If you’re considering serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer, or you’re curious to learn more about what it’s really like to move away from luxuries like electricity, toilets, showers and running water, join me on July 19th, for my Peace Corps presentation, in Orange County, California.
I plan to delve into the reality of working as an English teacher in a tiny village, where the only traffic seems to be herds of cows, sheep, goats, and blanket-clad men on horses. The only sounds are roosters, pigs, donkeys that sound like elephants, fighting dogs, and the Basotho people who yell from one mountain to the next. My new life is 6,000 feet above sea level, in “The Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho,” Southern Africa.
During my presentation:
I plan to delve into the nitty-gritty of my life as a Peace Corps Volunteer and entertain you with my daily challenges:
- Learning to live with zero privacy
- My “failed” attempts at communicating in Sesotho which have barely progressed beyond formal greetings
- My amazing public transportation adventures
The positives of my Peace Corps experiences and what I’ve accomplished so far:
- Improving the English teaching program at my school
- Forging friendships with teachers and my counterpart at school
- Receiving numerous donations of clothes, shoes, books and school supplies from wonderful people through my blogging which have greatly benefited the orphans and vulnerable children at my school
- Other recent accomplishments I shall mention during my presentation
What I plan to do after the Peace Corps, and how I hope to motivate more 55+ to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer.
I started my Peace Corps “PST” (pre-service training) in Lesotho in October 2015, and this will be my first visit home. I have shared many stories on my blog since I arrived, and as time goes by, I keep learning new things about my environment, and myself.
Julia Capizzi, the amazing Peace Corps recruiter in Orange County, asked me if I’d like to share my experiences when I return this July for a quick vacation to visit my family and friends. I said “Yes,” and am asking all of you who live close by to attend, and bring a friend(s) along.
The Peace Corps Presentation will take place from 5:30 p.m., until 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 19th at Mimi’s Cafe in Irvine, CA.
Sonia Marsh
Peace Corps Presentation of my life as a Volunteer in Lesotho, Southern Africa
(December 2015-December 2017)
Mimi’s Cafe
4030 Barranca Pkwy,
Irvine 92604
5:30 p.m.-7 p.m.
(You are welcome to stay longer and ask me questions)
I would like to share a power point presentation so you can see what my daily life is like, my school, and more.
Please e-mail me, at Sonia@soniamarsh.com, or Julia Capizzi at jcapizzi@peacecorps.gov if you’d like to attend, if you are bringing a friend(s). Please write ATTENDING in the subject of your email, as we need a head count.
I hope to see you very soon.
Thank you Sonia for your regular updates on your peace corps experience. I admire your courage.
Always enjoy reading your emails.
Will definately be trying to come to your presentation on the 19th of July.
All the best,
Michael Adobe
Ps.: we met a few years ago at a book signing at Bank of Books in Malibu
Hello Michael,
I put the address above, since I now know where it’s going to be held. Look forward to seeing you again, and thanks for following my posts.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Join Me on July 19th For My Peace Corps Presentation
I’d love to come to your presentation in Orange County if I am able to get there. As for a place to meet, there are meeting rooms in Laguna Woods Village that can be rented. I cannot rent it for you at resident rates because it is for another organization rather than personal. But perhaps the Peace Corps can afford to rent a room. The phone number your PC person can call is 597-4227 to get more information.
Hi Suellen,
We are going to be at Mimi’s cafe in Irvine. Thanks for your offer, but the PC cannot charge for events.
I’d love to make a presentation in Laguna Woods another time.
Hope to see you soon , and bring some friends. Please conform how many.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Join Me on July 19th For My Peace Corps Presentation
What is the street address in Irvine and the time?
It’s listed in the post in the box above. Hope to see you.
Mimi’s Cafe
4030 Barranca Pkwy,
Irvine 92604
5:30 p.m.-7 p.m.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Join Me on July 19th For My Peace Corps Presentation
Thanks for the details. I hope to see you on July 19.
Hi, Sonia, It looks like you’re having a wonderful adventure. You look so healthy and happy in all your photos.
I’ve been meaning to write you for a while and ask you how to donate some clothing and shoes (I have several pair of gently used shoes that might work for your village folks).
Please let me know if that’s all right and where to send them – I remember seeing something in your posts a while ago that you couldn’t accept stuff. Are you able to now?
Thanks so much for all that you’re doing. It must be so rewarding.
All best, Madeline
Madeline Sharples recently posted..A little novel excitement – short-lived
Hello Madeline,
I shall send you a separate e-mail. Miss you and all the writing events.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Join Me on July 19th For My Peace Corps Presentation
Hi Sonia! I’ve loved following your posts about your adventures in the Peace Corps! I really admire what you’ve done! Your stories remind me of my missionary trips to Haiti… I wish I could go to your presentation! We are going on an Alaskan cruise that week. Keep up the good work, and enjoy your visit in the states!
Hi Peggy,
Enjoy your Alaska cruise. Maybe we’ll meet one day again.
Hope all is well with your and your sons.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Join Me on July 19th For My Peace Corps Presentation
Dear Sonia,
If I feel better, I’ll try to attend. However, still have to write one-handed and walk with a walker so let’s see. It should be interesting and like this opportunity to see you.
Love, Pennie
Pennie, I know I’m far away, and if you can make it, I’d love to see you.
Sonia xox
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Join Me on July 19th For My Peace Corps Presentation