Are you an influencer? You may be one without realizing it among your circle of friends or you may be trying to become one in your professional life.
What does it take to become an influencer?
- A different way of thinking and expressing yourself
- Adapting to things early on
- Embracing all forms of culture
- Creating new ideas
- Inventing new things
- Recognizing what the next thing is
- Taking an idea, a brand, a concept into mainstream consciousness
INFLUENCERS TRAILER from R+I creative on Vimeo.
A video on influencers in the entertainment and fashion world, but this information relates to all aspects of becoming an influencer.
Here is your opportunity to become an influencer.
As you may know I’m a huge fan of Chris Guillebeau, an influencer I admire. Here is a chance for you to become an influencer with a huge following, through sharing your story. Chris is looking for case studies of people who started a business after being fired, laid off, deciding to quit a conventional job, or some other major life change. The more unconventional or interesting the story, the better. Your success story might be selected in Chris Guillebeau’s next book which is to be published by Random House.
So if you, or someone you know, wishes to have a chance at getting their success story published in the AONC book sequel, please take a look at this.
Do you consider yourself an influencer? If so, in what way? At home, at work, at the gym, as a mom, a dad, a mentor, a blogger?
Mmmm… interesting! I think I know a lot of influencers…
I wonder if bar tenders fall into the class of influencers?
I suspect they do, but not (perhaps) for the reasons which you are considering.
I think you're one of them.
@Miss Sadie
Hadn't thought of that category.
I was just discussing how one of the great influencers, Buckminster Fuller affected my life. Interstingly a memner of the small group I was speaking to told me how he had influenced her life too. Seeing the "sixdegrees of seperation" of influencers would be a fun exercise.
Hi Sonia,
I'd love to be an influencer though more in the area of older, former professionals struggling to restart/make a new start after job/home/status loss.
Thanks for the tip about Chris Guillebeau. Will look into it.
Malcolm Gladwell discusses the idea of influencers (connectors I think he calls them) in his book The Tipping Point. He claims to have a test (you can take it in the book) to see how much of a connector you are. It basically involves coming up with people you know with the same last names as those in a sheet out of the NYC phone book.
What's interesting to me is that I don't score very well on that test, so assumed that wasn't my strength (according to Gladwell's definitions, I think I'm more of a salesman). But many people who know me think of me as a connector. I realized that may be because while my circle is not especially wide, it is full of other influencers/connectors.
So what does that make me? I'm gonna say smart. LOL
Great to meet you Sonia.
@Doctor Eclectic
Interesting. In what way did Buckminster Fuller affect your life?
Good to hear from you again. I'm sure you're already an influencer. Perhaps you or someone you know could write their story on the link I mentioned.
You're probably a great networker with influence. The phone book does not sound scientific or realistic if you live in another part of the U.S. Thanks for your interesting comment.
Oh I am a huge influencer! You've heard of the saying "When MaMa ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."? That is so true. It can be daunting at times!
Love Di ♥
It's what Mark Twain called a "Track Layer". I'm absolutely an influencer.
Sometimes positive, sometimes negative.
I knew you had that wonderful quality which so many moms seem to have!
Just saw your blog and thought: what a creative way you decided to get a dollar donation for your content after following Bob's give a dollar idea.
Thanks for embracing something new — you are the first bloggger to comment on our brand new site. Looking forward to sharing ideas & advice and having a great time.
Thanks for this preview, I really want to view this documentary when it comes out.
I think we are ALL influencers, we just have to decide what type of influence we will exert over others.
Sonia, love the new, clean, blog design!
Have you ever taken the DISC personality test? I did that long ago and think my type was called an Influencer. I love to connect people and ideas to each other. That's why blogging is perfect.