When I woke up this morning, I found this quote by Seth Godin, thanks to my blogger friend Miss Footloose.
“Guts is the willingness to lose. To be proven wrong, or to fail.”
This was the perfect quote to get me to confess.
Six years ago, I made a stupid mistake; I told everyone I was writing a book.
I started everything backwards. I took a class on how to write a book proposal and made fun of something the teacher said. “It can take six years to write your first book.”
“You’re kidding,” I said. “How can it take that long to write a book? There must be something wrong with the writer.”
Now almost seven years later, I get it; I realize how naïve I was back then.
Throughout those seven years, I’ve gone through many stages of learning the craft and business of writing, and there’s always more to learn. Here is my list.
- Taking writing classes at my local university
- Attending writers’ conferences
- Volunteering at writer related events and/or associations
- Joining critique groups
- Blogging and joining blogger groups online
- Working with 3 editors: story structure, copy/line editor, proofreader
- Consulting with book shepherds, PR experts, editors
- Pitching to agents and editors
- Hiring a web designer/tech guys
- Learning about social media, PR, podcasting, video
- Reading and accumulating information
- Networking and promoting daily
- Submitting to online magazines and communities
- Learning about the ever-changing publishing industry
And now, because of all the wonderful stories writers are submitting through the “My Gutsy Story” series, I’m in the process of setting up a publishing company. Once the paperwork goes through, I shall announce the name and a small online celebration.
The first “My Gutsy Story” mini-anthology with 14 authors contributing is now ready for you to download if you click on the “My Books” above, or the “My Gutsy Story” cover on the right sidebar, and yes, that’s me sitting on a palm tree trunk in Belize. (The mini-anthology is being sold for 99 cents.)
So here’s what I’d like to propose, and I’d like some feedback.
Let’s form a community of “Gutsy Writers” who want to go the indie route.
If you fit into one of the following categories, you’re in the right place.
- You’ve submitted to agents and editors and been rejected.
- You want to be in charge
- You’re tired of waiting
- You have the entrepreneurial spirit
- You plan on speaking to groups about your brand/book
- You’re ready to go
- You’re Gutsy
Would you be interested in joining a FB group for indie-publishers? This would be a group for those who are starting out and want to learn more, and for others to share what they know, or are discovering along the road towards publication. We would discuss information we’ve gathered on indie-publishing: How to start your own publishing business? How to find the right people for editing, cover design, layout, marketing, PR and other helpful links from “experts” we’ve found through our research? LarryJacobson and Carla King, both contributors to the “My Gutsy Story” contest have a ton of knowledge on indie-publishing, and are both extremely successful authors.
This would be an interactive open Facebook group where we:
- Coach and encourage one another
- Offer tips and helpful articles and links
- Links to contacts in the book business we recommend
- Have discussions: the more the merrier.
What should we call our group?
Gutsy Indie Publishers?
Share your ideas in the comment section below
Finally, on a more personal note, During the filming of The Down Home Alien Blues I was lucky enough to have two professional photographers and a make-up artist take photos for my upcoming travel memoir: Freeways to Flip-Flops: Our Year of Gutsy Living”
These are my two favorite photos. I’d like you to vote on your favorite:
Make-up artist : Coco Covarrubias
Photographer: Erik Fischer
Make-up artist : Coco Covarrubias
Photographer: Kira Robles
Let me know your thoughts on a FB group for indie publishers, and whether this would be helpful to you. I’m always open to suggestions, and please share with your friends who can join in the conversation.
Thanks for all you help.
Jessica Bell says
Sounds like a great idea! Good luck with it! :o)
Jessica Bell recently posted..When disappointment strikes and hits a nerve …
Sonia Marsh says
Thanks Jessica,
Hope you join us.
Miss Footloose | Life in the Expat Lane says
You’re very gutsy indeed, Sonia! This is quite an undertaking! About the photos, I love the second one with the pink sweater. My husband liked the top one better. Interesting 😉
Miss Footloose | Life in the Expat Lane recently posted..Expat Foodie: How to Enjoy a Culinary Crisis in Rome
Sonia Marsh says
Thanks Miss Footloose. Funny how every person has a different opinion; a bit like book covers.
Dee FitzGerald says
The lighting difference makes Kira Robles’ my favorite. Neither do justice (since I have seen you in person). BTW, I really found Carla King’s post fascinating. Finally, I will be followin your new endeavor closely and would love to be involved.
Sonia Marsh says
What a nice compliment. Did you mean you’d like to submit a story? Join a FB “Gutsy” indie-publishing group or both?
Maggie says
Congratulations Sonia! It’s exciting to to see you’re taking the independent route, setting up your own company; I wish you all the very best with that and your own book too. You know seven years is the end of the cycle!
I like Erik Fischer’s photograph but there’s not enough light on you so my final choice is Kira Roble’s photograph.
Maggie recently posted..A love story in 50 words including the title.
Sonia Marsh says
Thanks so much for your kind words and I didn’t think about the seven years “end of the cycle.”
Lady Fi says
How wonderful — great to hear you’re going into the publishing business!
It’s hard to choose between the photos. The lighting in the second one is so much better plus the pink sweater suits you. However, it looks a lot more staged and artificial than you in the first photo, where you look a lot more natural and approachable.
Lady Fi recently posted..Dragon in the sky
Sonia Marsh says
Thanks LadyFi. Now I have a tougher time deciding. I like your photographer’s perspective.
Riztie says
Thanks Shirley for mentioning the My Gutsy Story coetnst and encouraging all your fans to join. We’ve had some fablous stories on Gutsy Living and I hope to receive more from all your wonderful memoir writers. There are some great prizes and sponsors, including Marla Miller (Query letter expert), Dale Griffiths Stamos (story structure expert), Annabel Candy (Blogging expert). Also adding fun sponsors not related to writing. Good luck to all writers, and thank you Shirley. Can’t wait to read your memoir. Sonia
Stephanie says
Congratulations on the publishing company! I would love to join your facebook group. Gutsy Indie Publishers is a great name. I shall buy your book now.
You look beautiful in both photos but I think I’m with Miss Footloose in preferring you in the pink cardigan.
I would be thrilled if you would write a guest post for Blog In France when your book comes out, if you can fit that in.
I’m shortly to publish my memoir too! I’m going with Kindle Select to start with and am looking at having some POD copies printed too. It’s exciting, but scary too!
Wishing you every success.
Stephanie recently posted..A Seedy Way Of Life
Sonia Marsh says
I am glad you are interested in the FB “Gutsy Indie Publishers” group. I had no clue you were so close to publishing your memoir. Can you give us the link to your separate writing blog? I follow Blog in France, and would love to guest post when my book is out. Why not submit your “My Gutsy Story” too? We have a lot to talk about. You know I shall be in Paris in May?
carol says
I prefer Kira Robles’, but think Erik Fischer’s would suit your book better.
Best of luck and success for this new initiative.
Sonia Marsh says
Thanks Carol. So far, it seems the red sweater is slightly ahead.
Reslov Fletcher says
This is a great idea. Best wishes for that.
And I loved your list of your learning.
Thanks for sharing.
Reslov Fletcher recently posted..how to get a girlfriend
Jessie Chalmers says
Sounds like a great idea – I always love being a part of collaborations – that is where the real magic usually happens.
Jessie Chalmers recently posted..Why Do I Sweat So Much?
Lady Fi says
Can’t you adjust the light in Erik’s photo or ask him to?
Lady Fi recently posted..The last of winter
Sonia Marsh says
yes, I can ask Erik. In fact when I saw the photos on his Mac computer, they looked much better than when I looked at them on my computer.
barbara says
You never cease to amaze me Sonia! What a gutsy move to establish your own publishing company!
I went the indie way with The Duffy Chronicles, (my children’s book) and I’ve been happy with it. I did try to use the same indie publisher for a hard copy of While You Were Sleeping and it was awful, so not every book can work with every publisher.
You can count me in on this project. We should chat soon!
barbara says
oops… almost forgot… I love the 2nd picture!
Sonia Marsh says
Thanks Barbara. I didn’t realize you already published a children’s book. Glad you’re in on the Gutsy Indie Publishers Group on Facebook.
Amy says
I really liked this post! I’ll be pinning it on my pinterest account!
Amy recently posted..Week 14
nicole says
I like the second picture you look so fabulous…Thanks for sharing it…
nicole recently posted..visit the website
Bex says
LOVE the concept of this group – really do. I was hooked from your opening sentence of “Six year ago…” as I started my book in 2010, still writing it! But actually loving the process – although it is such a swings and roundabouts process: winter months leave me a little dark and despondant, therefore not achieving much. Summer I pick up.
Love writing my blog in the meantime, though.
Is your book “Freeways to Flipflops” available as an ebook?
And I prefer the 2nd picture if I’m honest – it looks more natural.
Dolores Else says
I like the second picture with the hot pink sweater much better than the first one. The pink
gives more color to your face and your face looks so much prettier on the second picture.
I will join you on Facebook.
Sonia Marsh/Gutsy Living says
Thank you Dolores. Thanks for visiting and for your comment.
Sonia Marsh/Gutsy Living recently posted..An honest quick “chat” with Sonia