I am sixty-eight-years young and have lived a challenging life. The 15th of 16 children raised on a farm until 15-years-old when farm life became too harsh for a 90-pound girl.
“Education wasn’t important for a girl,” my mother would say. “After all you’ll get married someday and your husband will take care of you.” I began to feel like a number with no identity and ran away from home in 1959, for other reasons as well which I will not mention at this time.
I was then given a chance to attend beauty school and live in a boarding house with strangers. With few choices I did so and attended school eight hours a day. Soon my mother ran out of money, so I had to pay my way or return to farm work. Not an option. I found a job as a waitress, 5pm-12am for tips and took a bus to work for another 7-8 hours. Before long, I met my first husband to be, and naturally my mother’s prophetic words became a reality. Love can do very strange things to a young girl and I was tired, so tired. I agreed to marry him and he convinced me to drop out of school.
My first pregnancy occurred soon after, and within six years I had four babies to raise with what turned out to be, an alcoholic husband who worked minimal jobs and became abusive.
I stayed with him for nine years until 1969 when he became abusive to our children, ages three, four, six and eight, when I left him, taking my children at age twenty-five. Still I had no job. Fortunately a friend took us in until I was able to find work.
One week later I applied for a job as a sales rep just one block away, all the while thinking there is no way I’ll land this job. I had no experience, had never driven a car, no formal education, (however I had always studied on my own), no permanent address, no money for new clothes, no babysitter for my children. Still I went for it.
I interviewed the next day, on a Sunday, wearing a simple skirt, blouse, and flat shoes. Somehow the gentleman interviewing me seemed interested, and began to ask me questions.
1. What is your experience in sales? “Actually none, but I believe I can sell your product.
2. When can you begin? “Right away, I have children to support.
3. What amount of income do you expect? “Whatever you offer Sir, I need a job.”
4. How many children do you have? “Four small children; two in school.
5. Who will watch them while you work if I hire you? “I have a babysitter lined up.” At once I flinched, fearing a bolt of lightning would strike me.
6. Do you have a car? “No Sir, I usually take buses.” Then he asked a question I never imagined.
7. Do you have a driver’s license? OMG! How do I answer this question?
I knew it had to be important, so at once I replied. “Yes I do, but it expired.” Then waiting for that lightning bolt which I knew was going to strike this time, the gentleman says, “If you renew your driver’s license I’d like to hire you right away if you’re interested in what I have to offer. The pay is $_, and although it isn’t a large salary, you will be given a company car to drive and expenses, and very little travel is involved. Your territory will be local. Most work days will be normal hours with little overtime.”
“OMG. What do I do? What do I do?” Well, I took the job, and signed up for driving lessons that afternoon, got my driver’s license later that week, found a babysitter to live with us for payment, signed for a nice apartment, bought some professional work clothes at a thrift store for next to nothing, and started a new life.
Soon I met my second husband to be. It goes without saying I took it much slower. There were children involved and that is where is my greatest love abides. Still I think he fell in love with them first, then me. We were married five years later in 1974 and the rest is history. You see I’m a Christian. I’ve always had faith in God and I always believed he had something special for me.

My name is Pat Shannon/Yeager, to my family I’m Patty. I’m a wife, mother, grandmother, a great grandmother, and a lover of animals. My life is full and busy with a passion for writing poetry, fiction, and short stories, crafting, gardening, church, and volunteer work. Follow Pat on Facebook, or connect with Pat on LinkedIn
Your story is so inspiring to all of us. I cannot imagine the courage it took for you to uproot four small children and find a job, a babysitter, and sign up for driving lessons that very afternoon. That was such a “Gutsy” thing to do and I am so happy to hear that everything worked out for you. Your courage is amazing Pat, and thanks for sharing. Please leave your comments for Pat below. She’ll pop over to reply.
Do you have a “My Gutsy Story”?
To submit your own, “My Gutsy Story” you can find all the information, and our sponsors on the “My Gutsy Story” contest page. (VIDEO) Submission guidelines here.
Please vote for your favorite February “My Gutsy Story” You can read all four here. The winner will be announced on Thursday, March 15th.
Isn’t it amazing Pat how we somehow find the courage to take what life throws at us and make it work. I know not everyone shares that ability, but I believe more would if they knew how empowering it was.
Great story!
You’re so right Barb, but I have to admit it’s pretty scary sometimes to let go and let God. Nevertheless, I’ve done that all my life. I’m always amazed at how He takes control for us if we trust, and in the end we conquer.
What an amazing story!
Lady Fi recently posted..9/11 Memorial
Thanks Lady Fy.
Pat you were so brave and strong. I am so proud of you, I know I couldn’t done as well if I had been in your shoes, the thought scares me!
Thanks Joan.
I appreciate that people know when life is a struggle and say such kind words. I hope I am able to encourage other’s with my story and let them know that there is always a rainbow at the end of most storms. Hardships are a part of life and certainly not always fair, but if we fight the good fight, we overcome.
I am surprised how both you Pat, and Barbara, who also submitted her “My Gutsy Story”
https://soniamarsh.com/2012/02/my-gutsy-story-by-barbara-hammond.html, both had so much courage to cope with a tough life.
Yours is a story of astonishing courage and determination, Pat, and it’s certainly an inspiration to any women who think it’s not possible to do it alone with so many children. But you left me hanging with a big curiosity about the story you didn’t tell ie why you left home! Another story to be told perhaps.
Yes Maggie and thanks, there is so much more to the story, but could only fit so much into this one for the blog. Perhaps another story is the way to go. At this time I’m writing a book titled “Before the Rooster Crows.” Although it isn’t my story, there are a lot of similarities. I am sketching my story out for a later writing hopefully in 2013.
An amazingly courageous person you must be, Pat. I could not help but hear the echo of my mother’s mantra: “you do what you have to do.” Faith and trust was definitely imbedded in you, in a deep well of spirit. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story.
Doreen, Thank you so much for the beautiful compliment. You’re very kind. Isn’t it amazing how we hear our mother’s words echo in our ears as a mantra later in life. One of my favorites still rings in my ears, ‘You made your bed and now you’ll have to sleep in it.” Cruel, but oh so true.
Your song can be sung by a lot of Boomer women. But you never allowed yourself to be defeated. That’s the Christian bonus–you had someone else on your side!
Your story proves that you don’t have to travel the world to be gutsy. Bravo for you! Thanks for sharing.
Anne Schroeder recently posted..A Thank-You to the Universe for my Zihuatanejo Connection
How beautifully expressed Anne, Thank you so much. I try to remember everyday that He walks with me, and I always pray for Him to walk with other’s to the end of their trials as well. Life is so much sweeter when He does.
I am inspired by your story! I am on the brink of making some major changes, but you reminded me that He is always there, and if I only believe and give it to him, all will work out. Thank you and God Bless you!
Liz B. recently posted..Goodbye, Mother
Liz, I am so happy I was able to inspire you. I have to admit, I have tears reading your post. When one accepts that He is in charge and I have been a part of reminding you, my heart soars with joy. Keep your decision in constant prayer and let God take it for you, believe and don’t pull it back. He will take care of you and you will overcome.
Thank you for your kind words.
What a great story, being mom takes a great responsibility and fatty figure when getting pregnant… I know that many of us can relate with your inspiring story…
Rose37 recently posted..cars for sale in stroud
Thanks Rose for your kind words and humor, (fatty figure), Oh how I remember those fatty pounds. Here’s a fun note for you. When I became pregnant with my first child, I weighed only about 90 pounds and gained only about twenty pounds. He was eight pounds 7oz., when he was born. Now I weigh a bit more, but he is 6ft. 5in. tall and weighs 260 lbs. Thank God he didn’t leave the weight behind in me. (Giggle).
I am very proud in every inspiring woman who do great things for their family, just like my who make all things possible and bring a kind of satisfaction to me and in our children.. I hope this inspiring story will continue to share with us…
Brandon recently posted..website
Brandon, I too hope people continue to be inspired by the love a mother has for her children. I truly believe they are a blessing, even when they stray from the path for awhile. A mother’s love will always win in the end. I’m glad you have one who inspires you.
The world is full of its idols & its heroes but nothing can give account to the mind of a mother and the unity and oneness she brings to her children. A true mother and great woman, such as yourself, divides life’s difficulties and defines her opportunities for herself. You have recategorized the word mother from a noun further through action as a verb.
Devotion + Determination = Inspiration.
John, you bring me to tears with your beautiful poetic words. You are truly a blessing in my life.
I agree with John. His words are so poetic. Thanks from all mothers who would love to hear this from their children.
I’m so impressed by your courage and strength. What a story!
Thanks for your profound Christian advice, you don’t know me but you are probably seriously changing my life…
Thanks Miss Footloose for reading my Gutsy Story and for your encouraging words.
Carol, If my story inspires you to make changes in your life for the better, then I am thrilled. It is truly my hearts desire to be a Godly example to others by His Awesome Love. I pray He directs you and brings you blessings of joy and peace.
Pat, I am so happy that your “My Gutsy Story” can help others in one way or another. That’s what I love about those who are willing to share something about their life. You never know how this may be of help to someone else, no matter what the topic or theme. Thanks for sharing yours.
Me too Sonia. thank you so much for giving us an oppertunity to share. you are making a difference as well.
Hi Pat…This is a great story to share…You know I can really relate to you here and I am very proud that I am a mom too…
Chezianne recently posted..Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety
Hi Chezianne, Thanks. I love your name, I’m sure you’re a great mom. Stay proud, being a good mom isn’t always easy but it’s worth it.
Such an inspiring story! It really is gutsy! Love it and thanks for sharing that, it was an amazing journey! I knew you had to be Christian to make it through all that!
Thank you so much P.I., You are very kind. I agree about being a Christian, I could never have gone through such turmoil without The King, well I could have but for certain, I wouldn’t have made it. Thanks again and Blessings to you.
God Bless,
Dear Pat,
This s a moving, interesting, and inspiring story. I’m glad I had the chance to read it. Good luck with winning, but either way, this story is a winner. I’d love to see you write a memoir!!
Good Luck!!
Micki Peluso recently posted..Tomatoes and Teenagers
Thank you so much Micki. Your kind words have lifted my spirit.
I am working on a Memoir titled: Where Were You God? I hope to have it finished in a few weeks. There is so much more to my Gutsy story before and after the event I wrote about, however there is limited space on this blog. It’s kind people like you and other’s who posted that has given me the inspitration to write the memoir. I’ll tease you a little with the beginning sentence.
I was barely twelve years old when it happened to me; still playing with dolls dressed all lacey, seated around a cardboard box overlaid with a piece of cloth waiting imaginary tea poured from a plastic teapot…..
Again thanks and God Bless
Good morning Pat,
I have just read your story and can very much identify with the working of God in our lives. He gave you the courage to leave with four kids and at the same time prepared the path so that you and your children would be taken in and have some place to live as he opened more doors. How great is our God? Very great.
It was so encouraging and refreshing to read your story. It is a story written from the heart and it encourages people, as well as testifies to the goodness of God.
Thank you so much for sharing a part of yourself. It has made my morning great.
All the best.
Hello Patricia, thanks so much. Oh yes, you and I both know how good He is. My life is blessed daily and because my children were removed from a bad relationship, they thrive as well and remain good parents to their own children.
God Bless,
Life is to short to play it safe.
I love that phrase. Kind of scary to say it. But it is HONEST…
Now i see you are my big sister in Christ, i was born December 1952, and honored to be your brother.
How do i cast my vote for you ?
Thank you Michael, I replied to you by private e-mail on how to vote but I’ll put it here as well. Just scroll to the top of this page and you’ll see it on the left side.
I too am honored to be your sister in Christ.
You’re a sweet soul.
God bless,
Pat, I am so happy you have so many friends and supporters. You deserve it.
Thanks Sonia, you’re so kind. Just yesterday (Easter) I was able to spend the day with three of my beautiful children and their children for an egg hunt and a wonderful dinner prepared by myoldest son and his beautiful wife. Just as much, I was able to connect with the beautiful family of my first husband who I have always stayed in touch with over the past forty years. NIeces and nephews, grand neices and nephews, grandchildren everywhere, sister’s inlaw and a brother inlaw,and my own present family, all together in one glorious setting; the first in several years, sharing stories and laughter. What a gift. My first husband passed away in 1977.
What a complelling story Pat. You truly are a strong survivor. I am impressed that you had the courage to go for something out of the box for you. You are a remarkable lady and I am so honored to know you!
Tracy Leigh Ball
Tracy, I appreciate you so very much. Your kindness is immeasurable. I’m simply amazed that you and I went through so much of the same life when we were teens, and how we both stood tall and showed them what we’re made of. I admire you so much, and BTW, I LOVE your pic. What a beauty!!
Pat, your story is a lesson to all those who give up on themselves when confronted with storms in a teacup, those who know nothing about actual hardship.
The law of compensation has balanced past suffering with present joy. You deserve everything good that life has to offer!
Thanks Marta, You are so wise, so kind and I appreciate you. I agree, joy comes eventually if we keep moving forward. I am so blessed, making all of the struggles worth it.