When I entered the front door of Carol’s house last Monday, I thought I’d stepped into a United Nations camp. Boxes of neosporine, band-aids, toothbrushes, toothpaste, flip-flops, socks, combs and toys were scattered in mounds all over her dining and living room floor, waiting for all twelve of us volunteers to squeeze fifty pounds into each suitcase. We need all of it for the Mayan kids we are screening in Belize.
Eleven nurses and I (not a nurse) are off to Belize on Saturday morning at 4 a.m., to help with a school medical screening in a Mayan Village. Nurse Judy Krieg has set up seven stations:
1) Check -in
2) Height and Weight
3) Vision
4) Dental
5) De-Worming
6) Vital Signs
7) Physical Assessment
There are also optional stations for de-licing, wound care, dental hygiene and pharmacy.
I have no idea which station I shall be at, but perhaps the height and weight or vision, since I’m not a nurse.
I shall keep a journal as per the suggestion of Miss Footloose. She always thinks of what could offer material for another book.
In the meantime, I was offered a wonderful award from Patricia Stotley. author of two mystery novels and I hope you visit her fascinating blog about writing and getting published.
The Heart of a Dragon Award is a very special award for the blogger who inspires you and/or others to go above and beyond or the blogger who helps keep us all connected.
Here are the rules:
1. Post the award on your site with a link to the person who gave it to you.
2. Pass it on to the blogger(s) who inspire you and list why they are receiving the award.
3. Post a comment on their blog.
I would like to offer this award to Jeanie. She is a loyal blogger friend, I feel she is very down-to-earth and authentic. Please visit her and her post today about, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are,” is really interesting and insightful.
Look forward to reading your posts and seeing your pictures from the trip.
Have a joyful, emotional and educational time!
Volunteering in Belize sounds like an amazing opportunity. I look forward to reading your future posts about your time there. Have a good time. 🙂
That sounds like a fantastic opportunity. I'll be looking forward to your posts and pictures about your adventure. I love the Mayan people … I remember diminuitive sized people with very large smiles and warm hearts. It's a good thing youare doing. Enjoy!
Thank you so much, Sonia, for the
Heart of the Dragon Award. I am, to say the least, honored, and receiving it from a gutsy woman like you makes it even more special. I will pass it along (as soon as I figure out all the technicalities of doing that). Have a really wonderful and rewarding trip. We will all look forward to your return.
This is absolutely wonderful! You are so amazing. I hope I get to meet you one day. 🙂
I can't wait to read about your experiences.
I wish you a safe trip and look forward to your pictures from Belize.
Hi! I've been so behind on everyone's blogs! I was thinking of you this week, though, and just wanted to tell you so. I'm going to popping in to Belize for the first time in Nov while I'm on a cruise. You'll be on my mind, I'm sure!
Nice blog Gusty Writer.
To Elizabeth, LadyFi, CairoTyp0, Lyn,
Jeanie, thank so much for being my friends and to LadyGlamis, I shall meet you at YOUR BOOK SIGNING, and to Danie, I hope you love your cruise to Belize. Let me know.
@Ambergris Daily
Remember your newspaper from when I lived on Ambergris Caye. Thanks so much for your comment.
what a great thing you are doing. looking forward to hearing all about it!
Bon Voyage, Sonia. I will think of you prayerfully as you offer your help and your self to the families in Belize. Giving is such a wonderful way to help others, but, I predict, you will say that you gained more than you gave. It's just a matter of telling us how!
You are going to have such a wonderful time, and I can't wait to see pictures and read all about your experience. I volunteered in Honduras earlier this year, and our next trip has been put on hold due to the political turmoil there. I can't wait to go back; the kids really get to you (in the best possible way)!
Bring us back your stories!! Take notes.
I'm writing a quick message from Hopkins Village, Belize. First thanks to all of you for your encouraging comments. Secondly, I don't have much time on the computer, but I wanted to say, tomorrow, Tuesday is our first REAL DAY in the Mayan village. I can't wait as I've learned a few things about the Mayan culture from our nurse here in Belize, and I can't wait to see how things turn out. I still love Belize, and feel at home in many ways. See you soon with more news and photos. Hope your lives are going well, and you are achieving what is important to you in life.
God Bless you for doing such a wonderful thing!
Enjoy the new experience of life and let us have your writing reports on your blog!
De-worming?? Sounds awful! Have a safe trip!
Hope you are doing OK there. It's a great work. Waiting to hear your memories there…