Creativity, babies, great music and laughter, a recipe for SUCCESS.
I loved this ad. Very few ads have an affect on me, but this one certainly works. I’m heading out the door to buy some EVIAN water.
For those of you still wondering about the results of the exam I took for the FSOT, Foreign Service Officer Test– well I didn’t pass. Although a little disappointed, it’s also a relief as there would have been a timing conflict with my volunteering in Belize in October, The FSOT requires a six-month training period in Virginia.
Instead, I’ll watch the babies dance one more time to stay positive.
Have you already seen this ad?
Does advertising have an effect on your purchasing habits?
Usually the more I like the ad the more I forget who it is made by. I get so engrossed in the commercial that I blank out on the product. It is kind of weird.
I am sorry to hear your news. But, you have a fantastic attitude. So now you get to go Belize and that is what you want to do.
We're all influenced by advertising, whether we want to admit it or not. Although, I've never purchased a Chia pet, ShamWow, Snuggie, or anything on an infomercial. lol. Sorry for your disappointment. It's never fun to be denied something we thought we wanted. 🙂
Cute babies… I wonder how they did it? Doesn't look computer-generated, but they must have magiced it somehow.
It doesn't make me want to buy Evian however – especially as it is not so good from an environmental point of view. But that's me – I am not that much affected by advertising…
Sorry to hear about the test – glad to hear you are keeping yourself positive.
That is too awesome! I don't watch TV hardly ever so I never see the good commercials. Thanks for sharing this. 🙂
Hah! That's cute! I think PACKAGING has the biggest influence on me. Packaging is everything. Enjoy your water! Sorry you didn't pass. 🙁
I haven't see this commercial on TV but that's because………I don't watch TV? Yeah, pretty much. However, every so often, while watching over hubby's shoulder a commercial will catch my attention and it WILL make a difference in how I feel about a company or its product.
I hope when you retake the FSOT that you pass and that it occurs at a more conducive time for you.
@La Belette Rouge
I forget who the ad is for too, so this one is special as it grabs my attention, and I know what it's for.
You're right. I probably don't realize it, but am also affected by ads.
My husband says they stuck the babies faces on computer generated bodies.
@Lady Glamis
They are really cute I think.
@Pop and Ice,
I haven't seen it on TV. My son showed it to me on YouTube.
I just saw this on another blog. It is so cute!
sorry you didn't pass!
i never buy evian…
i'm anti ad, i used to work for a tv channel with ads…
our feelings are used for a company to sell more and a consumer pays all the ads at the end…
Cute! And computer animation gets better and better!
Sorry you didn't pass. "They" say that most people who are in the FS didn't pass on the first go. Which is good for both of us since I didn't pass back in February either.
But we both have a year to study, now that we have a VERY good idea of how the test goes.
I have seen that ad on tv – too cute!
sorry about the test. can you take it again?
Sorry to hear that you didn't pass, but glad to see that you are staying positive. The good news is that you have the volunteering in Belize coming up and I'm sure that you will get a lot of pleasure from doing that.
Haven't seen the baby commercial before, but it's funny as heck. Lovin' it.
I have seen the ad, and it is just too cute! I also saw the man who made the ad and he did use real babies head's on computer generated bodies. It did not make me rush out and buy Evian, though. Very rarely, I do buy something I see on a commercial, but very rarely!
Sorry about the test, but as you say, things worked out for the best for you.
Hope you're weekend is great!
Hi, G.W. — I saw the ad on YouTube using a link a friend sent me. Cute! But no, I won't buy Evian because of it. (And I'm glad you're still going to Belize).
All the best — Susie