My husband Duke decided we should have a party with creative people.
“Why not, ” I agreed and said, “Let’s call it a Gutsy Creative People Party.”
So we created a list of all our friends in Duke’s indie movie: The Down Home Alien Blues, my writer friends, PR friends, journalists, editors and so on.
What fun we had between actors, such as Nathalie Biermanns (photo below left) and make-up artist Coco Covarrubias (photo below right.)

Then my good friend Madeline Sharples, author of wrote a “My Gutsy Story” drove from Manhattan Beach to Orange County in the rain with her husband Bob. After reading her memoir, Leaving the Hall Light On, it was wonderful to meet her husband Bob. It’s strange how memoir writers know all about the author’s family, prior to meeting them in person.

I invited two of my SCWA (Southern California Writers Association) friends. Charla Spence, and Janis Thomas.

Here is Janis and her husband Alex, with Charla.

My friend Janis Thomas, had her novel, Something New, published by Penguin. I am thrilled for her.
Then Tom Blake, a former OC Register columnist, arrived with his friend Gretta. Tom still writes a column about dating over 50 for a local Dana Point, California newspaper, and was generous to host me at his deli, “Tutor and Spunky’s” in Dana Point in September. You can view photos here.

The actors had a good time, including Jay Mitsch, who is the lead man in The Down Home Alien Blues.

We had an amazing evening and here is my friend Dee Fitgerald and his wife, Mary. I met Dee from blogging. You can view his Dr. Eclectic blog here.

Dee also offered me the opportunity to speak at the MOAA (Military Officers Association of America) about my youngest son becoming a soldier. My son is on the top photo, far right.
A wonderful PR lady for authors, Jennifer Heinly, also attended, together with Pam Westcott, a freelance writer and their respective husbands.

Happy New Year to all my friends and may 2013 be the year you accomplish whatever you desire.
Submit your “My Gutsy Story.”
I am collecting new “My Gutsy Story” submissions for 2013. NOW is the time to submit your own “My Gutsy Story” and get published in our Anthology. Please contact sonia@soniamarsh.com for details.
To submit your own, “My Gutsy Story” you can find all the information, and our sponsors on the “My Gutsy Story” contest page. (VIDEO) Submission guidelines here.
Happy New Year to Everyone.
Hi Sonia!
Happy New Year to you and yours! May 2013 bring you much love, happiness and good fortune!
Well done Sonia,
I recently came across your My Gutsy Story site and read many of the stories you had listed. Just today I am starting to read Leaving The Hall Light On by Madeline Sharples. My son also at 28 committed suicide almost 5 years ago and I still have not been able to speak about it freely and openly and not yet able to write about it. So I am looking forward to Madeline’s story.
Your site is great and all the best to you and your husband. I hope his film is a big hit.
Someday I hope I will be able to submit a Gutsy Story for your site.
So glad you stopped by and are enjoying reading the “My Gutsy Story” submissions. I am so sorry to hear about your son. I know it took Madeline Sharples many years to write her memoir, and I have read it. She tells her story with such honesty, and I am sure you can relate to her feelings while reading it.
I am so, so sorry for your loss. I empathize with your feelings as I lost a daughter to suicide at age 19. It has been over 11 years but seems like it was just a day ago.
Sonia has a great site to help release our inner feelings, as I did when I sent in “My Gutsy Story” to her. Fellow writers responded with such love and encouragement!
I hope to soon read your story.
Stay strong!
Have a wonderful New Year!
Thanks for your kind comment and for letting me know how this is helping writers. That means a lot to me, and Madeline Sharples, also shared her story about her bipolar son committing suicide at 27.
You truly do have a unique site. I hope to check in with you all more often.
I have been crazy busy, editing my novel and delving into poetry.
Keep up the great work!
Sounds like a great get-together. Wishing you a wonderfully creative year!
ladyfi recently posted..Chasing the light
Thanks LadyFi. The same to you. All the best in 2013, and look forward to another year of wonderful photography.
Sorry to miss out on this very enjoyable evening! Wish I could have been there and met everyone including people I know online. Wish you all the best for 2013!
Penelope J recently posted..Never Give Up on Your Dream
Wish you had been able to come as well. I know you would have fit in with the creative crowd. Next time.