If you want your blog to be successful and draw visitors, you might want to sit down, analyze your blog and dissect it to death. Remember those biology classes you took in school? The ones where you cut open an earthworm and labeled it? Well, that’s what I’m talking about, and before all you SEO experts and gurus laugh at me and say, “What about you Gutsy Writer?” let me tell you, I’m in the process of doing this and realize the changes I need to focus on. Give me a break, it’s a learning process. So what about you? Have you thought about your message, what you want others to get from your blog? Darren Rowse from ProBlogger is running 31 Days to build a better blog, the 31D BBB challenge, and the first day is all about your pitch.
Not easy, and believe me, I can relate. If we take our blogs seriously, we go through stages questioning whether or not we’re on the right track. Here are six questions to help you focus on your goals.
- What is my message?
- Who is my audience?
- Do I stick to a theme or am I all over the place?
- Should I hire an expert?
- Can I do it myself and save money?
- Why can’t I just have fun? (If you’re like me, overcoming challenges can be fun. Did I really say that?)
I read many marketing blogs and books and they always talk about the importance of your pitch, message, or tag line. This applies to blogs, manuscripts, screen plays, whatever you’re creating and wish to share with the world.
So today, I’d like to ask you to reflect on your blog. How is it different from all the others out there? In order to help you take the first steps, how would you classify your blog? (Pick the three most relevant to you.)
Other (Please describe in your comment below.)
Useful Marketing Tip: If your goal is to get more followers, then just like getting media attention, your blog needs to focus on being:
- Entertaining
- Informative
- Motivational
Here are three very helpful books I’ve used:
- Marsha Friedman’s book “Celebritize Yourself” offers the steps you need to work on if you’re ready for media attention.
- Darren Rowse : 31-Days to becoming a better blogger.
- Annabel Candy: 12 Steps to Successful Blogging
So what is the message you want to share with your readers?
Are there any changes you wish to make with your blog?
ladyfi says
I think there is a huge difference between people who want to use their blog as a marketing tool, like you, and people like me, who just have it as a hobby.
You need a good base for marketing your book; I don't really need to market myself, even though I do, subconsciously, of course.
However, I do agree that all blogs -regardless – need to have something extra to keep readers coming back to them again and again.
Matty says
Excellent article! Believe it or not, as I'm sitting here reading Twits and blogs, I'm jotting down ideas for a complete redesign for my blog.
Since starting my blog almost two years ago, I've learned a lot. I feel like moving in a different direction than what I've been doing in the past. I really had no purpose or goal in mind as a blogger. I've been going through blogs looking for ideas for the right "look" for my own.
I'm ready for a new direction, and it all starts with getting the right look. Of course, I'll be hiring someone to do it since I am completely clueless in that department. Suggestions for blog designers are welcome.
Barbara says
I know this is important and yet I continue to struggle with it. I do believe our blogs are living entities that change as they grow. That said, I believe zero to 60 and beyond has turned into motivational, uplifting and journalistic.
It could be something else tomorrow. ;D
Petals, Palettes and Parties is much easier to peg. Entertaining, educational, artistic.
I have to tell you I've redone my welcome (which is the elevator pitch I believe) so many times it's not funny. Then I go back and change it again. I think maybe it's Sybil.
I'm going to share this on TBN.
GutsyWriter says
I know photography is your hobby and your blog displays your artistic side. Even though it's a hobby, I see how dedicated you are and how you keep posting, even while on holiday. That's true dedication.
I noticed you said, "I really HAD no purpose or goal in mind as a blogger," so my question is, "Has your goal changed? If so, what IS IT now? I am going to post soon about changes I plan on making after much thought.
It sounds like we're going through similar experiences. Let's keep sharing and thanks for the mention on TBN The Blogstress Network.
Bob Lowry says
Your questions get to the heart of blogging. Like ladyfi I am blogging as a creative outlet. Could that change in the future? Absolutely. But, for now networking with folks and exchanging ideas are my reasons.
You are moving into an exciting new phase with your book deal (is it firm?). Then a blog becomes a very important marketing tool with very different goals.
It will be fun to watch your changes as they develop.
Thanks again for the guest post opportunity a few days ago. I enjoy being associated with anything gutsy!
Gigi Ann says
I have my blogs just for my own entertainment. My main blog is" My Reading Corner." I visit a lot of other reading blogs, it helps me to keep up to date about books, and which ones I want to add to my reading list.
I also enjoy playing a few reading memes and one or two other memes. The memes help me meet new book bloggers, and in that way I find many interesting blogs that I like to visit.
I also accept books from authors to read, and leave brief reviews on my blog. But, even so it is still for my own fun and entertainment.
Antares Cryptos says
Thank you for sharing. The goals of mine remain flexible, if there are any to begin with 😉
A question for you, what do you think my blog is?
Rob-bear says
To be honest, I'm not sure why I'm blogging. It's not for profit; been there-done that with my writing. Mostly it's a case about obsesrving the odd and unusual in daily life, though it isn't focused.
How is my blog different from others? It's written by me, as a unique individual. That's what makes it different.
GutsyWriter says
It's a creative outlet for writers in that they become better with time, and blogging forces you to think before you write. No firm book deal. Just mentioned a NY agent asked me for 50 pages. That doesn't mean anything.
Thanks for guest posting Bob and for the advice we all need about retiring, before retiring.
I've never met anyone with so many different blogs as you. I'm very impressed with how long you must spend updating them.
GutsyWriter says
I think your blog is a mixture of science, humor and art. I wanted to read more about you, and see a photo, so I know who's writing. You might want to have an About page so we know more about you. Blogger experts state the About Me page is the most important one. Just a thought.
I think I know why you blog? You mentioned you're not that out-going and I think you like to receive comments from around the world, just like everyone else does. Am I right?
Lauri says
I've thought recently about this very thing. I feel a bit as if I need a more professional blog nowadays, with a different name. But I've built up some readers and I'm not sure they'll follow me. My current blog is a bit of a hodge podge.
Robert the Skeptic says
You know, I just blog for Me. I must have low standards because my blog seems pretty adequate in my unrefined opinion.
Doctor Eclectic says
Great job of distilling the process as well as forcing us to look at our own goals, beyond self-release of energy. I think I'll try to sharpen my Motivation element, although my primary reason for blogging remains passing on (hopefully) entertaining information.
Sandra Lee / Always Well Within says
This is a great exercise. I appreciate how you boiled it down to the key elements. I would like to think my blog is informative, empowering, and inspiring. Is it really different than other blogs? That's definitely the key question and one I ask myself often.
Rob-bear says
Sonia: Thanks for the suggestion. Can't say that it resonates.
I guess I am a puzzle to myself and others. Puzzling Bear. Puzzled Bear, too.
If something comes to mind, I'll let you know.
So, thanks again for the suggestion, and the post.
{Bear trundles out on padded feet, shaking his head in puzzlement.}
GutsyWriter says
I know we all go through those phases and I'm going to switch to WordPress. Wish I'd started with a hosted WordPress blog in the first place.
I know you do, and you have many comments so your content is waht attracts your readers. Great job.
@Doctor Eclectic
At least you know what your goals are.
@Sandra Lee
I know you've developed a professional looking blog which is my next goal.
I think a sense of humor and the "unexpected element" defines you.
Caroline says
It's a constant work in progress. I keep changing my blog as I learn and use it to learn more. I find I have made many new friends through my blog – that's what I enjoy the most about it.
But you made me think now – what is my goal…..
lornawynn says
This is such a great article! It's really got me thinking. Where AM I going with my blog? I'm so new to all this and only started blogging last October, so at the moment it's a growing, shapeless thing and I don't think it's found it's feet yet. I'm exploring all kinds of things, mostly random thoughts, but I'm particularly enjoying my Project 365, a pictorial photo diary I'm doing. It was a spontaneous, spur of the moment thing that came about on New Years Day. In hindsight, I wish I'd started it in a blog form rather than a Facebook photo album, but I have occasionally linked my blog to the album, which seems to work.
Annabel Candy, Get In the Hot Spot says
Thanks for mentioning my book;) It has to be fun doesn’t it? Otherwise how can you stick with blogging and why would you start anyway?!
Annabel Candy, Get In the Hot Spot recently posted..7 Best Places for a Dream Trip in Australia
Gutsy Writer says
Your Successful blogging book has been extremely helpful to me.