Congratulations to Larry Jacobson, the winner of the February “My Gutsy Story” contest with 110 votes. Larry wrote an amazing story called: “How I Chose Passion Over Fear and Sailed the World.”

Larry is the perfect example of someone who follows his passion and puts fear to the side. You can download a free chapter of his book at: http://larryjacobsonauthor.com .

Brooke, what an amazing number of fans you have. I noticed how they all came over to vote for you within the last few days. Well done. I love the way you are following your passion for Broadway plays. I can tell this is going to become a part of your life, with all the joy and energy you put into it. If you haven’t read Brooke’s “My Gutsy Story,” please click here.

Anne shared her personal story of how she reconnected with your daughter who left home at seventeen. I know many mothers can relate, and I am grateful that you were so honest.

Barbara, I know you were concerned about fewer votes, but everyone read, and enjoyed your story. I think you’re like me: you don’t like to ask people to “please vote for me.” Your story of reconnecting with a “dad” who wasn’t there for you growing up, and meeting your half-sister later on in life, after your mother’s cruel words, shows us how you had the courage to rise above the heartache.
Thank you to these 4 amazing “My Gutsy Story” writers. Thanks to all of you who voted
Do you have a “My Gutsy Story” you’d like to share?
To submit your own, “My Gutsy Story” you can find all the information, and our sponsors on the “My Gutsy Story” contest page. (VIDEO) Submission guidelines here.
Our WINNER Larry Jacobson gets to select his prize from our new list of SPONSORS, Please check them out here.
Please share the “My Gutsy Story” series with others on Twitter using the #MyGutsyStory. Thank you.
Sonia I was really joking about the outcome. You are right though about not feeling comfortable asking for votes. I’m happy to have contributed and thank you for the opportunity.
Congratulations to Larry!
Yes, Barbara. It’s sad but true. You have to ask for “everything,” including votes. 🙂 I do love your writing and look forward to your memoir.
Thank you all. I’m humbled by my support…but next stop, The White House! LOL
Truly, it was a lot of fun and I loved all of the stories.
Best to all,
Larry Jacobson recently posted..Yea for Spring! Hibernation is Over!
I’m sure I’ll see you at the next international dinner at the White House. You’re “unstoppable.”
Congratulations to the winner and I hope you will continue inspiring all of us by means of your good actions…
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I can’t wait to witness some more of inspirational story, they are the one who bring a kind of light to all of us…
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