I’ve been running into a few articles lately, discussing the behavior of some bloggers. Apparently, there are some bloggers who like to wage war with the blog author. There are others who only care about making money and accepting freebies, (not quite sure what that’s all about, as I don’t read those blogs.) Finally we have the civilized crowd, like my followers, who blog with integrity.
Yesterday, I stumbled upon an interesting website: BLOG WITH INTEGRITY, and after reading the pledge and viewing the msnbc interview, decided to sign it and display the badge on my blog. The April 9th interview entitled, “Mommy meanest? The dark side of mom bloggers,” is quite interesting and offers useful tips to all who blog; not just mom bloggers.
What caught my eye in the pledge was the following statement:
“I treat others respectfully, attacking ideas and not people. I also welcome respectful disagreement with my own ideas.”
Furthermore, they acknowledge we all make mistakes, but as long as we take responsibility for our own words and apologize for our mistakes, then we are blogging with integrity.
I found it interesting that we need to remind people to “remember that you can attack an idea, but not the person.” You see, when I’m visiting family in Paris, watching French TV and having meals with French friends, the French openly argue politics, social issues and religion, and remain friends afterwards. They are in fact disagreeing with others’ opinions, but not attacking the person. Here in the U.S., people stay away from discussing these issues as disagreeing with others, often turns into a personal attack. I’ve often wondered why it has to be that way, and why the difference between the European way of discussing and the American way of (avoiding discussing?)
Editor Lynn Price from Behler Publications wrote a very interesting article called, “Footprints in the sand-Online Presence,” about this. Please read here.
She states:
“I google potential authors because I want to know who I’m dealing with in order to avoid potential trouble downstream. Maybe a manuscript looks really great and the author’s platform is fabo. But if I see where the author yelled at an interviewer [happened, pinky swear], or behaved horribly in some other public forum, then I’m going to run in the opposite direction because if they’ve done it once or thrice, chances are they’ll do it again. On my dime. Who needs the aggravation? I’m in this game to sell books, not play referee.”
Thank you Lynn for this helpful article.
Thank you Rayna, for handing me the “Sunshine Award.” Please visit Rayna’s blog from India where she lives. She definitely blogs with Integrity.
I leave for London and Paris on May 9th until May 24th. I shall celebrate my Father’s 85th birthday in Cahors, the south of France. Might blog if I can, if not lots of photos and stories when I get back.Take care and
Happy Mother’s Day.
I like the idea behind blogging with integrity. I honestly don't think we should use the internet as a way to be snarky and mean-spirited as I've seen done. I try to be respectful in my posts on my blog and those of my blogging friends.
I enjoyed this post, it is very thought provoking. I try to be nice when I leave comments, I hope I have never left you a message, that seems otherwise.
Have a lovely vacation with your father and friends.
I don't quite know what it means but I agree with the concept. I buy all the books I review and I always give my honest review even if it's not a good one but I will never attack the author. Never. I will go check out the other website.
Thanks for the heads up and Belize looks beautiful.
Your integrity has always shone through loud and clear, Sonia. Have a wonderful trip.
Blogging with integrity is an admirable goal, one that I attempt to strive for. On the other hand, occasionally I can't help but to call 'em as I see 'em… sometimes when the comment is utterly moronic one has to consider the source.
We loved southern France when we were there 10 years ago. Do post pictures upon your return (or while there) if you can. Two of my favorite places were Cassis and Fontaine de Vaucluse. Bon Voyage.
Blogging with integrity – what a great idea.
An Arkies Musings
Isn't it sad that you need to take a pledge to blog with integrity. I would think it should be obvious that it is issues that are up for discussion, not people.
And thank you for your kind words, Sonia. You too are a person who always blogs with integrity.
Have a great time, and Happy Mother's Day.
I agree with your observation that Americans feel like they need to agree on everything. I'm not familiar with the French culture, but I do find healthy debate and respectful disagreement enriching.
Nice post.
Have a nice holiday.
Blogging with integrity is something with which I am constantly concerned — in terms of my own work, and the work of others.
1. Thank you for leading me to the "Blogging with Integrity" site. I signed the pledge and took the badge.
2. Thank you for being a person who blogs with integrity.
3. Hope you have a great time on the continent, especially with your dad! See you when you return.
4. Happy Mothers' Day to you!
I've seen this site – it is important to blog with integrity. I think one of the problems has been people recommending free stuff without saying that they were given the stuff.
It's a good reminder to us all that we can question people's opinions without meaning anything personal.
Have a great time in France!
Thank you so much for the thoughtful post about blogging with integrity. I love it when the pledge has meaning for someone and they write about it.
One point about the pledge and the badge — It is absolutely true that neither conveys integrity. The writer does, by her words and actions. What they do do is give us a way to express our personal commitment and show that we are part of a larger community.
And we can still call 'em as we see 'em. Just respectfully 🙂
In really appreciate Susan Getgood's remarks on this.
Thank you, Susan.
I know you have integrity.
@Gramma Ann
You've always been wonderful Gramma Ann, and I love your quotes.
As you say, giving your opinion is fine as long as we don't attack authors, which you mentioned yourself.
Thanks. I'm sure I've made some mistakes though.
@Robert the Skeptic
I like reading your blog and your thoughts. At least you're Gutsy. You're not scared to say what you think, and that's really refreshing.
I think it's a great pledge to take.
Happy Mother's Day with your young sons.
I agree with you about the integrity part.
Perhaps because you've lived in other parts of the world, you see things like me about the U.S.
I received anough thank you's from you to fill up my Mother's Day. Thanks back to you, and may your wife enjoy this day. I also thak you for the reminder from Susan Getgood. I did write to her personally, just so you know.
You are all over the place in the cyber world, so I'm not surprised that you've heard of the Integrity site. I look forward to being in Europe again after two years. Wish we could meet. Want to fly to London or Paris?
@Susan Getgood
I am so happy you commented and hope you received my e-mail. Yes, the pledge only has meaning when the writer respects the significance. Thanks for creating the pledge and the much needed community.
I was just stopping by to wish you a wonderful Mother's Day. I have gone back to work part time and have been super busy with soccer so I haven't been blogging like I should. So with that said, I wanted to make sure I dropped by and say hello. Hope all is well and your boys make your day wonderful.
Mama was right when she said, " if ya can't say anything nice about someone…don't say anything at all." I just don't get it when people cut loose and are downright mean and disrespectful of the author. I saw the Today program about the blogs with integrity. We really do need to follow some rules here. Great post sister, it needed to be said and you did it so eloquently.
God bless ya and enjoy this beautiful day sweetie!!!
I have to double check if I am a Follower of your Blog in order to be sure that I am included in the civilized crowd, who blog with integrity:):)