This Christmas, I decided to give myself a gift of love, luxury and to be completely responsible for my own happiness.
I admit, I felt sorry for myself, especially without a home to go back to, and I missed my three sons during the holidays. I’ve been on the go all year, starting with my divorce after a 28-year-marriage, studying for the TESOL certificate in London, volunteering in Spain, Thailand and a school in California, applying for the Peace Corps and then moving to Lesotho, Africa, in October 2015, I can say this has truly been the “Gutsiest” year of my life.
2015 is Chapter One of my new life, and I look forward to making the next two years of my Peace Corps life meaningful. I want to learn about the Basotho culture, to speak Sesotho and to start working on my secondary project which I want to benefit the people in my rural village. I’m drawn towards helping girls and women start a business that can offer them an income, so let me know if you have any suggestions. I have some ideas, but I’m curious what you think. It has to be sustainable.
This Christmas, I wanted to pamper myself, after ten weeks of intense Peace Corps training, and living without electricity and running water.
Why Maliba Lodge?
Because it is located in the beautiful mountains of northern Lesotho, and I needed to relax and get showers, baths, and meat and fish, which I haven’t had in my rural village since I don’t have a fridge.
So I ordered a private taxi to take me there, which happened to be a joke, because private, means 4 of us inside the taxi, 4 in the truck bed, and then stopping to pick up a dead pig to deliver at the next village.

I finally got my private taxi in Maseru, and the drive took three hours. We listened to Whitney Houston, and Mariah Carey, all the way to Maliba, and I think Whitney sang “I Will Always Love You” fifteen times.
Maliba is like being on another planet. My room is so beautiful, that I keep taking photos from every angle, saying this is how I want my shower to look when I move back to the U.S. Who needs a shower door when the open concept works?

Can I get a thatched roof in the U.S.? This is how I shall get an architect to design my bedroom and I love these doors made of solid wood, and the light coming in from the patio. This room could be my entire house, and I’d be so happy when I move back, to design it just like this. I fall in love with the room and forget how expensive it would be to have a custom designed small home.
Video of my morning at Maliba. So quiet and peaceful.
When I walk outside the main lodge overlooking the mountains, I find a group from Australia, South Africa and Europe. They are all related and I ask them if I can join them as I’m alone. They say “Yes,” and I end up looking at Eland through binoculars on the mountain slopes.
The food is outstanding.
Breakfast is a buffet with cheese, smoked salmon, yoghurt, cereals, flaky pastries, nuts, meats, bread and butter.
Then a cooked breakfast of your choice.
Lunch consists of salads, gourmet burgers, and a dessert.
Dinner is filet mignon, rack of lamb, fish with asparagus, and tarte tatin, all beautifully prepared and presented.
I interviewed the chef, Nico Vorster, who is only 28, the age of my oldest son.
He is South African, from Cape Town, and at such a young age, he’s worked in Orlando, for Disneyworld, at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. He also worked on Disney cruise ships as a chef, and was hired by the Ruperts in South Africa, (one of the wealthiest South African families.) Nico was also a chef at Terra del Capo, and a private chef for two wealthy South African families.
Nico has been the chef at Maliba lodge for 5 months, and I asked him if he is bored being isolated in the mountains of northern Lesotho. He says, he loves nature and, “You must adapt to your location.” He also loves hiking with friends, and eating lunch at the top of the mountain. He has many creative ideas for his restaurant and says it’s important to “Bring the warmth into the place from the outside.”
I am now back at my rural village and shall blog about my new home next weekend. Please come back to see photos of where I live, and how I’ve started decorating my rondavel.
Love your post, keep them coming
Thanks Susan. I enjoy sharing them with those who are interested. Did you attend the 2015 Readers Favorite awards ceremony in Miami?
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Maliba: Christmas At The Best Resort in Lesotho, Africa
Rather surprised to hear you talking about “when I come back.” Going back and forth from life in the 3rd world to modern resort tourist life can get schizophrenic. I believe that Rosalind Russell in Laguna Beach has a project for giving goats to women in a poor country so they can earn money. I know someone who works on this project with her.
Suellen, I don’t know where I shall live when my PC is over in December 2017. We shall see.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Maliba: Christmas At The Best Resort in Lesotho, Africa
This certainly has been gutsy overload for you! So glad you had a few days of pampering!
It was a nice change. now I’m fetching water from a tap, quite far away by wheelbarrow. What a change from Maliba.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Maliba: Christmas At The Best Resort in Lesotho, Africa
Fascinating reading Sonia. And yes, you are one very gutsy lady. All the best for 2016 and keep the amazing blogging going.
Viga Boland recently posted..VOICE FROM AN URN: PODCAST # 3: CHAPTER 1 – Viga Boland
Hi Viga,
I hope your online memoir magazine is doing well. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Maliba: Christmas At The Best Resort in Lesotho, Africa
I love reading your posts. Ideas for sustainable business? Lesotho dance wear. Use YouTube showing dance moves and then sell authentic dance clothing (traditional dress). Sell accessories all made locally.
I like idea of the YouTube videos to promote local products, however, there are many who make Seshoeshoe dresses. I have another idea though. Thanks for helping me with ideas.
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Maliba: Christmas At The Best Resort in Lesotho, Africa
I love your posts Sonia. So warm and inviting. Thanks for taking us along on such a great adventure. As for a sustainable entrepreneurial idea, I recently saw a documentary on Netflix about an inventor Dean Kamen who made a water purifier that he hopes can be sent to every poor village, where they can turn dirty water into drinkable water. Kamen partnered with Coca Cola to distribute it. Maybe you can figure out how to get one to your village. In addition to freeing the women from needing to go out and find water, it has the potential to be run as a business. The movie is called Slingshot. Good luck with your work. Best wishes, Jerry
Jerry Waxler recently posted..Sharing Stories and Loving Mothers
Jerry, thanks for helping with suggestions. The water is very clean, from the mountains, the problem is a lack of water. Lesotho has a huge dam, and exports water to South Africa. The problem is with the lack of rain, there is less and less water for the local people.
I shall check out the movie, “Slingshot.”
Sonia Marsh recently posted..Maliba: Christmas At The Best Resort in Lesotho, Africa
Sonia … you are right … this probably is your gutsiest adventure. At age 71, I am not really envious, as I have had some pretty spectacular adventures myself. But I continue to think that living in another culture is one of the finest growth experiences one can have, so do love following your journey — physical as well as spiritual.
So keep the stories coming!
I would have passed out when I saw the pig. Happy New Year Sonia!
Sonia, you’re the one living life to the full, please don’t feel sorry for yourself! We folks here are dreadfully stuck in the rut…but,thanks to your posts, we have our hearts and minds stretched out to Lesotho! HAPPY NEW YEAR! xxx
Wonderful events, Sonia, for the turning of the year.
Happy New Year! Hope 2016 is a marvellous year!
Blessings and Bear hugs!
Rob-bear recently posted..IN WHICH BEAR GOES HIBERNATING.
Congratulations on all your leaps and having the courage to create a new life for yourself! I toyed with the Peace Corps idea as well before guidebook writing took over. I look forward to reading about your experiences in Lesotho.
Lily recently posted..Christmas in the Dominican Republic