently posted..How I Learned to Let Go of Security
I’m so sorry to hear about your divorce, but your determination and positive outlook is an inspiration to us all!
ladyfi recently posted..Winter’s heart
Thanks for your good wishes. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Sonia Marsh/Gutsy Living recently posted..How I Learned to Let Go of Security
The backdrop of your website has a deeper meaning for me now that I have (finally!) read your magnificent memoir. Sonia, I feel as though I visited Belize though I have never been there and certainly believe I know you better. You can read my review on https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1158697570 and the same on Amazon.
Your plans and actions as you embark on your new adventures remind me of the double meaning of the word crisis in Chinese: danger and opportunity. You are the embodiment of courage. Blessings to you in 2015!
By the way, today I am reviewing Sue Monk Kidd’s book about the two gutsy women in The Invention of Wings.
Marian Beaman recently posted..Who’s Coming to Dinner? Food with Art
What a thoughtful and brilliant review you gave me on Goodreads. I thank you for reading my memoir, and as you said, now you know why I have the same background on my website and book covers. All the best to you Marian as well. I thank you for the Chinese word and it’s meaning.
Sonia Marsh/Gutsy Living recently posted..How I Learned to Let Go of Security