Writing and publishing a book is a business, and if you want to be successful, you have to promote and market your book yourself.
There are several ways to market your book, and one way is to start small, and build your way up. That’s what I’m doing, and I decided to never say “no,” even if the group I speak to is small.
Most of us can’t afford a super expensive publicist who promises a national TV spot for $5,000 or more.
So last week, I was invited to sell my book at a fashion store in Newport Beach. Most authors would not think of promoting their book at a fashion store unless it was related to fashion design, modeling, or starting your own clothing store.

But since I refuse to say “No,” to opportunities, I said, “Yes,” to Monir Ghaneian, and had the most amazing afternoon and evening at her beautiful “Tropez” Boutique in Newport Beach.

Not only was I surrounded by gorgeous dresses, necklaces, purses and shoes, including fancy flip-flops, to go with the theme of my book: Freeways to Flip-Flops but Monir invited her Persian friends and relatives and I have never felt so comfortable in a clothing store in my life.

We had a wine tasting with Lillian Norminton offering wines from the Napa Valley Levendi Winery as well as home made Persian appetizers and salads and gourmet cheeses.

Several customers walked in, tried on outfits, and came out of the changing room to get feedback from all of us women, and I honestly felt like I was invited to my best friend’s house. A singer walked in, a small business owner, and a mother and her daughter shopping for her high school reunion outfit. The atmoshere was magical and women from different backgrounds bonded, just as women love to do.
Monir wanted to help me promote my book, and asked me to make a mini-presentation in front of all her customers. She heard me speak at WomenROK at the Wine Artist in June, and thought I should share my memoir with her relatives and customers.
I truly believe that when you are open to new ideas in your local community, magical things can happen to you, with your business.
What have you tried that was different to market your book? Did it work?
Check out the wonderful bloggers who interviewed me around the world.
You can check out all the interviews here, and I’m so happy to be a guest on Linda Austin’s blog 9-30-12
Do you have a “My Gutsy Story” you’d like to share?
To submit your own, “My Gutsy Story” you can find all the information, and our sponsors on the “My Gutsy Story” contest page. (VIDEO) Submission guidelines here.
Hi Sonia,
It was a pleasure to interview you – I enjoyed thinking up questions for you and enjoyed the answers, plus the video you provided.
This is a great post and I totally agree: never turn down the opportunity to publicize yourself and your work of art, even if it seems irrelevant…it never is. Look at the opportunities it opens up for you and the wonderful people you meet.
Thanks for sharing this Sonia, it’s great advise I intend to follow myself when I (finally!) come to finishing my book.
Thanks again for the interview on your blog. When your book comes out, are you going to promote in Greece as well as the UK?
Hi Sonia,
There’re a lot of expats in Greece who might appreciate my book and relate to it, so yes – why not? I like your approach of doing a blog tour…that ensures a worldwide audience and wider readership.
Great ideas that you’ve been for book signings and talks – well done and as you have aptly said, never turn down an opportunity to market yourself!
What a great idea – good for you and also good for the customers, who will no doubt return to the store.
By the way, I finished your book yesterday and just have to say that I really enjoyed it. It was exciting, touching and very well-written!
Lady Fi recently posted..A beautiful start
Thank you so much. I am glad you enjoyed it after all these years you’ve been following me. If you feel like giving me a review on Amazon, I’d love that.
Sonia, you’re an inspiration. I feel like I’m lagging way behind, but at least I know I can take notes from you.
Well done, my friend, for going all out to market your wonderful book!
Belinda, I know you have a ton of experience in advertising from reading your memoir, “Out of Sync,” so I am complimented by your feedback. Thanks so much.
I keep getting flashes of your next book, Sonia! Many have written about marketing/promoting indie books, etc. Your book, however, will be spiced up with all the wonderful experiences and fun encounters you’ve had while promoting Flip-Flops :}
Doreen Cox recently posted..LOVE NEVER DIES
You just gave me an idea and I love new ideas. Thanks. How about we combine this with the FlipFlop Rum company?
Sonia– I love your attitude!!!!
And look at how it is working out for you! I am really proud of you!
Kelli recently posted..Awaiting the arrival…..
Is Corrie almost here? I hope so. Thanks for always being so supportive.