I did not come up with this title, nor these strategies so before I start, let me tell you that I found this awesome book called, Blogging for Fame and Fortune, by Jason R. Rich. I have condensed some of his strategies to help both you and me.
1). Fine-tune and Flesh Out Your Blog Topic or Theme.
Come up with a general topic or theme for your blog, then make a list of at least 10-15 potential blog entry topics into full-length post. Always make sure the topics are relevant to your target audience.
This applies to some of you organized bloggers like LadyFi and my friend Shirley at 100 memoirs, but sadly, not to me.
2). Brainstorm New and Original Content.
Become an expert on whatever you decide to blog about, and read other blogs, newspapers, trade journals, magazines that cover the same topic. Figure out what others are doing and make it better, more efficient or more entertaining. Exchange links with other online based sources in order to further build your audience and boost your own credibility.
3). Keep Your Blog Current
Keep up to date with latest news and data. List your sources and explain how and when the information was compiled. Presenting outdated information can quickly damage your credibility as a blogger. If your audience expects a daily, weekly or bi-weekly blog, stay on schedule, so your audience knows what ans when they can expect it. (I haven’t kept mine up, please don’t tell.)
4). Get Your Audience Emotionally Invested in Your Blog.
Be passionate about whatever you’re blogging about. Publish content that your readers strongly agree or disagree with. Encourage your audience to share their thoughts and opinions. Create a small online social networking environment with your blog.
5). Find Your Voice and Use it Properly.
People appreciate what’s familiar. Avoid flip-flopping on opinions. Your voice should allow you to showcase your personality, create a reputation for yourself that sets you apart from other bloggers.
There are NO RULES for achieving success in blogging. You just need to be creative, unique, persistent and understanding of your audience, and how you want to be perceived. YOUR BLOG SHOULD BE AN EXTENSION OF YOUR PERSONALITY.
If you prefer not to, that’s fine too.
My comment is easy GUTSY WOMAN is how I’d like to be perceived. What is your blog voice? Please let us know in the comments section.
You are gutsy! Thanks for all these wonderful tips.
I'm not sure how I give the aura of being organized, because I'm fairly spontaneous in real life! (But organized at work – but not physically if you look at my work desk.)
I'd like to be regarded as amusing, original and quirky (a little eccentric)….
How do you perceive my voice?
I perceive yours as being very organized when it comes to writing, marketing and very gutsy re. parenting.
Excellent post. I'm not trying to make money from my blog, though it couldn't hurt 😉 I' wanted mainly as an outlet for my need to write, and to create a network of writers I can exchange with.
Best of luck with your memoir, btw. Sounds an interesting journey.
I would say that you are LOYAL. We all know we can count on you to get help, feedback and mucho COMMENTS, as well as INSTANT comments on our blog. I have to ask you? Do you ever SLEEP? I love your posts and the ones that stick to mind are related to cooking (or lack of it) your dog (poor thing, he gets dressed in all sorts of weird costumes) and archaeological or historical facts about Sweden and your environment. Am I right?
Thanks Jm. I also like to connect with writers, the poor lonely writers like myself.
But you are Gutsy. Love how you write about parenting.
A great post!
I would stress more the importance of the interaction!
I write, you read and comment.
For example here: look how many followers you have and how many comments/feedback/hello etc. comments you get?
Recently I've noticed how people are more passive than one, two months ago.
Is it the autumn? (School, work, hobbies etc.)
I've heard people say: what can I say, I don't have nothing to say etc.
You can always say 'Hi! Have a great day!'
My blog(s), my voice?
My main blog is still about my daily life here in Egypt (and was some time in Finland because of the breast cancer).
Photo and travel blogs are both just pictures.
And one blog in Finnish. There I say what I think about Finnish politicians, life style, media etc.
I wish you'll get millions of comments because you're really trying to share which is important part of blogging too!
Lots of sunshine from Cairo! 🙂
Thanks for sharing the helpful insights.
Persuasive. I hope to persuade others to write their life stories. From your post looks like I should work on being more controversial! Best wishes for your memoir. Reading your profile, I see it should be very interesting. Glad everything turned out well for your family.
These are good advice.
You also need to search for your audience, like be part of communities and such.
Hi Sonia – A very interesting post with some good advice! I think many of us out there just blog for our own personal reasons, and not necessarily to gain fame or fortune. I am totally surprised at how blogging has opened up this whole other world to me, which was not one of my goals or reasons for blogging in the first place. Back then and still now, I blog mainly for my family and friends back home to keep them up with what I'm experiencing.
Sonia — you've created a fascinating world here that keeps drawing me back. As a result, I've passed on The Heart of the Dragon Award to you at my blog this morning: http://patriciastoltey.blogspot.com. Please drop by when you have time to pick up your award.
Great tips, thanks for sharing!
I blog for just the purpose that my title says "Living Consciously". I'm not doing it for fame or fortune and I don't have the time or inclination to be super blogger. Blogging has served the purpose of making me more aware in my own life. The unexpected benefit for me has been the opportunity of reading some of the really great blogs out there and getting to "know" some of the really great people behind them (Sonia). I've said before that I used to write a weekly newspaper column and that blogging takes me back to that, without the circulation or paycheck.
I am not a writer of any kind, nor am I aspiring to be one. But, I know what I enjoy reading, and I always enjoy reading what you have to say and what you write about.
In a few words describing me. First," Variety, or different interests." That is my reason for so many blogs. Pat Hartman wrote an article on The Blog of Kevin Dolgin about quotes on traveling, and described my quotes on my blog, Quotes and Things, "as a small but quirky bunch of quotations." So I guess another word for me would be "Quirky Gramma."
My blogs are not for fame and fortune, they are just something I do for fun and my own entertainment and amusement. If others enjoy them that is wonderful also.
Your post today is in line with my thinking lately. I've been wondering if my blog is actually doing what I initially wanted iot to do. I wanted it to be where I talk about my life in Botswana as a writer- my journey through that complicatged maze. When I check my stats and see the third most googled thing that brings people to my blog is "Botswana pussy" I get a bit dicouraged. 🙁
I think you're definitely achieveing your goal here Gutsy Writer.
Sorry it took me so long to check out this post. This looks good. Different intro/conclusion, and it will work for the newsletter. Good Review. I'm going to get the book, as my blogging SUCKS! Let me know your time frame when you get back. Hope you are having a grand time. C
Thank you Sonia for all these interesting and usuful blogging tips! I'll try to have some of them at least in my mind!! Kind regards, Philip.
This was great!
How do I wish to be perceived?
I like Gutsy Woman, but that has been taken, so I will stick with "Jungle Mom".
I have battled with the theme of my blog and the closest I can get to a theme is 'eclectic eccentricities'!
Feed back is always welcome!
Love this post! I'd say I'm a fun encourager. Have a great weekend!
I haven't had my blog all that long. I'm figuring it out as I go along. I try not to get all uptight about blogging, I see so many people getting frustrated, discouraged, and so on and so forth. We need to lighten up. If it isn't fun, forget it! Those stat counters might put some off.
I come here, to your blog, because you have branded yourself and I know WHO you are. There's no doubt that you are indeed "gutsy".
I feel like I do a lot of these things but I am uncomfortable posting things that my readers might strongly disagree with. I guess I am afraid of scaring them away.
Getting the audience emotionally invested is an important part of it, I believe. And so hard to achieve. If only I was a Hollywood director!
Fame and fortune .. I dont think my blog fits for that. Travelling is my greatest hobby. While travelling I learn about myself as well as others. For me Blogging is a kind of passive travelling where I meet wonderful souls along the way..
Thanks for that. My memoir obviously incorporates parenting and personal growth. Also how different environments can have an affect on families and relationships with your spouse.
You write extremely well and I see you are very dedicated and persistent, two great qualities for a blogger. Good for you.
I notice you have 3 different blogs. I've always admired people with several. Is that a challenge for you? I also love the fact that you have Finnish and English comments. As far as something to say, I have too much to say. Sometimes I want to just have a page of various things to say, that aren't necessarily related to one another. I'd like to read more about your life in Egypt. Thanks for your comment.
I stopped by your blog. You also have several blogs like BLOGitse. As I said, I would find that difficult to keep 3 going. IS it hard for you?
@Linda Austin
I found your post thought provoking which is always something I enjoy reading. You have a great blog. Controversial is fine, as long as it stimulates a discussion, without hurt feelings.
My blogs are for different things that's why I have more than one.
I wish, I do wish my English was better! I'd like to say much more in English but unfortunately it's not good enough – grammar, you know! 🙂
My daily life in Egypt is not very exciting but my imagination makes tricks for me! 🙂
I'd like to be in touch with people all over the globe. That's how we learn and hopefully become more tolerant.
At the end we all have the same need: to love and to be loved.
Since you write scripts, where do you get your audience? At other script-writing events?
@Susie of Arabia
You also offer all of us such insight on your life and life in Saudi Arabia. I always learn something interesting. I'll never forget the post you had about the little girl who would ask for mney and would get fed at MCDonalds. I forget her name.
I like the "fascinating" world, and hope you received my thanks for the Award, which I shall share.
Yes, I like them too.
I love your story telling skills. I gues your past journalist life is still there for us to enjoy.
La,La,La. Now there's rules for blogging. Write meaningful crap so people will want to read it. What is with that? Organize in to specific topics. What? Now I have to organize my thoughts?
Sorry, I suppose I could set up a blog that makes sense and is to the point and has useful information for all to not write down or adhere to — or I could just continue on my own route that never ceases to amaze me as to the route I've chosen. Switch backs and all. I so don't know how to follow directions.
Where you been, Gutsy Writer?
Thanks for the shout out, Gutsy Writer. You are indeed Gutsy and tenacious! You are going to get somewhere wonderful with this blog and your amazing group of followers.
As for one word for my own voice and my own blog, I know what I am striving for, but I can't claim it. I strive for wisdom, trying to distill learning from my life and share what I have learned from others, including you!
Thanks for your comment. The book has a ton more examples, including 10 most common mistakes people make with their blogs. Also interviews with successful bloggers, which are interesting.
@Lady Glamis
I like Caring. I think it definitely applies to your blog posts.
Young at heart and motivational, are two phrases/words, I'd use to describe you and your blog, "Quotes and Things."
I know what you mean about titles that cause a "reaction." The secret, as far as I've read, is to pick a title that someone might Google. For example, one that I got many viewers was, "What does number 11 mean?" I keep seeing # 11, and so I wrote about it months ago, and people still come to read it.
I know you like photos, so your blog is different to a text on, although I think you write one in Greek, since you have several.
@Jungle Mom
The fact that you have so many stories to write about that are different from our own daily life, makes your blog intriguing, and educational too.
What a great description. I agree.
Love your stories and am looking forward to when BOOMER TALES is out. Looked at amazon.com and hoped to find it.
You won't scare your readers away with controversial ideas. We've followed you on your journey to get cancer-free in San Francisco, and admire you.
As they say to writers, especially if you're writing a memoir, "Don't hold the reader at arm's length. Make the reader feel invested in your story." I agree that's not easy to do. I'm struggling with that aspect.
@Turquoise Diaries,
I agree that traveling is such a rewarding way to learn about you and others. I wish it could be a requirement for all students in high school, so as to open their minds to the rest of the world.
@Midlife Jobhunter
Visited your "note-to self" list, which I can relate to, although your house seems more organized than mine, right now.
You certainly succeed in helping others by showing compassion and offering tips. Thanks Shirley.