Some of us see lockdown as an opportunity, and a time to reflect on yourself. If you can view lockdown in this way, you’ll accomplish so much and feel good about this gift of time.
I love time to reflect, slow down and spend time with myself. When we work, we don’t have much time to ourselves, and weekends are to catch up with laundry and groceries.
So here is a chance to do something new and exciting. In fact, I recommend writing a note to yourself on how you see your life this time next year, in 3 years and in 5 years. You might think, who knows what the world is going to become, but I say, plan what you’d like for yourself. Please write it down, and share it in the present tense as follows:
“On April 1st 2021, I’m living in Bath, U.K. and ……”
Example of writing in the present tense to make it realistic.
If you are running out of ideas, here is a fabulous blog post called, “50 Free Things You can do During Lockdown.” I found a couple of them quite interesting, such as the coral Monterey Bay Aquarium live cam, and the finding a pen-pal from somewhere in this world. Reminds me of my childhood when I found a pen pal at school.
Here is another idea. Take a piece of paper and draw a line through the middle. On the left side, write down “What I love” (take 5 minutes.) On the right side, write “I am really good at” (take 5 minutes.) Then take a 5-minute break, and come back and try to match the two columns to see what you can come up with for a business. (Listen to examples on the video below.)
Another suggestion for those who are having trouble adapting to lockdown, is a video on LinkedIn called “How to Embrace Change,” Click on the instructional video .
So let me know if you’ve found any good suggestions in the links above, and if you have other ideas you’d like to share.
Take care and look forward to hearing from you.
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