"Relationship Building: the Secret to Marketing and Selling Your Books."
“Relationship Building: the Secret to Marketing and Selling Your Books.”
Most writers love to write, but don’t always know how to market and sell their books. Whether you’re traditionally published, indie published, or in the early stages of writing your manuscript, your job, if you wish to sell books, is to become your own marketer. In this presentation you will learn:
1. How to start marketing your book the minute you start writing your manuscript.
2. 3 steps can start immediately to build important relationships prior to publication.
3. 3 steps you can start right now to get more sales, after publication
4. Marketing and promotion for the shy author
5. Marketing and promotion for the outgoing author
6. How to create new opportunities to promote and sell
Sonia Marsh is an award-winning indie author who knows how to market books both online and in person. She offers “gutsy” book marketing and coaching to indie authors. Contact her at: sonia@soniamarsh.com or visit her website: https://soniamarsh.com