Parents’ Weekend at NMMI (New Mexico Military Institute)
A short visit to congratulate my sixteen-year-old son for doing so well and loving his new school.
How are you? It’s been a while hasn’t it?
Thank you for your support, your wonderful comments, and understanding my need to finish my revisions.
I’ve revised my entire manuscript based on the premise, crafting the story with conflicts and obstacles, leading up to the crisis our family faced and finally the resolution. Thanks to my talented editor, I’ve been able to weed out the unnecessary parts and transform my memoir into a cohesive story.
My editor, (I shall give you her name and link later, as she’s almost completed a brand new website) now has the task of reviewing my 311 page, 82.500 word count, starting on October 11th. This allows me to read the entire manuscript out loud and probably do some last minute editing. Is a writer ever done? I thought of recording it onto my ipod, but need to Google search how to do that first. Anyone know?
It’s been 30 days of butt-flattening exercises, (sitting still in a chair.)
I did get a break on September 16-20th, when I flew to Albuquerque, NM, rented a Kia Rio, which almost flew off the road into a neighboring sheep pasture, and landed in Roswell, 170 miles down a lonely road.
I am so proud of my son and all the other cadets, the teachers, and the structure of the school. I attended Jordan’s classes and even learned a few words in Arabic, one of his new subjects.
My editor, (I shall give you her name and link later, as she’s almost completed a brand new website) now has the task of reviewing my 311 page, 82.500 word count, starting on October 11th. This allows me to read the entire manuscript out loud and probably do some last minute editing. Is a writer ever done? I thought of recording it onto my ipod, but need to Google search how to do that first. Anyone know?
It’s been 30 days of butt-flattening exercises, (sitting still in a chair.)
I did get a break on September 16-20th, when I flew to Albuquerque, NM, rented a Kia Rio, which almost flew off the road into a neighboring sheep pasture, and landed in Roswell, 170 miles down a lonely road.
I am so proud of my son and all the other cadets, the teachers, and the structure of the school. I attended Jordan’s classes and even learned a few words in Arabic, one of his new subjects.
After a month of non-blogging and no-commenting, I feel rejuvenated. Now don’t get me wrong, of course I’ve missed you, however, my inbox was inundated with blogs I subscribe to like,, and you know what?
I felt sad for people who are consumed with their blogs 100% of the time. Now I’m sure there are many who would disagree, including those amazing professional bloggers I mentioned above. But in a way, I thought of the old days, where we could do other things with our lives.
Let me share something with you. When I was forced to take a break for a month, I no longer woke up
at 2 a.m., rushed to my notepad in the bathroom, closed the door, so the light wouldn’t wake up my husband, and wrote down a topic that came to mind. No, instead, I rushed to my computer and wrote down a change I came up with on my manuscript. HAHA. I guess I shall always wake up and write, no matter what project I’m working on. Those sleep through the night, nights are gone forever.
Good for you! I'm glad to hear the break was refreshing and that your son is doing so well.
I look forward to reading your book!
Gah – I just left a long long comment that got erased by Blogger..
Anwyay: the short of it is congrats to you on finishing your script, and a big hurray for your son!
What an interesting change of pace. Actually, I'd rather enjoy a month just working on my manuscript – not the one you know. I found that even after editing and re-editing, there was still more to be done, mainly proofing the whole thing a couple more times to catch those little blips and repetitions that slipped by both you and your editor.
I found your reference to Copyblogger and ProBlogger very interesting. I wonder if there isn't a time when we have to get our priorities straight. What's more important? Time with them or time with your writing or writing pals?
I'm so glad you're back, but I envy the time you took off to do the real thing we're here to do…actually finish our writing projects. Completing the manuscript is another milestone (and reading aloud is an awesome way to catch the stuff you didn't catch with a silent read), so congratulations. Keep us posted on that fun editorial process. 🙂
Loved the good news about your son. Moms never stop worrying, so each moment of a child's happiness (no matter his age) is soothing to the mother's soul.
I know so many people who have books or films "in the works". I can attest there is an amazing high from having your work completed and in the market.
Can't wait to see the finished book.
Congrats on the work you've done. I can tell you feel good about it.
I guess what I just said could apply to both your book and your son.
It is good to hear you sounding like all is right in your world.
So good to have you back. And back having accomplished a major task you set for yourself.
Well done!
Congrats on a productive month! I hope your editor has only FABULOUS things to say about your work!!! Cannot wait to hear more!
Thanks for coming back to visit
Sorry blogger erased your longer message. Thanks for always being there.
Glad it all went so well for you!
Congrats are in order, it's a tough row to hoe. Can't believe I wrote that, now everyone will know I am older than dirt. Oh Well. It's worth it, your butt flattening exercises will pay off in the end! Can't wait to see it published so I can run right out to buy it and read it.
Boy, he's tall! Congrats on finishing your manuscript. And on breaking free from blogger for a while. Maybe I should try the same thing.